Effort proportional to desire, truth be told.
This has been on my wishlist since the 19th of October, 2016. Which doesn't say that much considering I have about 300 games there, but I don't add just anything I find or hear about there, not at all. I've seen all of Steam's games, and this is at least in the top 300 of those I do not yet own.
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Gonner has a very neon like art style which has caught my eye. I wish to play the game to experience its art style and show my wife as she's a painter and might like it.
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It's one of my wishlisted game and I would love to win a copy to play. I love playing games that make me feel conflicted like the whole moral dilemma Deus Ex: HR put me in, and games that really make me think... i.e. the whole discussion about what defines an "innocent person" in Anna's Quest which I'm currently playing :)
Plus, it's a survival-themed management game which also falls within the kind of games that interests me :)
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Sweet, a wishlisted game. I'll just go with my maximum effort poetry skills
This War of Mine, as a game, it looks fine
as a concept it's better, perhaps even divine
A war game with no gun?
How can that even be fun?
By surviving each day as a civilian in war time
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I want to enter for this one, because I heard of its reputation as one of the best post-apocalyptic survival games. And those games usually require a lot of effort to master. Effort which is usually hard for me to put on.
So that should tell you how much I want this game... XD
...Was that enough effort? :)
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I want to enter for This War of Mine, I think its like fallout shelter but more realistic and I loved fallout shelter. https://youtu.be/n_axmYF2q1E
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Since I first noticed this game, I've thought it sure is a game which deserves to be played. It's in my wishlist, like many users.
My country, Korea, have been in the state of ceasing war for more than decades. It will show me what kind of tragic hell it will be if there's a war. Besides, I'll be able to see the incorrect translation of "end day" into "judgement day" in Korean version. Lol (It should've been "finish today's activities".)
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This game's based on the siege of Sarajevo, when Yugoslavia went to hell (also: the origin of the "remove kebab" meme).
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I have heard that this game is really good, however I have never ever played it (yet, I hope). I like sad stories and sad games, and this one is like that. So let's see :) Maybe I will be lucky enaugh
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Count me in! I had the chance to play it before and I really REALLY liked it. Didn't play The Little Ones DLC which I'd certainly buy if I win this (same goes for the stories DLC...) :)
Up to you, Owl! ;)
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I have this game in my wishlist. I know it depicts war from a different perspective, far from the classic shooter unminded craze for killing. if I win it, I'll play it. if I play it, I know I'll be sad. but even then I would like to try it anyway.
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I'd like to enter this giveaway, this game is on my wishlist.
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People have said this is more of an experience than a game. I would like to experience the difficult choices and weave my own narrative for the characters as well. I like to play games that have good story or interesting mechanics. This one seems like it would create a great story ^^
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This war of mine... Because I'm a soldier, I serve for my country, and any war against my country is my war.. And this war of mine doest not make me afraid of the consequences as I have already taken a pledge to die for my country.
Oh and it's a wishlist game.
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AARRRHH~~~~ I missed the last sale for this game on GMG.
Thank you for giving us a chance to play this game.
The game, "This War of Mine," is a decent and profound life experience.
I wish there no child, man and woman have to experience the cruel of war anymore some day. 🤝
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Reminds games on old push-button phones (Spiderman, Mission Impossible), I want to feel that gameplay again on the PC
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I've recently begun playing local multiplayer games with my friends. Life happened and I've found myself with less time on my hands. With these games I don't have to choose between friends and gaming, and they're quick to jump in and out of. That's why I'm very interested in these games! Thanks for doing this event, even though you are busy ;)
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I feel like time has gone by too fast,
I remember playing altogether in coop,
They say "face it, it's the past!",
But I'm sadly stuck in a loop.
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Nice! That one looks so cool. I'm interested for this one too
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Of Explosm I'm an old fan,
They made this battle royale,
It can sure be a lot of fun,
But will your teammate be loyal?
If he is, you will manage to win,
If he's not, you will struggle.
So for god's sake, make a team,
With it you will begin to juggle!
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So many little cartoon people killing each other. So they splatter and spread and more cartoons come up. To be a part of such killing mahyem is my dream and for my dream I'm gonnna splatter.. 😎
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I loved the cyanide and happiness (and ice cream and sadness) comics and I would love to play this game because it is in the same art style!
