Playing Matters Recruitment Topic v2

Playing Matters is a group that values playing wins from SteamGifts. We hope to create a respectable and dependable platform to unite friendly and passionate gamers.
Our group is not so much about making giveaways, but about enjoying what we already have and sharing fun with like-minded people. We aim to create a friendly and enjoyable atmosphere in our group.

We fully encourage fun little chats to take place in our group giveaways. Additionally we have our own Discord server for our members to make new friends and enjoy each other’s company while also enjoying our wins.

Before applying to join our group, please make sure that:

How to apply:

If you meet the requirements mentioned above and want to join, reply to this topic stating that you are applying to the group and tell us a bit about your favourite SG win. It doesn’t have to be much - maybe a sentence or two.

Creating a BLAEO account is not required but we’d still like you to post the link to your profile if you have it, whether you use it actively or not.

We will have a look at your profile(s) and contact you in due time.

We hope to see you among us. Have fun winning games and playing them!

Please don’t send friend requests to mods or admins.

If you don't receive a direct reply within a reasonable amount of time (up to 48 hours), your application is likely under consideration. Also, if your application is rejected please don’t allow this to break your spirit. Instead use it as a motivation to discover and enjoy new games among your SG wins. Who knows, maybe your next favourite game is right around the corner.

6 years ago*

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Reserved for additional thoughts.

6 years ago

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We need to emphasize that our group is oriented into beating possibly all wins. Not just trying/starting won games and dropping them. Beating games is not about just getting 25% of achievements either. Majority of games unlocks 25% of achievements way before being beaten and these dropped wins are not what we are looking for with our requirements. We have to look into each applying account personally.

While for members of PM the maintenance rule will be checked using Kelnage's scripts plus by periodically looking into playing statistics (to counter cheating etc.), when we are checking accounts of a person who applies to the group, we wish to see more than 50% of wins beaten. If account has less than half of wins taken a good care or if this percentage is unclear for us, we will prefer the future member of PM to play more of their wins first before entering our small community, where mostly everyone exceeds our minimal requirements by a decent margin and deserves similarly responsible and passionate winners.
We are totally not in hurry to make our group bigger.

We'd like to emphasize also, that entering our group while winning games outside of the group which remain not played, will not be taken lightly. An honest person should learn to control own appetites and possibilities. While we don't have specific formal rules regarding members' wins outside of PM, our group is created for people who believe that playing SG wins is the only correct approach to received gifts and who acts correspondingly and consistently to it (with the only relaxation regarding very old wins, which are still encouraged to be given a decent try). Our group formal rules are only a projection of our ideas, not the other way around. Everyone who wants to join, please seriously consider if you are up to our standards and course.

6 years ago

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Hope it's OK to repost (from a week ago) this from the old thread after not getting a response for a week I thought it might have got forgotten about, sorry if it's a bit spammy 😅
(I originally applied about 5 weeks ago, but hadn't beaten enough of my wins)

I'm back 😀

Beat Blade Kitten today* which means I've beaten half my wins! 😃
    EDIT: ...and I just beat Kingsway as a Rogue. Warrior class next! 😁

It's been fun, Mafia 2 was an especially nice surprise after seeing the bashing Mafia 3 has gotten 😅 & Samorost 3 was delightful 😍
The first Samantha Swift game was alright, a bit basic compared to today's HOGs, but it was decent enough to make me think it was worth playing the next one, but unfortunately Samantha Swift and the Golden Touch just does not want to run on Windows 10... 😒

I'm not stopping there though, I've just returned to Gray Matter, and Leashed Soul is a nice little puzzle game I keep going back to.
I'll probably give Castlevania a proper go next and maybe Trillion. I really want to return to Deadly Premonition but although I've run it a few times it now also refuses to run on Windows 10 😠

So I'd like to reapply to join please! 😊
*(strictly speaking I only beat Episode 1 of BK as beating the whole game requires buying the Ep2 DLC)

6 years ago

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Not spammy at all - if you haven't gotten a response in the previous topic, you can reapply here without any issue.

(This also applies to others in the same situation, just in case they happen to stumble upon this reply)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Oh, I liked Mafia 1 a lot. It surprised me with how well whole setting was made and how it felt, and story was much better than it could be expected, especially compared to Godfather or most GTA titles.
I never got Mafia 2 though, had plans. Noticed a lot of DLCs, waited for complete edition which wasn't coming for too long, until this undertaking was forgotten. Recently though, I see quite a lot of praise for Mafia 2.

upd Ugh, apparently it still doesn't have a complete edition

6 years ago*

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6 years ago*

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Not applying because well, you know me skatr :3

But you can have a :blissful_bump:

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I'd love to join! I try and only join games I really want to play but having a group that requires me to play my games make me even more selective :p Here's my BLAEO account too if that helps

As far as my favorite win goes, I'd probably say the Puzzle Agent games. I technically only won the second one on here but they threw in the first one in with it since I didn't have it. Enjoyed it so much, I pulled an all nighter bingeing both games! They're fun, somewhat challenging and weirdly beautiful considering how simplistic the art style is

Just a clarification: "Don't restrict your giveaways within the group" means no level requirements, right?

