I was pre-ordering some games (i.e. The Last Story and Persona 4 Arena) for the bonus content and noticed that there are several pre-order bonuses for Sleeping Dogs:

Since I don't plan on getting this for my PlayStation 3, only the Amazon and Steam promos appeal to me. It angers me that Best Buy and GameStop didn't release special DLC for their PC gaming customers (like they did with their PS3/Xbox customers) but, by and large, these companies have generally abandoned PC gaming for whatever moronic reason. It also bothers me that company-specific DLCs are released in the first place (unless they are all made available later) since it doesn't allow the gamer to collect all the DLC (and thus get the "full experience").

Most likely, I'll just end up getting the Steam version with the Triad DLCs, though. What about you guys? What do you think is best?

12 years ago*

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If I had any interest in the game I would probably get the steam one because I like the new tf2 weapons

12 years ago

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The UK steam version also comes with the Police protection and GSP packs, as long as you pre order it :P This made me pre order it on Steam instead of PS3.

12 years ago

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Before you edited your comment to reflect your region I was about to post a comment of surprise and delight (assuming that you meant the GSP and Police Protection Packs come in addition to the Triad Pack) but, as mentioned by others, different regions receive different DLCs.

12 years ago

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Much to my surprise I realised this AFTER hearing it from some people here. Sucks to live in some places :S

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

12 years ago

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I got the Steam preorder simply because I wanted the game, I didn't really care about the bonuses.

However, there's two things that make me wonder:

1- why would we need a George St-Pierre pack? What does it have to do with Hong Kong? I had to google the guy, and he's "just" a Montreal mixed martial artists. There's hundreds of them, I don't really know why him particularly.
2- I'd like to know where you got these Steam preorder bonuses. I'm very serious; I preordered on the Western European store and what I got was the GSP pack along with the Police Protection content. They added the TF2 items after I

It seems to me there's different bonuses depending on where you're buying from, and that sucks. You'd think in the Internet age there'd be no regional restrictions. I'm sure they're gonna release them as DLCs; nobody is going to buy the game two or three times just for the bonuses and I don't even think you could merge them. You'd have to launch each game to get the different bonuses.

Why, just two years ago when I contacted the Microsoft support to change my locale on my 360 I was told be illiterate workers that I could not do this. In an age where we don't live a day without the Internet and there's 3,886,542 people travelling in planes each day (this figure is a gross estimate, the guy did the math and that's what he came up with), I really thought I could move out of a country without having to stress over my damn Xbox locale. /rant.

12 years ago

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Anyways I think GSP is the mo cap actor for the fighting.

I don't feel like answering the other questions though, kind of sick of it :S

12 years ago

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Yes, you're correct. I just assumed that the Steam store showed the same thing for everyone. Although, until about a year ago I was living in Hellas (and therefore would have possibly seen the same DLC as you), right now I am in the United States and, thus, the Triad Pack is available for me -- which actually works out nicely for me as that is what I prefer. But I wish there was a way to get all the DLC and perhaps that may all be available at a later date, though I admit it is unlikely.

As for consoles and moving to other countries, I know what you mean. Luckily, not all consoles have restrictions. For example, in regards to games, any Nintendo DS game will work with any Nintendo DS, regardless or region. Likewise, the same goes for PlayStation Portable games. Luckily, the PSP Vita is not region-locked but, unfortunately, the Nintendo 3DS is region-locked. And, of course, when dealing with non-hand held consoles, most if not all have regional restrictions of some kind.

I think the new generation of hand-held consoles is region locked.

12 years ago

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Well, George Saint Pierre is a UFC champion with many awards. As for the link, I'd say they wanted to add proper martial arts to the game, and he was free at the time (maybe due to his injury) along with the fact that a known face (to some) makes better sales.

12 years ago

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It's more about him being their expert for fighting than anything else.

12 years ago

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For me the steam pre-order bonus is Georges St. Pierre (GSP) and Police Protection pack not the Triad Enforcer.
Edit: And the Team Fortress 2 items.

12 years ago

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Yes, it seems that most parts (or all) of Europe receive those DLC while the Triad Pack is only available in North America. I wonder what Steam users in Asia and Australia (or even Africa, for that matter) get. Surpisingly, this game hasn't been released in Japan yet and will first be released in North America, Australia, and EU a month before it is released in Japan.

12 years ago

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Not really related but I just wanted to say that The Last Story was great. =P Spent 8 hours in the first damn city doing side-quests before I realized it had been so long. First time in a LONG time that I've been able to do that.

12 years ago

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I was wondering how you managed to play a game that had yet to be released but then I researched the game and it seems that The Last Story was actually released in Japan in 2011 and several months ago in Europe and Australia. I still have to wait another 4 days just for the game to be released (and then probably at least a week until my copy arrives by mail). Anyway, it's good to hear positive reviews of the game.

12 years ago

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dem tf2 items!

12 years ago

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Get it giftet by Someone in the EU. The EU Pre-Order includes all Bonuses.

12 years ago

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Until relatively recently (a year ago) I was living in Hellas so this would have been the version available to me. However, I already bought the American version of the game. Of all the choices, I still like the Triad Pack the most, followed by the Martial Arts Pack. Also, the EU version only has GSP and Police Protection, from what everyone else has said.

Anyway, if all of these DLCs are, in one region or another, available for PC gamers it is possible they will all be released as buyable DLC at some point. Unlikely, but still possible.

12 years ago

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and those who own Just Cause 2 will get a special bonus

12 years ago

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Thanks for that update, I had not heard of it. Luckily, I do have Just Cause 2 so I'm expecting this.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Hey, one thing struck me as odd. On Steam (Western european store), it unlocks the 17th but on GamersGate (european store, same bonuses as Steam), it unlocks the 15th... what's up with that? Anyone? ;)

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

12 years ago

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It's probable, in fact. While they do write "relase: 14th august" (and you buy it now), it uses Steamworks. I guess preloading starts the 14th?

Well, that was solved quickly and now feel like an idiot lol. I'm still interested in why they put 14th since I can swear Steam always had the 17th from the day it appeared.

12 years ago

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Regional release dates exist and that's what probably explains it. For instance, Sleeping Dogs is released: 14 August in North America, 16 August in Australia, 17 August in EU, and 27 September in Japan.

12 years ago

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27th of September?? HOLY SHIT.

12 years ago

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One version gives you TF2 hats; all other versions are void.

12 years ago

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boxed retail comes up with all 4 dlc

12 years ago

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I got the Amazon PC version, which I can redeem on Steam when it comes out, since we in the states just get the digital version.

Why Amazon? Well, I like the martial arts pack, especially the Wing Chun items after watching IP Man 1/2. Also, I had the Amazon credit in my account.

12 years ago

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Well, it looks as though I was wrong: all the pre-order bonus DLC were recently released on Steam as the Sleeping Dogs: Dragon Master Pack (though they can be purchased separately, too). Now, hopefully, the same will be done with Dishonored (which I mention since I made a similar thread for that game, too).

P.S. I realized I never mentioned which DLC I went with but, for those wondering, I went with the Steam version which came with the Triad Enforcer Pack.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Adamantius.