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When I saw this pop up, I thought,
"Right! I've got a couple of weeks to think of something profound or hilarious to post to convince lovol I deserve a shot!"
Can I enter this one, please?
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I've heard great things about this game and like the reason I gave in This War of Mine, I'm pretty sure this is the sort of game that will really make me think about the whole concept of a surveillance society. The playthrough would be a really interesting one :)
I've watched a couple of YouTube videos on China's social credit system experiment as well and did you know that the gov actually employs at least one person in every town the system was implemented in to gather rumours and collect news of good and bad deeds? Sounds a little bit like the character in Beholder, don't you think? :P
Edit: Found it! Thank goodness for the Search History option :P Here's the video if anyone's interested
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It is one of the games that i am hunting for some time.
Thank you for the chance!
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I like platformers and adventures, this one seems like a logical one as well, might be fun. I am interested in this game for a while since my friend won it, I have wanted to play this game. So maybe, I will be lucky :)
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Tried my luck to win this one 140 times already. I'm interested in this one enough to join all it's giveaways. Thou i already have the sequel i would love to play them in order.
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Frankly, I don't think this (or Beholder) will give you additional perspective if you are already aware of the problem of mass surveillance and surveillance capitalism. I mean, it will be enjoyable, but it won't teach you stuff. I see this kind of game's potential more as eye-openers to people who are oblivious to surveillance.
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Hmm, maybe I should rephrase my sentence - What I'm trying to convey is that experiencing something yourself and learning about it through YouTube videos are pretty different, mainly because it's more of an "outside looking in" and an "actually being inside"-kind of thing. That's also why I would prefer to play a game myself rather than watch someone else play it.
Personally, I'm hoping that I'll get to "feel" how it'd be like to actually be in such a scenario, whether it is as a mere citizen or as one of the agents of the Big Brother, and see the impact of my decisions or actions in said scenario without actually having to put my physical self in that kind of situation... in a way that's pretty similar to the game, "Papers, Please", I guess. That's the sort of additional perspective I'm after and I think this game might be able to provide just that... from what I've read on the game's Steam page anyway.
I also think it'd be nice to know what the developers of the game really think about the issue. After all, they obviously feel about the issue strongly enough to make a game about it. Maybe their opinions, or the various revelations their game may reveal, might blow my mind, who knows? :)
Err, I hope my explanation makes sense to you. Sometimes, my thoughts do come out all garbled and confusing :P
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experiencing something yourself and learning about it through YouTube videos are pretty different
You do experience it in real life (or if you don't, I'd like to know which country you live in and I'm coming right away ^^). But yeah, I see your point.
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I want it because I want to suffer the doubt whether to play the original one, with (supposedly a few less bugs) and mod support or the definitive edition, with barely better graphics (but still, better graphics) and no mod support and more bugs.
And here is a bit of trivia. The first zombie movie is not George A. Romero's Night of the Living Dead (1968), but Victor Halperin's White Zombie (1932), with Bela Lugosi, while he was sucking blood in other movies.
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Now, let's be honest, what is this game really about? Systematically slaughtering the inhabitants of an island. What am I about? Systematically slaughtering those that disagree with my teacup-based regime! And who are likely to be unruly subjects? That's right, zombies! So, if I'm ever to become a Tyrant worth my salt, I need to know how to bash a zombie's brains in with a hockey stick while floating in a resort pool.. and if I can't? Absolute anarchy! I wouldn't have a chance at keeping those dirty second class citizens in check! ahem.. I mean.. it would be so very difficult calming down my beloved populous "peacefully". So, for the sake of avoiding Pol Pot 2.0, I would very much like to play this game.
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It's a classic! It's one of those games we played in the dark to hide from our parents...but for me I never had the chance to play Dead Island, just because...we live where the moon never shines! So here's a song for all dead islands:
There was a island that was dead,
in a land called Techland.
it was a wonder that was great,
the dead lived there alive.
But after one man came to it,
there was no chance any more.
So the dead island was without dead,
the player was our hero.
And after all these brutal things,
we love some newer ones.
On Steam there is now a chance to play,
thanks to lovol here!