6 years ago

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Right, no level restrictions and no unnecessary country restrictions if giving away a restricted present (e.g. through Steam or some key shops).

I liked puzzle agents too. Frankly the art style and generally oversimplistic graphics of this game was the point I disliked the most, but it got covered by this funny feeling of being in this small village where everyone loves puzzles and a lot of mystic things are mixed together. It also reminds a lot (if not draws inspiration from) Twin Peaks, at least for me the feeling when playing these was somewhat close (if ignoring these visuals..)

6 years ago

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Yeah it felt like a mix of Twin Peaks and Fargo to me! I think the minimalist art style worked especially well with shots like this. I do agree that it's probably the weakest part of the game but they made it work :p

6 years ago

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I wish to apply to the group. I haven't won any giveaways yet. but this is because I only enter a relatively few amount of giveaways. I only enter giveaways for games I know I will play or had already wanted. I am personally against entering giveaways for games just because they are being given away.

But I can guarantee that once I win a giveaway I'm going to be playing it!

6 years ago

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Can I join? I think I reach the requirements.
As for my favorite win...well, there are a few games I like, but I guess terraria would count as my favorite. I have the most hours logged on it and I keep coming back to it every time.

6 years ago*

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I would like to join!
I don't have 1 favorite win on SG, i have 3. I loved playing Resident Evil 4 and 5 so much that i went and got the rest (except 7 and Revelations 2) aslo Valkyria Chronicles pleasantly surprised me with it's story and can't wait for Valkyria Chronicles 4 to come out.

6 years ago

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Valkyria Chronicles is probably one of my favorite games. I got it as a present and it turned out to be a squad tactics game with a brilliant, unique mechanics (unfortunately afaik not repeated in VC2 and 3), pretty good story for this genre and generally well-developed setting. And really well-balanced difficulty.

6 years ago

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I think i can join. Please check me :)

6 years ago

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Yes, your account satisfies minimal requirements per script, but I'd like to ask what happened with your playing wins in last few months? Your first won GA page is full of games you either didn't try or dropped. When are you planning to beat all these games? (If something is preventing you now from playing games, you seem not to take any action to win less).
There is also a number of longer games or games with no achievements dropped or not played at all.

This said, we are always glad to see more people who play wins. Your application is being handled with others atm, and your position regarding your recent wins is important; but don't be surprised if we will want to wait a bit to see how this will be resolved factually.

6 years ago*

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I do have a back log! I cant defend a game not played but i do try to clear them slowly, I will play more wins and then try again for this application.
Thank you for the time that you spent to check my profile :)

6 years ago

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hi i wish to join i only just joined steamgift and i only mostly enter games that i want to play

6 years ago

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Hi, we didn't find available account statistics convincing enough to invite you yet.
Time passes, and things may change.
Meanwhile, you may be interested in group "Unlucky-7" where new users with less than 8 wins can win nice games.

Enjoy playing games!

6 years ago

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Hello, I'd like to join your group in a near future (I have summer job now, so I have no time to play the games that I've won, but after summer, I will complete the requerments).
With that said, I can't complete these requarments on 3 of my games, please hear me out.
So far I've won 6 games the Drive-By-Hero, Is achivment farmer, so completing 25% of achivments will take just plain grinding, I'm okey with that just don't see the reason.
BlackSoul: Extended Edition - I can't run this game on my laptop, it's poorly done, and my laptop keeps crashing everytime I try to play this game.
And last one The Drone Racing League Simulator, when I won this game I was really happy and exited, I have this old controler, so I was going to play it alot, but for some reason this game doesn't support my controler, and this game requers controler.
I understand that all of this are my issues, but if you could suggest any solutions for me that would be great, thanks for reading. :)

6 years ago

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You have yet to play anything so far, while also basically saying you're not interested in half of your wins already. Most of us joined random giveaways just for the sake of winning at the start of our SG experience, but we still ended up playing most of those wins.

Your current approach is pretty much against the whole point of the group, but I'll leave the actual judgement for the time when you feel you're ready to apply ;)

6 years ago

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I'm sorry it looks that way, I will try to apply in 3 months, when I will have time to play my game and try to do that :)
But again, its not like I don't want to play my games, it's just that I can't play 2 of my games because of technical reasons.

6 years ago

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For the problem with the controller try this.

