I've like 3k trading cards and want to swap them so I can get badges, I've been using Tradermatcher but it only swaps dups and I've no dups anymore and I kinda want levels now, Any one know how to website program etc..

6 years ago*

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6 years ago

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Like how does that work though, Do I just post? I looked at but I can't really be like "Swap any card for any set"

6 years ago

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You should remove that link, as while trading-related questions are allowed on Steamgifts, trading itself is prohibited.

6 years ago

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Done, :o

6 years ago

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Check out SteamCardExchange, it rates cards by points (which generally track their market price) and you can then to cross set trading using points.

6 years ago

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That's 3000 cards, But I am actually doing that though right now.. One by one, Without checking the rates ughm.. It takes 3-5 minutes to load my account all the time, Isn't there a bot or something like that?

6 years ago

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I know there's such a thing as level up bots, but I don't think that's what you're looking for. I'm not familiar with bots to assist in trading like that. Too bad Steam doesn't do a better job of optimizing the trading window. Maybe if enough people complain :P

6 years ago

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You can do 6 at a time when you trade your cards in and have max 100 points stored. After that use the quicktrade buttons to get cards 1 by 1.

6 years ago

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Ahh, I see, It's kinda what I am doing but I found some one that is collecting foils so I am trading 1 foil for 3 cards helping a lot to be honest.

6 years ago

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I hope you're checking the value of those foils, not trading in 3 bucks worth for 3x 3 cent cards. Sometimes it's makes more sense to sell on market and buy cards you are missing from sets.

6 years ago

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He..he.. No I am not really checking the values... I should of done that.. But like.. To many cards.. couldn't be bothered.. even though your right... it's the best choice of action.

6 years ago

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You could check https://steam.tools/itemvalue/ to find the valuable ones before giving money away.

Also cute when low level people think 3k cards is many. :P

6 years ago

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I've had 3k cards for about 2 years now :( It's to much, I really should level up xD but only used tradematcher before always trading dups out.. that's actually the biggest reason why I am still low level..

6 years ago

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owh wow that's actually really handy, $172.25.. lol, highest priced card is an 3 dollar normal card not a foil though thanks.

6 years ago

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Try and copy the names of the items you want, so you can paste those in the inventory menu, seems to make it a bit shorter in my experience. Also try to do the actual trades before a steam sale, as then usually plenty of people try to do trades.

I used to precollect the badges and then craft them with a sale to get the sale cards. Outside of the sales you get an actual trade done pretty fast. With sales, everyone is trying to complete badges (and often, somebody is trading within the same set as you so a trade might get canceled because one card has been traded in the mean time).

But that is my experience, never been past 60 pages or so of inventory (so1,5-2k items I guess).

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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6 years ago*

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Alright, I'll check it out in an couple seconds, Thanks kinda busy on 3 fronts at once.

6 years ago

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I added you

6 years ago

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