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I played more than 50 hours in the original version, I really liked it and more than 220 hours in the dying light, I love Techland's zombies games and of course I want to update the updated dead island collection, I’ve been hunting for it on this site for a long time :)
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I want it, because I'm the only one who doesn't have it :)
But seriously, this game is also on my wishlist.
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In my wishlist since I don't remember. If I remember well, the only game I left from the franchise
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Funny story. I used to be afraid of zombie themed stuff. I remember my brother watching night of the living dead on VHS. I was absolutely terrified even just to hold the box when trying to shift through them to find my tapes to watch in the cases. Even games like zombies are my neighbors proved terrifying to play alone. Nowadays... Zombies are an obsession for me. I played a ton of Dead Rising on the Xbox back in the day. My favorite community created mode in Halo 2 was actually called zombie. I've sadly missed every sale, and giveaway for this game which is why I hope to win it. XD Regardless I hope you have a great weekend!
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I don't live on an island and we don't have zombies where I live either, so my only chance to experience this is through the game. I would have gladly bought this myself if I could, but I live in Germany, so this game is not available for me to buy. I did some research (does that count as the required labor?) to be sure, I should be able to activate the key in case I win.
Oh, and I love cats. I really do, I don't just say that to gain the favor of your cat. :D
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that's on my wishlist! pretty sure a friend recommended it
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I've been trying to win this for quite a while, and I've heard nothing but good things about it.:)
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Heard so many people say this game is good so I'd like to get a chance to check it out.
Here's a song for your trouble. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GC8o0Sh3zw4
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for this one I'd like to apply for this game, I started to enjoy more and more the platformer games, and definetly this one is something that I wanna play in the close future (if I win it, right after I finish Seasons after Fall). Thanks for the event and the giveaways !
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I have heard and read many excellent critics about the game.
I have also seen some nice gameplay videos, so the game is whitelisted,
Hopefully i will win it some day!
Thanks for the chance!
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oh, a game from my wishlist. I´d like to take part in this one :)
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I owned A Hat in Time which should be a rival to this game at least IMO. However, I saw this game got over 33k positive reviews on steam. Thus, I'm quite curious about the game and I wanna test it once :)
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Now, I know what you're thinking. "Hey, isn't that the Tyrant of the widely renowned Teacup Empire? Boy, wouldn't I just love to get in his good graces! But, gee wizz, I don't know what I could possibly do!" Well, I'm here to answer all your questions! First: yes, 'tis I, but please don't bow! It's most definitely unnecessary! Second: All you gotta do is crinkle up that there hollow knight into your palm, shake my hand and then allow the game to sorta "disappear" from your hand. Just consider it a.. "donation". Or, since I'm also quite merciful and kindhearted, I'll happy settle for a place in the giveaway. After all, you can't spell charitable without.. several letters from my name!
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Hollow Knight
I would like to fight
vs all the migth
the enemies may throw at me
And i will certainly not flee
And discover every last bit of the game
No less is the goal for which I aim
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I already got Hollow Knight in the meantime ^^
But it's great to hear that you didn't forget about my amateur poem :3
I am glad that you read it ^^
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Well, I haven't started it yet.
I am pretty busy at the moment but I am very much looking forward to playing it once I have some time :3
Have a great week~
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Can i still join the party ?
i dont know how to attach picture sry about that
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Pretty much exactly what you guessed. I ran it through six styles and made a looping GIF out of them.
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Oh it would be my heart's delight
And surely set my mind alight
To get a chance at Hollow Knight.
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I should get this because I'm the best, cutest and funniest Super Duper Cookie Ninja Monster! I'm so awesome that I'd share Cookies with you instead of eating them all!I am sure you would never ever find such a Monster like me. Oh and I also love CheeseCake!
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Art and text is all I can deliver as proof of my effort and desire it seems.
I would've written you a program, as I'm a programmer by trade, but then I realized that would be very difficult to deliver to you, not to mention I have no idea of something thematic yet simple enough.
So here's a little picture I drew instead. Might not look much, but as someone who doesn't do art on a regular basis, this was quite the effort.
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This game looks so slick. I've lately been playing more on PC and my kids see me. If they get interested, they start their own game. This seems like something we all would enjoy. :)
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I saw a gameplay of this one time ago, about 50 episodes more or less, and I loved this game. Looks so awesome
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Trying to get into this type of game, you could be opening me up to a whole new world of games.
