So I'm curious what you all think of No Man's Sky.

If the game lives up to its hype, it could be one of the most amazing experiences in gaming.

However, I'm a little nervous about it, for a few reasons:

  • It has a relatively small dev team, so can it really deliver as large of an experience as it promises?

  • There are large portions of the core gameplay that we've barely seen. Is this to preserve the mystery of the game, or is the dev team hiding a disaster?

  • Is this game essentially going to be a walking simulator in space?

Anyway, what are your thoughts? Will it live up to its hype? Will it flop?

What do you think?

Also, Happy Star Wars Day!

8 years ago

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Are you going to buy No Man's Sky?

View Results
Heck yes, I'm preordering that good stuff!
I'm buying it on release day
I'll buy it, but I want to see some reviews first, so probably a few days/weeks after release
I'm not going to buy it until it gets a steep discount
I'm not going to buy it until it's discounted so deeply that it's bundled
This game is going to be a flop, no discount will ever get me to buy that shiz
I'm going to buy a potato instead
Thanks, hope to win it wthog ^_^
I'm not ashamed to admit I'm only here for the Star Wars gib, so screw you and your questions

My faith in this game is unexistant. So no, I wont get it in the next few years unless I get it as a gift or win in in a GA

8 years ago

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you said it!

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'm pretty excited for it. I think the concept is great and the game has a ton of potential. I'll still wait for reviews but if it's a good game and it hits 20-30% during the Summer Sale, I'll probably go for it.

8 years ago

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I'm curious about that game but not overly excited. I never trust the hype before release and will be waiting for several reviews and first impressions of the final product.

Very rarely do I buy games on release (the only exception that I can remember was Enemy Unknown) so I'll see how things go and then decide whether I want to play it or pass.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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I'm fairly skeptical. The hype surrounding the game is just too immense that it seems almost impossible for No Man's Sky to reach them. I want to play the game eventually, but most of what I've seen of it is just pretty pictures.

8 years ago

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I think that's mostly what makes me nervous about the game. How little we've seen beyond pretty pictures/videos, even though it releases at the end of next month.

8 years ago

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I want to see review/game play on it 1st. Probably check out twitch whenever it's streaming/ allow to stream and then decide.

8 years ago

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It sounds quite interesting but looks like something I'd get bored of really fast. BTW does the game have an endgame?

8 years ago

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I really want to play this game, but my pc doesn't. Waiting for a future system

8 years ago

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People who want it because of the hype are going to be disappointed, and unfortunately they'll be the ones loudly slamming it for not being what they somehow thought it was going to be. People who wanted it pre-Sony involvement and hype presumably saw something in it that captured their imagination and will probably end up mostly content with what the game is.

As for the dev team, I don't know if they can deliver what people are now expecting but they'll deliver the game they dreamed of making, and that's something I'm willing to risk my money on supporting.

tldr: it'll flop, but maybe it won't, but at least one person is going to love it so who cares in the grand scheme of things

8 years ago

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All it takes is reading a few reviews on Amazon to know you're exactly right.

I can't tell you the number of negative reviews I saw on the PS4 version of "The Division" that were complaining about it requiring an internet connection to play, and how it was false advertising, blah, blah, blah, even though it says Internet Connection Required right on the front of the box.

If people missed that, they're almost certain to miss the spirit of what NMS is, and have unrealistic expectations.

8 years ago

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Negative reviews only get my attention if they're strictly about technical aspects, not swimming with the reviewer's personal opinion or petty complaints. Sadly the number of people who can be totally swayed by a complete stranger saying "I don't like this" is absurdly high, though.

If people missed that, they're almost certain to miss the spirit of what NMS is, and have unrealistic expectations.

Seeing some of the replies in this topic alone confirms that outcome as inevitable (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

8 years ago

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Thanks, hope to win it warthog ^_^

Looking forward to naming stuff.

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8 years ago

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I'm pretty sure it won't live up to the hype, it's pretty much impossible at this point. But honestly that's always the case with everything that gets a lot of hype because there will always be that loud minority of people who were to stupid/naive to see what it was actually aboud. Instead they dream up their own fantasy version of the product with unreasonable expectations.

I personally will probably not enjoy No Man's Sky just because I really get motion sick pretty easily so everything with a first person view only is often unplayable for me. But I really like the idea and math behind it and I hope the concepts will be used in the future with games from other developers as well.

8 years ago

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I expect it to turn out like Spore + Elite: Dangerous. A "vast galaxy" of samey space and palette-swapped Earth-like planetary environments populated with "unique creatures" consisting of a few mixed and matched parts. No gameplay to speak of.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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It looks like it will be a walking simulator, I don't like that secretism

8 years ago

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Not sure. I wanna wait and see how it goes for a few days (at least after launch). and then buy it only after a steep discount.

8 years ago

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Would rather get a proven expensive game, looks ok.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I think it'll be a flop but let's hope I'm wrong

8 years ago

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It reminds me of old browser games I used to play where you had to find planets and mine them for resources. Good old text-based exploring, researching and fighting, I set my alarm so many times cos my research finished at 4am on a school night, or my alliance had a huge battle planned at an ungodly hour to catch the other alliance off-guard :P

8 years ago

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The game will flop, gameplay wise. Land on a planet name a few things then move to the next one. I haven't been following the game, but if you can go from a single seat starship, to a giant alien planet killer type ship by exploring that would be something.

8 years ago

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Somehow it reminds me of Spore, different genres, but...I dunno...

8 years ago

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Reviews first =) I am looking for a good space game so maybe this will be the one, I hope they will deliver what they are saying. Everspace - this one looks similar as No Man Sky, and it cost 25euros atm ( greenlighted ), following that one aswell. Thanks for SW.

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8 years ago

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Wow, Everspace looks beautiful. I'd never heard of that until just now.

Thanks for the heads up!

8 years ago

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I'll take the warthog.

8 years ago

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It looks really good, but I fear it will end up being, after a while, a boring sandbox game. Hope I'm wrong!
Thank you for the giveaway!

8 years ago

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It looks interesting, but will probably be discounted soon after release.

8 years ago

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