Complete the sentence: Playing my wins is ...
Picks for LastM:
Since you didn't specify any rules I tried to find good rated games of different genres, so hopefully you will like at least one
Cook, Serve, Delicious! - HLTB: 17½ Hours, I am pretty sure you can beat it way faster and since this one is pretty long the others will be short // I absolutely loved this game
Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball - HLTB: 3 Hours // It has been towards the top of my to play list for a while
The Mysterious Cities of Gold - HLTB: 3½ Hours // Apparently it is pretty easy, but the art-style is just lovely
BericTheReds picks for me:
Game | Achievements | Status |
Flame in the Flood | Achievements | Unfinished |
Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight | Achievements | Unfinished |
Nulcear Throne | Achievements | Haven't started |
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Alright here's my picks:
Flame in the Flood - HLTB 9.5 hrs
Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight - HLTB 4 hrs
Nulcear Throne - 13.5 hrs
Let me know if these work for you, in particular I'm not sure if Nuclear Throne is a good game for a challenge like this!
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Yeah, looks good to me! Games I will enjoy playing. :)
Game | Link | Status | Feedback |
Torchlight II | achievement page | Finished | Great game, I'll probably give new game + a shot at some point |
Momodora: Reverie Under The Moonlight | achievement page | All done! | That pixel art is dope and the story is emotional |
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Lol I was challenged to beat Flame in the Flood by someone on BLAEO already and that one finishes on the 15th of this month so I will probably be done with the 1st game this week already :D 2 birds with 1 stone.
They are ok! And while I enjoy games like Nuclear Throne I tend to suck at them, but I will try my best anyways ^^ Thank you for the picks :)
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Just curious, how much time do you think we should invest in to each game to consider it "played"? The rules just say to play the game, but some people are beginning the time it takes to finish the game. Finishing two games, even short ones, is pretty difficult for some of us with less free time unfortunately. Can we suggest playing enough to earn some achievements or write a review?
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Oh ok, so yeah you meant in the description "pick wins for the person to play and finish"
Don't think I'll be able to commit to that so I'll pass, but nice idea for an event anyway!
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I wish I could participate but I am already participating in October event of playing the games you won
So there is not time for both
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I'd like to play! -> my games won
So would I choose games to play for the person above me?
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Use the example with your name instead of xxxxx, otherwise it just directs everyone to their own won giveaways.
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Is the link you are looking for ^^
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Thanks for this list :) Finished all three games :)
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I'd like to play. Shorter games please, I'm already playing The Witcher 3 which will take me ages to finish as it is.
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This are my won games, if some1 could pick something i'd appreciate it!
And gz on reaching lvl10 ! Awesome mate!
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I'm always a sucker for play your wins excuses so I'm in :)
My BLAEO. Anything with a gray or yellow border is fair game, apart from RobotEX (broken), Overture (unbeatable for me) and They bleed pixels that I'm already close to the end and wouldn't be fair.
Congratulations LastM on reaching level 10!!!
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Thanks! Those are really nice choices.
The flame in the Flood I tried it yesterday for the first time and was really looking forward to giving it a proper go.
Else Heart.Break() has been abandoned for far too long and has been suggested to me before
Titan Souls is a game that kind of infuriates me so I thank you for giving me an extra incentive
Hope you also have great games chosen for you :)
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I'll just leave this here until LastM tells us where he wants us to post our progress :)
Game | Achievements | Screenshot | Status |
The Flame in the Flood | Achievements | Screenshot | Beaten |
Titan Souls | Achievements | Screenshot | Beaten |
Else Heart.Break() | N/A | Screenshot | Unfinished |
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Congrats for the level 10 milestone, LastM. :)
I want to participate.. Not entering GAs though, here just for a challenge..
But the thread is getting messy. I don't know whose games I should choose.
The next one wanting to participate. Choose my games from SG won games or BLAEO attack list for October.
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I looked through your sg wins and to be honest there's not that much to choose from. You played a lot of your wins. The only one that sticks out is Deus Ex. It's one of my favourite games. Also, Tales from the Borderlands are kinda cool, worth checking out.
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Yes I was hoping to play it when the time was right, guess this is the time I play it. Challenge encourages you.
As for Tales from the Borderlands as being the oldest game that I haven't touched, I have a reason for not playing it. I haven't played Borderlands series so I thought TFTB would ruin the story for those.
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The Storyline in the steam says "Set on the unforgiving world of Pandora after the events seen in Borderlands 2, this is a story full of Borderlands’ trademark humor, following two adventurers on their quest for greatness." So I thought it would be good idea to Play the BL 1 and 2 before playing TFTB. I don't even know what the event they are talking about. XD
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Congrats and bump (but no play for me, don't have a lot of time in view
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Congratulations for reach level 10 after this celebration.
game pick by TFrostPG
Saints Row 2
Puzzle Agent
Pillars of Eternity
Game | Achievements or some picture | Status |
Pillars of Eternity | achievements pic | beat |
Puzzle Agent | pic1 pic2 | beat |
Puzzle Agent2 | achievements pic | beat |
Saints Row 2 | not yet | maybe I will not play this, POE take me too many time |
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Anything that makes me reduce my backlog is something i'd love to be a part of!