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Robed in gilded armor on a throne of flames,
He penetrates the brooding darkness to slay the sorrow,
But then in haste with dread of shame,
He fades into a cloud of sullen tomorrows.
To pay tribute to honor not due,
And penance not owed,
Without a glimpse of pleasure you flew,
To bless the walls of hollow gold.
Long time wishlist game. I believe it will fill my hollow world.
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Hollow Knight looks so good. I almost bought the HB monthly for it but ended up not being able to afford it that month. . I'd really appreciate a chance to enter for this one.
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Hollow Knight is the only game I'd like to apply for. The dark and gorgeous 2D artstyle is very appealing to me and I regret missing the Humble monthly.
I don't mind if it's hard as hell, it's worth every goddamn bead of sweat. :D
Thanks for the chance, lovol. :)
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Ori and the Blind Forest was one of my most loved games and people keep telling Hollow Knight is similar. I need to find out if that's true!
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Hola puedo participar en el sorteo de este juego me gusta mucho la tematica del juego además del modo en que esta realizado , he visto muchos streamers haciendo runs de este juego y me ha llamadk mucho la atencion sorry i dont speak much english
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I'd like to apply for the Hollow Knight giveaway. A friend of mine played this on his switch and he's absolutely mad about it. He told me I should get it (oh and I liked Ori and the Blind forest on xbox)
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So you like drawings, well then, here you go. ^^
I was using a mouse to draw it, and I am pretty bad using a mouse compared to drawing with my hand or with a drawing tablet.
Anyway, I love metroidvania games and this one is definitely a must play for me.
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It's been in my wishlist for a long time, so hope it's not too late
I like drawing, so here is one :)
Hollow Knight
Thanks to Arihu for the website
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I'd like to apply to this one if it's not too late yet.
Hollow knight share many similar aspects as games that I've enjoyed before. I expect I would like it too.
Hollow knight is on my wishlist for a while, and at 40 items, I'd like to think my wishlist is more sincere than some others >.>
I've managed to play almost everything I've won from this site, (admittedly some took years). I hope that's proof enough to say I'll play this game too if I win it.
Last of all, here's a drawing I did of the Hollow Knight playing Hollow Knight... haha
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My name is Mag
an when I see
a chance to win
the game R.E.
I am excite
I cannot wait
I pinch myself
but I am wake
This is big
its new sensation
to play the game
resident evil revelations
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i love resident evil.first time i really feeled fear in a videogame. was back in the days , playing resident evil 3.
so i would like to apply for this one.
here some music
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I'm still waiting for Dino Crisis 4 after 2 decades.
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I apply to this one too :) But i'll play it after i finish the 2 remake ^^ Thanks :)
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My typical day off (recently) goes like this: playing Euro Truck Sim 2 and watching The Walking Dead on Netflix. So, there are only 2 games in your list I would really like to take a chance on winning :)
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I'd like to have a shot at this. The following story has absolutely nothing to do with the game. It's just a one-shot I wrote for this post.
Evil resides within me. No, seriously. I made a pact with the devil. I guess I needed to find a lawyer to help me with my contract. Or a proofreader. One misspelled word. That's all it took. Now the devil owns me. I didn't start out as a 'weapons procurement specialist'. I didn't start out as a drug lord. I didn't start out as a murderer. I didn't even start as an arsonist. And the genocide, that came muuuch later. No, the first thing the devil made me do was kill my dog. The very thing I'd made a pact with him for.
My dog had had cancer. And let me tell you man, f*** cancer, in dogs or in people. The vets could do nothing. My dog, who I'd had for years, was gonna die. Then, a strange, well-spoken man in a tuxedo approached me on the street. He was no one I'd met before, but he knew all my problems, and seemingly, all my secrets. Maybe that should have been my first clue.
A week later, I printed out what I thought was an absolutely foolproof contract, twice. The first copy was for me, and the second one was for him. We both signed with a little flourish. Then, suddenly, my dog got up and started wagging its tail, begging for treats, just like he used to do before. I thought everything was going to be okay. I was about to thank the devil when it spoke.
With a voice like nails and rocks dragged along a chalkboard, the devil simply said, "kill it. Break its neck." I remember it like it was yesterday. That was the first time I'd ever killed anything. It wasn't the last.