6 years ago

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Thanks, I will.

6 years ago

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A small celebration ~
Our group avatar finally synced to SG.
Here as a big image:

View attached image.
6 years ago

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Hi, I applied in a different thread and was just short of played wins, can you check again please? I might qualify now.

6 years ago

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Some progress was made, but you're still quite ways off. Keep on playing :)

≥25% complete: 28.8% (17/59)
6 years ago

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Oh, I thought I needed to play at least 50%, and have at least 25% achievement average, I didn't realize at least 50% WITH 25% achievement minimum. What about games without achievements?

6 years ago

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The minimum required for the group is 50% beaten, with or without achievements. The 50% with minimum of 25% achievements is the minimum requirement before being put up for voting. We only thoroughly check applicants if they pass the aforementioned minimum.

6 years ago

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So where am I at now, what do I need to do, finish more (how many, just so I don't waste your time and reapply when I'm done) ? Get more achievements? Both?

6 years ago

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Right now, you would need to beat a minimum of 13 more wins (without winning anything) to meet the requirements to apply. Achievements will most likely happen by themselves during a regular playthrough of each game (there are very few games that don't give you 25% achievements for finishing them, so you don't have to worry much about that)

6 years ago

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I see, but it happens though, I think I have 6% in Painkiller and I beat it. Games with achievements generally have one for finishing it, but how can you tell/check when a game with no achievements was beat? Just curious. Tnx for talking the time to clarify the situation for me.

6 years ago

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Playtime, screenshots, asking the person directly if necessary - plenty of different ways depending on information required.

6 years ago

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Hello there!

I'd like to apply. The most interesting game among those I've played so far is Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition..Saving a beatiful girl from a weirdo has always been among my top priorities in life :)


6 years ago

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Ha, nice description.

Due to multiple mod team members traveling, your application may be handled not very soon.
Meanwhile, you can enjoy more of your wins to reinforce the application.

You have quite a big backlog of games you didn't touch, but most of played games look taken a good care. What is your approach to choosing games to play? Do you have many games you already know you are not going to play ever? In what time range are you going to play other games, do you plan to shorten the backlog? This may be important.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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If you want intriguing.

Practically every person has potentially a possibility to join PM. Though the paths may be lengthy and difficult, bringing to the end only the ones who are sincerely closer to the group spirit.
At the core of this undertaking, we are not interested in bare statistics or promises, but it is what we ask from new persons, to show own approach by past deeds, and to accept certain rules for future acting in our group.

This said, there is no point in explaining what we are looking exactly for or what you should do. We don't want to make others to act in a way to fit the profile formally, going far from what feels natural. We wish to gather a collective of individuals who are already looking in the same direction as the group, on their own, for this shall be directed by inner drives, not anyone's guidance, and accepted deeply.

Just do as you feel like doing. You will get to every place which is supposed for you. Maybe some day adventures bring you closer to our lands :3 I think our available info on Steam gets pretty rich image of the group spirit.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Very unlikely to have that happen in our group as we try to give away stuff worth playing, not broken messes that almost nobody would be willing to join. But if it did happen, it would be discussed on a case-by-case basis, depending on if there truly is no solution that could fix the game and various other factors.

I don't make rules for other groups, so I can't speak for Playing Appreciated. Gonna have to ask someone else for their group.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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not broken messes that almost nobody would be willing to idle

i suppose that's the difference 😅

6 years ago

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as per Playing Appreciated: gave away a lot of those games :P

shouldn't be a problem, tho: giveaway creator could already know that, and act consequently (approving your "win" even with a very low score). if not, it takes a message to PA thread and/or GA creator, PA group @steam, any PA mod... to get things done :D

6 years ago

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Hello, I think i have the requirement but i am not a very good speaker so i understand if you want to have a litle active community that you don't accept me
Have a good day evry body. And good game for evry winners

6 years ago

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Happy cakeday and no, you are very far from meeting the requirements for application.

6 years ago

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I've played 100% of my wins & got all the achievements! 😄

6 years ago

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Hello. I'd like to apply :3
My favorite win is Life is Strange, also my first win. The story is amazing, it taught me something about choice. I want to save both the bay and Chloe but the game doesnt allow me to, maybe LiS 2 will let me do it, maybe... :3

6 years ago

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Oh, I enjoyed LiS 1 a lot too <3

6 years ago

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I forgot to mention the music, completely fit the scene and emotion <3

6 years ago

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6 years ago*

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6 years ago*

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Glad you are reapplying.
I remember trying Westerado and it felt really addictive. Despite not being fond of its general mechanics, played a few hours to get to the end, it has so many small fun things. I understand the game has multiple endings and a lot of secrets to explore, optional quests and events. Glad you have had so much fun exploring all this!

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by bludshade.