Hello everyone,

So, 3/2 years ago, I was looking to trade a game called "Commander: Conquest of America" (or something like that), and this guy added me saying he wanted to trade it for AvP.
Long story short, he stole the game, blocked me and then I took a screenshot of the converstation.Then contacted a friend of mine who is the admin of an anti-scammer group and asked him to post my screenshot on steamrep, to see if anyone could ban the scammer.
1 year went by and no one did anything, so I decided to expose the guy myself. I contacted steam support and presented proof to them, and nearly a damn month later, they reply and tell me they can't do anything about it. So, here I am, mad that someone like that scammed me, and who knows how many people, is out there living without any consequences.

I gathered all the proof I could get and posted it on imgur:


And here's more information:

|steamID: Crespo
|steamID32: STEAM_0:1:8755559
|steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197977776847
|customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/crespo125
|steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197977776847

You what's funny? He said this: " I hate scammers. ( I will report and block them ) ."

Be careful about scammers, people. Please report him and expose the douchebag he is.

9 years ago

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Calling out will lead you to nothing but getting suspended. Better remove it before it's too late.

9 years ago

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Remove the links and names. Its not allowed and it will get you into trouble.

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by Hydral.