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This one is also on my wishlist, I can't wait to play it.
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Now i dont know, if its still possible to join in, i'd admit i've never brought the game as i found it to expensive..
but i enjoy all the RE games, but mainly lend it from friends, the only ones i own myself is the RE1 and RE2 for my old trustworthy ps1
So it would be a lovely first one to be added to my libary, so i dont have to set up the ps1 or lend it from friends on steam :D
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Here's a funny story, i had this game before, but it was from a shared account from a friend, but at that time, i had windows xp and the game crash after the first mob, now i have a better computer, but i don't have anymore that shared account, and i always want to end that game.
So, if i can apply for this one aswell, thank you :)
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Would definitely love to be in the running for this one. I've played all of RE stories up through 5. I've been stuck on 6 for the longest time, probably due to the severe lack of Jill. This would cure me of that problem and maybe get me through the rest of the series XD
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Games that related to World War II are always my favorite. Thus, I really wanna try this one :)
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It looks really cool, and I got a cosmetic item for it during the Cozy Cottage event.
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I heard this game was pretty dope. One of my steam friends plays this pretty often. I've entered some giveaways for this game but I haven't won yet. Please look at this little homeless sick kitten who just found a temporary home in this apartment and he is already bunting his new cat friends https://youtu.be/KpxNnU8L7tU?t=711 I hope that brings a smile to you.
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Usually, i'm the designed driver. I will never crush your truck with a mountain or a evil cow. Maybe some old ladies, but the cargo will be safe XD
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I've heard that the Truck Simulator series can be relaxing, almost meditative games, but really, I want to reenact this:
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May I apply for this one? I currently enjoy ETS 2, a really big time!.. ;)
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I always liked racing games. I bought a force feedback wheel for that, because I wanted to better play the more sim oriented ones. I read about truck sims, above all the euro 2 one, that they are really good and focus on a different perspective. I'd love to try this one, even if it's the American version.
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welp, im a huge Truck fanboy since childhood, always played with my Siku-toytrucks (still have them all!).
Already spend 418hrs of EuroTruckSimulator 2 Gameplay (mostly in Multiplayer), earning every archievement possible for me (sadly i dont own the latest DLC yet).
Furthermore just look at my profile....Trucks!
--> American Truck Simulator, i promise i will play the shit out of it! :D
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I've never been to America, would be nice to see some of the country
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ok, second game you giveaway from my wishlist, I'd like to apply for this one too (you can check my profile to see that I'm interested in this kind of games)
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this is one of the best games ever. Played original Carmageddon as kid, I still remember it like it was yesterday. Brings fresh memories. Recently even watched movie inspired by it, it was even of of the first roles with Sylvester Stalone! I recommend it, if you are into stupid movies! Death Race 2000
And I hope to get this game to refresh my nostalgic memories with newer graphics, but with same fun!
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Oh another classic I missed in my younger years. Maybe now is the chance to show all the dumb German politicians who are hanging out with the car industry, how important a speed limit on highways is to prevent more and more deaths! Thanks Mr. Lovol!
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In Carmageddon: Max Damage,
You cause some carnage,
Are you an evil person?
You will love the Suppressor!
If you are sensitive
Be aware, you might want to jump,
This game is definitive,
You can even kill Trump!
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this, this game, I've seen a video of it a few years back, when I was still in school, it was either from smosh or from achievement hunters, the video they made was hilarious, don't know if it was this particular game or another from the serie, but I've always wanted it ever since, being in the whitelist for this game would be amazing.
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Did you say Spacecom?
Is it made for a strategist?
That, to me, may cause boredom,
But then, I exclaim: "geez",
11-bit studios made this?
That's why it's in my wishlist!
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I've wondered why devs named their games like this. I have 2 questions:
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A Casino Mansion...
An opera singer mesmerizing the crowd with her voice,
When a horrifying shriek tears the environment for horror of everyone to watch the Chef cutting a guest into smaller pieces for his main course. And the opera singer pulls out her gating and starts pumping lead into the hearts of the people who were so lost in the voice that they couldn't hear their death in the form of the SEXY BRUTALE singer standing in front of them.