Anything that doesn't require a beefy computer and isn't multiplayer is fair game, since my internet and PC are horrid. :>
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Hokey smokes! SWKOR and The Swapper are amazing choices! Nice picks! D
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Wonderful idea LastM, and thanks for the giveaways (would especially love to win Cupped).
My BLAEO list of Steam Gifts wins:
I'm currently limited to a Mac, so games chosen need to be Mac compatible (and fair warning, a couple like Cortex Command and Planetary Annihilation do not run well on Mac despite claiming to be compatible).
Otherwise, have at it.
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Glad you liked the idea!
Since it's a mess, I'm gonna pick for you xD
Nekopara Vol 1
Chroma Squad
Bioshock Remastered
I have no idea if these games run on mac. Let me know later.
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Chroma Squad and Bioshock Remastered should run on Mac (I'll let you know if they don't, but both of their developers are pretty reliable).
Nekopara Vol 1 is Windows only unfortunately. I could play fault - milestone one (another Steam Gifts win from the same genre of game and same publisher), or play Never Alone like DestndToSilo suggested, or feel free to pick something completely different.
I'll let you decide :)
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I was about to pick them. I chose the same games except for chroma squad. I chose Never Alone
So ceildric pick whatever you want :)
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The thread is kind of messy right now, but I can choose for you
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Sorry for that, I am really confused how the thread is right now :/ I thought you were explaining how it was supposed to work. I didn't understand you wanted me to choose. My bad :(
After seeing your comment I saw that Lukavia's comment didn't have any replies but it was one of the earliest comments. That's why I said I could choose for him.
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Great idea and gongratulations for lvl 10!
I would like to participate but right now I am stuck with a crappy laptop so I would prefer to play HoGs! I have won quite a few here and I already have started clearing my backlog with them! I can go for 100% if you want.
Anyway my won games
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fault - milestone one
Super Meat Boy
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse
it's ok?
some rules:no multiplayer / positive-rated games thank~
the game I won
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Perfect to avoid game I beaten , thank you for these choose.
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Probably they run in my laptop so from this point of view it's ok :)
Could you swap Super Meat boy for a Hidden Object game or something with not so many hours to complete?
If not I can give it a try
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how about 12 is Better Than 6?
it's fun and easy to beat.
Sorry, I don't know too much about games.
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I like that! So I will go for:
Thank you :)
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Here's my SG won games or BLAEO attack list for October.
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You've been a lucky boy, got some great wins in there! Here's my picks:
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Yes pretty much lucky I guess :P
I would much like to play Tales from the Borderlands and Borderlands 2 but I haven't played Borderlands so I was skipping them.
I guess you'll have to choose 2 new ones for me.. I think BLAEO attack list would be handy because I have almost all other games played.
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Hmm... I mean.. I'd definitely recommend Deponia Doomsday but you don't have Goodbye Deponia either (it takes place between the two), do you? :')
Your attack list is just kinda limiting :-/ I guess I'll go with The Flame in the Flood and maybe Outlast for some good Halloween fun? Or just finish playing Goodbye Deponia, up to you (I'm guessing you would've done that regardless :p)
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I think you mean Chaos in Deponia.. Goodbye Deponia is the last installment for the Deponia isn't it?
I have Chaos in Deponia in my BLAEO attack list for October.
So the games would be:
Game | Achievements Before | Achievements | Status | Screenshots |
BioShock Remastered | 0 of 65 | 65 of 65 | Completed | Would you Kindly! |
The Flame in the Flood | 0 of 36 | 36 of 36 | Completed | Path to The Kingdom 200 Miles |
Chaos on Deponia | 4 of 34 | 4 of 34 | - | - |
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I'm sitting at $4,966.64 Real CV, which means that I'm reeeeally close to lvl 10! According to my calculations, I should reach it with the GAs in this thread, so let's celebrate! 🎈😀🎉
And what a better way to celebrate then by playing our wins and winning even more games! :D
This is how it's gonna work: - You may also set some rules, like: no multiplayer/EA games, shorter games only, positive-rated games only...
T2 - Of Kings and Men + Cuphead
EDIT: I've decided to change the rules a little bit. It occured to me that 3 games in 1 month might be too difficult for some people. Therefore, instead of playing all 3 games to participate, all you gotta do now is pick 2 out of 3 to take part in the Cuphead GA!
If you don't wanna play with us, here's a GA, so you can, at least, still celebrate with us!
You have a month to play the games! (Gas end on 11/11) Game on!
Don't forget to reply to me when you're done or else you won't receive a link to the GA!
Ps: Don't forget that October is also a play a game you won on Steamgifts month!
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