URrRrRRRr gRRRrRrr RrrAAa Rrrrrr RrRAaAAaAaa!!

gggrRr gRRR oRR Grr MMRR nuurg ahhhHhHhhh Ooooo Ooo GGRr Ooooo GgRR Orr GRRr GRRRr ara mrrrrRrR rRRAaaaaaa!!

Ooo GGrr GggrRrr GRRr araaaaa RaAA gRRRR RrAaa RrrAaA srrR Ooo GggGRR nuurg AahHHH ORR nuurg aaaahhH UURrRRrrrr!!

Rrrrrr ara RRaa Rrrrrr Ooooo RAAa ROOO Ooo aaHH grrRR araa Rrrrrr aaarrraa GGGGRRrRr oRr GGRr nuurg AhhH RAaAAaA arraa Rrrrrr Ooooo RRAa rRrrraAA Ooo RoOoo AaHHhHH Ooooo Rrrrrr oRr RRoOo AaaahHh Ooooo GRrR araa rRrAA BBRAIIIIIIINNNNNS srrR Rrrrrr RAAaaA arraaa Gggg Rrrrrr ara urRrr GgrrrrRRR!!

GGrr araaa gGRr OORr Gggg araa RAaA UrrRr RRrRRRRrrrrrrrRrRrrrrrRRrrRRRRraaaAAaaAAAaaaaaaAAaAaaAaaAAaAAaAaAAaAAAaaAaAaAaaa!!

RRaa GgRr GrRR arraa UUURrRRrR gRRR UUUURrRRRrRr GGgGrRrRRr Rrrr rrAAA GgGgRrr gRrr RaAaa # nuurg RrRaA ## Orrr gGGRr Ooo GRRrR gGrr araa urRR RoOOOo aHhh Ooooo GGGGGgRr Ooooo Gggg mmrRRRrR gRRr arrraaa mrrrRrRrrr RrRaaa rRrRrRaAAaa rRAaa ROOo RAAAAAA Rrrr aaaraaa RAaa ****** grRrR OOrR mrRRr rRRAaaaaAa ssrr Gggg oRR aHhH raaAAaA grRrrrR RRrAAAAaAa!!

Rrrrrr araa rAAa Rrrrrr ggGgggGRrrrRr urrr Ooo RoOoo AhHh Ooooo OrRr orrR gRR ORr MRRr RAAa nuurg aahHh RaAAAaaaA RAAAAA Orr rOO aaaahH aaaraa rAAA Rrrr uuhhhh RAaa Ooo roOO AaHh araa GRRrRRrRRR rAaA srrR RAaAAa UUrr!!

grRR arraaaa GRRR gRrr grR GrRr araaa GgRRrrRrR Rrrrrr oRr gRRr nuurg AhhHhHH araa RaAa rAAA mrrr nuurg AhhH RrRrraa UurrrR sRRR ggrR GRrrr OorR RRRRrRrAa RrRraAAAAa GrrRrR Rrrrrr MrrrRRRr uRrrRrR Rrrrrr RaaAA ssrR URRRR Rrrrrr ORR Gggg oRR aHhh ara MmMmRR RaAaaaaaAA MRRRRRrrR!!

Important hint: Due to limitations in your primitive human technology and intellect (probably caused by relying on only your born-with brain), it is necessary to translate only singular paragraphs. Otherwise, you will only find natural good zombie advice.

If there are issues, ask in the thread. I will try to find the issue then. Have fun.

Edit - "Solution": https://zombietranslator.net/

1 month ago*

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1 month ago

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I don't see it but have a bump

1 month ago

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I also still don't see it πŸ˜›
Do you need any tools to decode this, or should you be able to do it on your own?

1 month ago

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You should not be able to do it on your own. If so apply to your national secret service.

The intended solving process considers use of third party tools.

1 month ago

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5 hours left bump

1 month ago

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Wow. That'll teach me to just google for things instead of using my brain I guess.

1 month ago

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I did mention that you need some kind of third party tool and that translation is also necessary.

Though, I understand the disappointment if you thought that there is some kind of code hidden within that large text or similar. But considering the number of answers in the thread, the solution was bound to be rather "easy".

1 month ago

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Oh I'm not disappointed. Just kicking myself. I guess the "puzzle" aspect was not really what I was expecting. I actually tried to look for patterns by myself and failed, which was a little frustrating because it's not an actual cipher.

1 month ago

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Oh!! Did not expect a literal zombie translator........
hahahaha this is good

1 month ago

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Wish you a joyful cakeday with blackjack and ......

1 month ago

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