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Thanks :) Took me quite a long time though. I finished it yesterday and started pretty much after I posted here for the first time :) Lack of time during day :) New job and so on...
So even if it looks nice - I will stick to reading books/playing games ;p You have to choose something when time is limited :)
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I just love playing turn-based RPGs and funnily enough, I rediscovered my love for them with an SG win - Shadowrun Returns, wrote a review about it too. This game only got on my radar when I first spotted it on SG. Haven't had any luck winning it though :P
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i would like to aplly for this one, cause i love rpg's
i cant write a song , thats just something im not good at.
but u may like this
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Uuuuh Warhammer Vermintide / Vermintide 2 in an turn-based aproach? Count me in!
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Longtime in my wishlist, seems interesting vertical.
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I don't know this game but looks interesting. If I win, I'll surely give it a try.
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Some people may say turned-based RPGs are boring, but I think the complete opposite! Having the time to plan out the best moves each turn really adds another level of strategy into a game. I recently won Shadowrun: Hong Kong and enjoyed it a lot, although I'm guilty of making many risky moves that resulted in one of my party members dying ^^; I would like to enjoy this game as well.
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Turn based RPGs are one of my favourite genres and Mordheim is one of the games I had my eyes on for a time now :)
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I have played Warhammer for a long time, so I'm really interested in this
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The city defenses look a little jammed,
Monsters are brutal, doors were rammed,
Beasts all enter, people got slammed,
The once angelic city, became CITY OF THE DAMNED..
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The colours of the various planets looks very interesting and unique!
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I see the thing
that lovol bring
and want to shake his hand.
A chance to play
this thing I pray
is fun exciting lands
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I didn't know this game, but from now, on mi wishlist!
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Sky Break can be that game
Which surprises you for the survival
The trailer looks a bit lame
But wild mechas, they are rival
This seems post-apocalyptic,
So I am no more skeptic.
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I have Tropico 4 from a recent bundle, so plan to try it out soon, but Tropico 5 is more popular among my friends. Would love to win this. ^^ I am a Humble subscriber myself (currently paused >.>) since July, so missed this one.
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Okay, I will take your word for it. A friend said the same about Civ 4 and 5. That 4 was better than 5, especially "beyond the sword." He was right. My hours on Steam don't show all the hours I've played on those Civ games. Before I had all the games, I used to play on my friend's extra account. He has one to allow good friends to join in multiplayer who don't have the games. ^^
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Tropico 4 is much much better, propably the best in the series so start with it.
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Okay, I will take your word for it. A friend said the same about Civ 4 and 5. That 4 was better than 5, especially "beyond the sword." He was right. My hours on Steam don't show all the hours I've played on those Civ games. Before I had all the games, I used to play on my friend's extra account. He has one to allow good friends to join in multiplayer. ^^
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Civ is a series that i want to try really bad as i am in love with strategy games but i cant really start as its turn based game and i hate this mechanic. I have to try it at least once as i only have heard good things about 4 and 5.
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4 is really good. I really fell in love with the "Beyond the Sword" expansion and that's the one that I have something like 90 hours played on my own account. I definitely recommend picking it up in the sales as it would be going pretty cheap. Then if you don't enjoy it, you haven't lost much. I got mine for only a few euros a few years ago.
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Sounds like a good plan and its on sale for now..i think i will give it a try. Thank you for the recommendation.
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I've actually spent months playing the original Tropico game back then, probably around the time it was released. It was quite a while ago so I don't really remember much except that it was insanely fun and that it made me realize I really enjoy fussing over the towns/cities I built.
Funny thing though, my dad actually bought the game so he could play it, but I ended up spending wayyyyy more time on it than he ever did :P
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Remember when I briefly spoke about my tyrannical ambitions? Yeah.. I don't really have what one would call "experience" at this sort of thing, so this would make for perfect work experience. And, I'll let you in on a lil' secret, the Supreme Leader is kinda a fan of these types of games. Ah, but keep that under your hat! Especially since everyone that spills the Glorious Leader''s secrets can't really.. wear hats anymore.. it's becoming a bit of an issue. I mean, you should see the decapitation hallway he built! Wait, why was I talking in third person?
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Here you can be what you want,
You can be a great commandant,
You can exploit or bomb them all,
And let the enemies fall.
