Depends on what you do but I would reccomend 16gb anyday if you aint just surfin around and watching movies.
If you are like me; playing games, watching movies and have like 30+ internet tabs open.
And if you got some money over do buy a ssd. It will make your system so much faster.
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Well if he wants to save money, then not buying unnecessary parts would be the first step in reducing the cost of the build :) Means he can put the money where it's better needed, and can always upgrade to 16GB in the future when he actually DOES need it (assuming he gets a mobo which supports 16gigs of course).
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I'd say do something like this:
- Processor:
Get a I5-4690 instead. It uses less power and the stock intel cooler is excellent for not overclocking system.
- Motherboard:
A simple B85 chipset motherboard should suffice (ASRock B85 Pro 4)
- RAM:
8GB should be more than enough for gaming.
- Power supply:
Get a XFX or Seasonic 550w power supply. Both brands have very good quality power supplies for a decent price!
When getting the FX8350 and overclocking 650w or more is recommended, although 550w should do fine.
The graphics card looks very nice! But make sure it has a custom cooler.
The standard AMD coolers are very loud and don't cool very well...
XFX does make good coolers and I own the XFX R9 280X myself and it doesn't get above the 65 degrees celcius!
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Could you specify the case you're going to buy? Usually cases have adequate fans for a decent airflow.
Check out /r/BuildAPC, they give advice on people building new pc's!
They might just give you some new interesting advice.
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(This one has a case)
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That build should do you quite well.
I currently have pretty much the same build except everything is a tier below yours and I get about 60+ FPS on both those games on highest settings.
Edit: Btw you didn't add in your powersupply. And ignore all these intel fanboys. The small performance boost is not worth the price tag imo.
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Powersupply also should be fine. Only problem with a powersupply with that many watts is that they "degrade" over time, plus if the need to upgrading your pc comes it won't do you good for long. If you can, I recommend finding a 750W powersupply. Also 16GB RAM is not really necessary unless you plan to be video editing and recording gameplay all the time.
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Power supplies are the most efficient between 60 and 80% load... So 650W would be better.
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PSU: Corsair CX600 or CX700... Modular type for better cable management but a non-modular would still suffice...
and use an aftermarket cooler and thermal grease for that FX-8320... It will get quite hot when it throttles up to 4Ghz... Noctua fans and thermal grease are good at cooling but you might not like the aesthetics since most of the good fans comes only with brown color...
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Cyberpowersystem doesn't offer the modular version of the Corsair CX series :(
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CyberPowerPC is a hit or miss, you can get a bad system with problems, or a problem free.
So imo, stay away from CyberPowerPC.
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I recommend these power supplies when you go with the FX8350 build:
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nice configuration :) , should work great with mantle :D, anyway maybe take a more powerful PSU , 800-850w i think, better if u have more power and if u have to do upgrades or overclocking u will not have to change psu, maybe look at asrock motherboards, they have nice utilities for istant overclokcing :), and dont use the stock cpu cooler heatsink, look for something bigger and better like shythe or nocuta models, anyway more heatpipes and bigger heatisnk, amd works well but it's hot :D, i'm using a scythe orochi on my fx 6350 :D 35C in idle, 50C while hard gaming :D , and dont forget to add fans to controll air directions 2 or 3 12cm will work great(ps. dont buy cooler master fans they make noise, go for noctua,scycthe,arctic or zalman) :)
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the best advice i can ever give you is this site: pcpartpicker
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Wow pretty good build and yes the PSU is extremely good. You should get at least a power phase of 8 or more if you want to overclock.
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why going for AMD for a gaming pc? They are just bad cpus and should be only taken in consideration for low budget systems. If your budget is under 500€ go for AMD, if it's higher there is no sense on buying it. The dvd drive is a waste of money unless you need it for a specific purpose. And please, buy an SSD instead of an HDD, you will thank me later when you try it
Source: i build pcs since i am 14
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Hey well I'm going to be building a gaming PC quite soon and I need some advice. I haven't ordered the parts yet so you can give me all of the advice you want. I'm mainly going to be playing games with it like Payday 2 or Battlefield 3.
1) Will the power supply suffice for playing Battlefield 3?
2) Is the motherboard good?
3) Any other advice will help quite a bit.
CPU: AMD FX-8320 3.50 GHz Eight-Core AM3+ CPU 8MB L2 Cache & Turbo Core Technology
HDD: 1TB SATA-III 6.0Gb/s 32MB Cache 7200RPM HDD(Single Drive)
MEMORY(UPDATED): 8GB (4GBx2) DDR3/1866MHz Dual Channel Memory
MOTHERBOARD(UPDATED): ASRock 990FX Extreme3 AMD 990FX ATX w/ UEFI Bios, XFast Technologies, GbLAN, 3x PCIe x16, 1 PCIe x1 & 2 PCI(Extreme OC Certified)
VIDEO: AMD Radeon R9 280 3GB GDDR5 PCIe 3.0 x16 Video Card (Single Card)
POWERSUPPLY(UPDATED 2): 650 Watts - SeaSonic X Series X-650 80 PLUS GOLD Certified Full Modular Active PFC Power Supply
OPTICAL DRIVE: 24X Double Layer Dual Format DVD+-R/+-RW + CD-R/RW Drive
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