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First of all, you English isn't that bad so no worries for the grammar Nazis.
Secondly, people don't "hate" bundle giveaways. They're just the cheapest things to giveaway/buy yourself, so people wonder why give them away at all. In the past people would buy many bundles and give them away here, earning a ton of contributor value when ultimately they paid peanuts for the bundles. Now there's a system that prevents this but bundles still have a bad reputation thanks to those exploiters.
Thirdly, people will enter anything if they have the points. They just want to win something without paying any money at all. So those 200 entries mostly consist of people who don't actually want the bundle (otherwise they would have bought it themselves). Don't get me wrong, there will be genuine people who aren't aware of bundles and want to play the games.
And lastly, this community has several decent people who have the right attitude when giving away games and spending time on Steamgifts. But there are unfortunately MANY more people here who enjoy "leeching" off these generous people without contributing anything at all (both in terms of gifts and more importantly, the forum).
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He is talking more about elitist contrib retards than humble leechers and average users.
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SG users are not hateful about bundle games giveaways.
But if the person that gifted those games goes onto the forum and opens a 'why is my contrib $30 I gave $100!! worth of gmaes', he will draw a lot of heat to himself, and that's probably what you witnessed. People are annoyed with this because of two reasons: the OP didn't use the search function and saw there are scores of threads like that; bundles are often cheap ($1) and some people try to abuse that to increase their 'contributor value' so they could enter more giveaways.
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Funny fact: in 80% of these threads, the OP didn't register all the games he won.
Not reading the FAQ and being a rule breaker often go hand in hand.
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It's seen by many as a cheap way to increase contributor points (hence, got limited) instead of just putting up a giveaway for the whole bundle itself (when applicable.)
Also, some people (like me, sometimes) don't like all the games in a given bundle, and won't particularly care if they missed it, but would still want to eventually have it, end up not purchasing the bundle and just end up joining giveaways for those individual games.
But hey, it's still a giveaway. I actually do join for the games I would like to have, like a lot of the people here. We're still genuinely thankful, in the end.
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There wasn't anyone in any of your giveaways, as far as I could tell from a quick skimming of them, that was hateful or disrectful to you in any way. Plenty of people thanked you, relatively speaking anyway -- after all, for every thanks there are usually at least 10 people who don't thank but that's besides the point.
The comments in the forum or in other giveaways that you read may have been old. After all, a few months ago, it was illegal to give out bundle games separately and people could (and did) get suspended and banned over doing so. Now it's allowed but there are still people against it because instead of creating a single giveaway for the entire bundle, many people purposely make separate giveaways for each game in the bundle (even though they could have, and should have, just made a single giveaway for all of the games). The result of this is that they receive an overblown contributor value that they really didn't earn. After all, as a single bundle giveaway, those games would have only earned the creator 5-10 points of value, but as separate giveaways they might earn the creator over 50-100 points of value*. Consequently, it's viewed as an exploit in order to gain entrance into contributor giveaways.
*That said, games marked as "bundle games" are limited in how much contributor value they can give but there are still ways to falsely increase contributor value, unfortunately.
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161 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by RobbyRatpoison
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5 Comments - Last post 24 minutes ago by Carenard
I'm new here, just after registering I thought I'll buy full indie gala 11 bundle to giveaway. But while reading in forum and in others giveaways comments I noticed that there are people who really don't like users giving away bundles. They call them cheap, say that these people aren't actually generous, and are kinda hateful about all of this. But why? It's not like everyone have these games and no one needs them. All my giveaways were open for one hour, and every time about 200 people entered, so there's people who want it. I don't have a lot of money, especially for giving them away, but I still wanted to contribute to this awesome community which I really enjoy so far. And the bundle was the best choice with a small amount of money, for 5usd I got 9 games, so I'm able to make at least 9 people to feel good for a bit. But now it feels like you are loosing reputation when doing this, and that it would have been better if wouldn't contribute at all.
Can someone explain me why it's like that?
Grammar nazzis, I'm sorry for your bleeding eyes, but English isn't my first language.
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