warcraft dota, valve dota, rise of immortals, hon, league of legends..that's it..it's your preference..heard some people say nice things about demigod as well
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you forgot smnc and smite though those are a bit different than MOBA's
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That statement is a little misleading. SMNC IS a MOBA. Not just "somewhat similar." They just change the way you control your character.
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LOCO is amazing but it is WAY too pay to win. It sucks because it's a really good game.
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The main contenders:
Dota 2 - developed by Valve, currently in beta. Will be F2P.
League of Legends - F2P, but with rotating heroes unless you pay.
Heroes of Newerth - F2P, not sure about the available heroes.
Smite - currently in beta. Will be F2P, but seems like a similar system to LoL.
Rise of Immortals - available on Steam. F2P.
EDIT: I personally think Dota 2 is the best, so just wait for that if you can't get a beta key.
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I disagree. It was my very first MOBA and I learned just fine. You just have to take the time to learn the rules and ask questions if you need to. The toughest part is learning the appropriate items to use for each hero, but you can use sites like dotafire.com to help you formalize a strategy. The only thing that makes it harder than LoL is that hero kills/deaths are a lot more important, which means yeah, if you die a lot and feed the other team, your teammates won't be happy.
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DotA2 was my first MOBA as well. I was raged at and harassed almost every game. But occasionally somewhat came along and taught me a lot about the game. MOBA's in general have a pretty bad community.
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I don't know if I would call it "bad", but it can definitely be critical and lean toward hard at times. I think it's simply a byproduct of the genre itself. MOBAs require teamwork more so than any other genre. In other genres, you can often have one amazing player own the other team or compensate for a really bad player, but in a MOBA it's not like that. You're often only as strong as your weakest link and if that weak link is constantly feeding the other team, it's really hard to overcome that.
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Yeah, but the beauty of it is that, because of the rotating champions each week, you always have new champions to try out and in the process get enough points to unlock the champions you liked the most out of them.
I've only found four champions that I really liked playing, so I only have them plus the free giveaway ones.
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I see it as a curse. Those that dont have the champion have a better understanding than those that don't.
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Eh, just having a champion doesn't really amount to much. You have to play it for a while to actually master it, and that's difficult if you don't like playing as the champion. Meanwhile, the more you face various champions the more you'll see the various builds they'll have and be able to counteract in various ways.
Or you could just be like many people and rush in gunzablazin.
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That's not a beauty at all. It's a flawed champion system, especially when you are in the 20s range when you need a certain type of character but you don't have him/her unlocked. That's why I prefer Dota 2 over LoL when it comes to hero selection.
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Should start at Dota 2. And just make the rest easy.
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Np. I only played that once for a holiday achievement or something. It wasn't horrible, but I still feel Dota 2 is the best. I found RoI's aspect of leveling an overworld hero a little confusing and simply led to longtime players having an advantage, whereas in Dota 2, everyone starts on a level playing field for each match.
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It was horrid . It took me like 3 hours to complete the achievement and I hated it.
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There are other mobas besides the top contenders that is mentioned in this thrend.
My first Moba was Dota but at first I hated it. So I ventured into other moba games in the Warcraft 3 custom games. And fell in love with Naruto vs Bleach, Shinobi Wars, Naruto Ninpou. One piece vs Dragonball Z vs Naruto. Basically all anime base Moba games, each having thier own items and rules. And Naruto Ninpu didnt have English translation so I learned it the hard way. But I still manage to play well.
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Pokemon world. That was freaken fun. First 5 minutes of the game is trying to get the best starting pokemon. And after that trying to get the legendary pokemon so you can win the tourenment in the end. Great fun.
I believe the game you can't remember is called Pimp my Peon.
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Yes, that was already brought up. It was also brought up that unlocking every champion without paying takes forever.
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I heard LoL is very newbie unfriendly and Smite isn't such a great community either. The last few times I even heard people make a point to other players about ks-ing, which I find utter nonsense, because the game is objective based and it is better to take a enemy down, even if you "only" get a assist out of it instead of the kill.
People are way too competitive and serious to my taste. Gaming is for fun, a way to spend your time casually. But half or more of the players apparantly find great importance in being succesful or the best in a video game.
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That's not anything close to a MOBA. That's a top-down Action-RPG.