Watch out for the cash, of course,
You must, sometimes, enforce!
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WHAT!? You dare ASK El Presidente if he wishes to rule? What insolence! El Presidente always rules!
But El Presidente is most magnanimous and generous, and will grant your humble request.
clears throat
Dear people of Tropico! Do not let your empty bellies and leaky shacks fool you into thinking your Presidente is not looking out for you! I can assure you that I have spent every waking moment of my presidency hard at work improving the life of YOU, the regular Tropican, the real Tropican, struggling to make a living in these hard economic times. But there are many enemies who wish nothing but...
What? Election speeches are not an artistic talent? Oh, you know nothing of politics, my foolish friend.
But so be it. El Presidente has many talents. In fact, El Presidente is a world-famous painter! Stand back and be amazed, for El Presidente will now produce a new masterpiece right in front of your eyes!
Feast your eyes on El Presidente's unmatched talent! Is it not the work of a god amongst men?
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But seriously, this is my favourite series. I've spent hundreds of hours on both the original pair and the remake sequels. Still hoping for a revival of Pirate Cove, but it looks like we might get there in the main game if the ages mechanic continues to be expanded for a few more sequels.
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Oh no I said I would prepare a better joke.
🍴 🃏 Dinner is is ready
Holly Molly, that was probably the worst thing I ever did.
Basically like these games but 4, was a huge downer for me, the DLCs made it better but still sad that the vanilla version is so better but still sad that the vanilla version is so better but still sad that the vanilla version is so repetitive repetitive repetitive...
I have hopes for tropic 5 and promise I won't burn down calypso.
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A small puzzle: Think of three dots, but you are only able to connect two of them at once. How to make four dots?
Seems unsolvable? Alright! So I'm in here for puzzles!
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Oooh, from otakumaker! I love their games :3 I already have a lot from them ^_^
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I love puzzle games and this one first intrigued me as I watched the video, until reaching the part where the person who recorded reached the "I don't know how to do that" point, tracing random pattern exactly how I would do after 15mn stuck to one of those puzzle (I laughed loud enough to startle my cat).
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i would like to have that one since no one commented yet :)
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Oh boy, this one is on my wishlist. It interests me because its a mix of sci-fi (which I love) and fantasy (which I like when its done well) Its got cool sci-fi looking graphics and my PC is well above the minimum requirements (something I always have to check for.) Here I wrote a poem to express my interest:
Shadowrun, looks like fun
Neon lit nights, no bright sun
fight with magic, or use a gun
I'd play it often until it was done
Edit; Just noticed "probably used" well I'd be willing to give it a shot and if it doesn't work, hey, no hard feelings
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If it's returning, I'll open my doors... And be ready for retro since it's a future metro,
With top down action, I feel lot of connection..
And it's a acclaimed game, not having it with me is a shame.
And in case the key might not work, I'll not be going berserk and will carry on with my twerk twerk twerk :D
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The Steam keys don't expire, only the Humble links. If you were smart enough to save the key somewhere before the expiration, you can still give it to someone later. ;)
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Gonna break character for a wee sec here. I love old games for two reasons! A. They run smooth as bloody silk on my computer! B. Most of my favorite games have been old as dirt, like Sword of the Samurai and [REDACTED], so I think that trend will continue! And, if that's not enough, here's a poorly written limerick 'cause it's late and I'm tired!
There once was a Tyrant who boasted
To all his fine battles he toasted
Until a rumor was spread
About how well he fled
Which ended when their execution was hosted!
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May we ask whether you're a lady or a gentleman?
A lady
A gentleman
My dear sir, there are individuals roaming the streets of Fallen London at this very moment with the faces of squid! Squid! Do you ask them their gender? And yet you waste our time asking me trifling and impertinent questions about mine? It is my own business, sir, and I bid you good day.
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What are the odds of drinking the same drop of water twice in your lifetime? To have a single molecule enter your mouth, enter one of your cells to carry vital nutrients before making repeated rotations through your heart and through your vasculature? For that same molecule to transpire from your skin as sweat to evaporate into a clear winter morning? To ride for miles on the wind and condense in a rainstorm in some distant, foreign land? For it so be swallowed by a butterfly on a great migration and discarded along the way? To undergo some great journey and find its way home to you? And you would never know where it had been or recognize what it had seen. Maybe it spent near a millennia at the bottom of some sunless sea and now you've just swallowed it.
You probably drank recycled dinosaur piss and never realized it. Think about that for a second.
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Personally, I utterly respect the two entry for this game that are right above me. These are the kinds of people I would put in charge of my armies! But, anyway, this is probably the game I'm most hopeful for. Not because I get to ride around in a zubmarine (which is pretty fun) or because I get to murder pirates and other disgustingly beautiful creatures (which is also pretty fun). The reason I adore this game is because it allows me to fulfill a lifelong ambition! Being an insane pirate captain with a pet ferret, a child named Squirtle that'll remember me as lovingly as Tidus remembers Jecht from FFX (and will hopefully attempt to take my life, allowing me to sharpee a big mustache on him when I inevitably win) and an addiction to rubbery bits of SOMETHING and tea as I chart unknown waters commiting acts of consentual mummy trafficking and taking part in animal civil wars!
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This is a fun idea. And a nice way to doing things for the community here. Nothing that I either want or don't have already so far, but thanks for this great idea here.
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ah ha! grrrrande lovol!
wanted to try something like this but was little worried about "spammy thread" and "begging". but seems to work well... congrats!
(what i appreciate more is that you/we are creating content not just usual enter-win-goodbye...)
imma gonna whitelist ya! :P
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Asking us to do impossible tasks like to
sign a song
..how mean! :P
On a serious note, if you want to have a bit of schedule, you could start creating them now.
Let the first start in a few days and the others in the following days, after the previous end. Just be sure to leave you a window of time between the two to remove and add users :)
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A few reminders to save you some time and/or effort:
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Thank you for your post! Much appreciated :)
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My soul was full of Dread Tread, and there was naught I could do about it except reject that fine rapture of which I was all too undeserving.
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74 Comments - Last post 4 minutes ago by xaivierx
15 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by tabbou
10 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by OneManArmyStar
319 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Xarliellon
8 Comments - Last post 8 hours ago by lostsoul67
47,318 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by misterhaan
134 Comments - Last post 11 hours ago by wigglenose
32 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by xaivierx
1,135 Comments - Last post 6 minutes ago by Venonat
6,628 Comments - Last post 19 minutes ago by Masafor
379 Comments - Last post 41 minutes ago by RosimInc
108 Comments - Last post 42 minutes ago by TheMuzo
990 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Greativity
29,681 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by ManOman
Februrary 11: GoNNer – Blueberry EditionFebruary 14-15: This War of MineFebruary 17-18: TreadnautsFebruary 20-21: Rapture Rejects + Safari Outfit DLCFebruary 23-24: BeholderFebruary 26-27: Orwell: Keeping an Eye On YouCat didn't approve any entry, maybe I'll just direct gift it to somebody. – try your luck :)March 1-2: Dead Island Definitive EditionMarch 4-5: Hollow KnightMarch 7-8: Resident Evil Revelations / Biohazard RevelationsMarch 10-11: Sniper EliteMarch 13-14: Sniper Elite V2March 16-17: American Truck SimulatorMarch 19-20: Carmageddon: Max DamageMarch 22-23: SPACECOMMarch 25-26: The Sexy BrutaleMarch 28-29: Mordheim: City of the DamnedMarch 31-April 1: Sky BreakApril 9-10: Tropico 5April 12-13: Outline
World of Warships Humble Pack 2019 is still avalaible (EU only).
Every giveaway lasts for 2 days and there's 1 day break so I'd have time to change participants. You can apply for the giveaways until their end time :)
I have some leftovers from bundles. Some of them are really great games! I wanted to create some fun event or puzzle but I don't have time for this right now. So here's a lazy event :P Lazy for me at least. I know some people won't like it – better odds for those who do :)
I'm going to post the games I have in separate comments. Reply to the comment with a game you want with an effort: write why you want it, draw something, sign a song. Anything what will come to mind. I'm going to wait a few days for answers. Then I'll start creating whitelist giveaways. I will temporarily add to my whitelist people interested in adequate games. The giveaways will last 24 hours and I'm going to add them one by one. You might want to check this thread regurally as I'm an active Monthly subscriber and I'll have more games to give away later.
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