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With a lot of new "MOBA" its hard too tell the lines anymore...,
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That game on steam made it laggy and full retards. :|
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None of you are saying what a moba is, just games that are mobas (excluding awesomenauts even though it is a moba and is awesome). MOBA stands for Multiplayer Online Battle Arena. Basically it's arena PVP with levels and items that you get as you progress while playing as a picked champion, hero, etc. with certain abilities.
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Typically it's 5v5. You control a single hero with typically 4-5 abilities (active or passive). Items may grant abilities too...in Dota 2 you can carry up to six items. The object of the game is to destroy the team's base while defending yours. There are typically three "lanes" with bottom left being one team and top right being the other team. Each team has towers on their side on each lane. "Creep" emerges from the bases and travel down the lanes - creep are AI controlled units. You have no control over them, for the most part (some skills may allow you to buff them or take one under control). You earn gold over time slowly, by killing creep or neutral mobs, by destroying enemy towers/buildings or by killing enemy heroes (fastest way to earn gold). You also earn experience by all the above as well, except the "over time" bit. Leveling up allows you to spend points on your skills/spells.
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I realize I probably made it sound complicated. Once you play a match or two, you'll get the hang of it. The core concept is pretty simple...it's learning each hero that takes the most effort.
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Dota 2: The bots are better than 90% of the playerbase. True story.
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Bloodline Champion really fits the MOBA genre. It is what it is. A multiplayer online battle arena. It basically is a pvp arena. There isnt bases nor there is minions/creeps. Team A vs Team B in a box to duke it out.
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The term is mostly used for team vs team battles where each one has a base to defend and turrets+minions, i havent played Dota or LoL in a long time, but i think these are some of the problems a new player has to deal with to learn how to play.
Learn what items to build and skills synergies fr your hero (in some games you have a recommended build like in LoL).
Learn about the mechanics and strategy (when to push, when NOT to go under a tower, when to watch out for hidden enemies, etc.)
And learn about the enemy heroes, this one is a bit difficult in most games as there are a lot of heroes to choose from, but knowing what your opponent can do can save you from a lot of pain (and not say in the middle of a fight "oh look, he just wiggled his hands and i exploded".
On a side note, i recommend getting Awesomenauts, its a little twist on the normal Moba you see (like Dota or LoL) where its also a platform game, its simplistic (each hero has only 2 abilities and a basic attack) but its a lot of fun, you dont have to learn a bazillion of items combination and you dont have to wait to get into a match (thou matchmaking is kind of meh at the moment).
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Depends how you pronounce it:
"An emm-oh-bee-ay"
Either is ok.
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Both are valid.
One treats the first letter as a consonant and uses the standard indefinite article.
The other treats the first letter as if the acronym were spelled out (ie. "emm") and that opening vowel qualifies for the irregular indefinite article.
Or you could be a rigidly prescriptive grammarian, I suppose. But that's no good outside of writing textbooks and legal documents.
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I saw that OP wrote "an MOBA" and my first thought was that I'd find someone who didn't even really care about the topic, more about the perceived grammatical error. I was right.
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Play Dota or Dota 2. Don't play League of Legends because Riot Games are evil.
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When you say "we" does that mean you are part of hi-rez?
on another note I got banned for "match griefing"
never said a single word in any game ever played. Never had a negative score. Never trolled.
Found out a ton more people also got banned just because of the report user button.
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Aside from the quite popular Dota 2, I also enjoy Awesomenauts (2d side-scrolling platformer MOBA) and Super Monday Night Combat (3d third-person shouldercam MOBA.) On occasion, I've dabbled in Bloodline Champions. Smite also looks pretty cool.
I recommend against Rise of Immortals. Highly.
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Definitely Dota or Dota 2, Hon is good as well but the special effects really annoy in team fights, you can't see anything, Lol has a very bad developer and pretty much screw up something every patch, and unless you get one of the new champion, you will have a very bad game. Demigod is pretty good but not very challenging as it has only 5 champions, Rise of Immortals pretty much sucks, Bloodline Champions is kind of boring. And Monday Night Combat has been definitely the worst acquisition i ever made.
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Super MNC is fun, not sure if it counts as a "True" MOBA experience though...
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Ok I here is what I know so far:
MOBA stands for Multiplayer Online Battle Arena.
As for my "real" question what are some of the better ones, and where should a "newbie" start?
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