Hello SG community.
Seriously, I've no clue why there are more and more users who is deciding to do put me in their BL. I've started to noticing that ~ half year ago and thought that was automatic plugin which checking for giveaways of dlc I won previously, then decided to buy more of them for giveaway, so I didnt care that much. But today I won a game which was in my wishlist so I'm about to play it. First I activated game and was about to thank this person, then realised that I can't do that, because I'm blacklisted! Well, if you dont like me, just ask for reroll, tell support that I am unfair in any way, but why would you give that key and then BL?
Dont get me wrong, I'm not mad because I can enter less giveaways. I just want to understand, is there anything wrong with me? Or is it just random decisions and I should not change anything about my actions here?
Thanks for any answers and sorry for bad London.

9 years ago

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View Results
you seems retarded russian scum
you didnt play most of games you won long time ago
your giveaways seems fishy
you should not enter giveaways since you have many games on your acc / you can buy it for yourself
you grinded your level 7 in an unfair way

Some people blacklist the winner so the other people get a better chance next time. They don't want the same person to keep winning :)

9 years ago

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Thank you for not blacklisting me ;) I enjoyed RONIN a lot) Even wrote a long ass review of it :D

9 years ago

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Haha, corrected! ;)
I sometimes go on free-game-giveaway blacklist sprees, and I have some mystery BL members, dunno why how or when I put those on it :P

9 years ago

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Btw, I use plug-in labels to write there reasons for bl ;>

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9 years ago

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I'm too lazy for that :P

9 years ago

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:It looks great! I need it too. :3.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Thank you. :3.

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9 years ago

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This. It's not that rare of a practice, and saves some temporary trouble.

9 years ago

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After investigating your profile, this is the most likely reason. That, or you comment/didn't comment on the giveaway and some jackasses use this as a reason to blacklist.

9 years ago

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^^ Probably this.

9 years ago

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welcome to the club, and don't ask this kind of questions or you might get blacklisted again

9 years ago

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+1 this is some non-official rule - "don't talk about to be blacklisted" hahahaha

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I'd appreciate your input

Sweat baby sweat baby sex is a Texas drought
Me and you do the kind of stuff that only Prince would sing about
So put your hands down my pants and I'll bet you'll feel nuts
Yes I'm Siskel, yes I'm Ebert and you're getting two thumbs up
You've had enough of two-hand touch you want it rough you're out of bounds
I want you smothered want you covered like my Waffle House hashbrowns
Come quicker than FedEx never reach an apex just like Coca-Cola stock you are inclined
To make me rise an hour early just like Daylight Savings Time
Do it now
You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals
So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel
Do it again now
You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals
So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel
Gettin' horny now

9 years ago

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Nice moves, brah ;)

9 years ago

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Who else is blacklisting you? You only mentioned 1.

9 years ago

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  • First rule of blacklists - never talk about blacklists.
  • Asking something like this on the forums is likely to land you on more blacklists.
  • People will blacklist for just about any reason you can think of.
  • Some people blacklist once you win something from them. It's not personal, they just want others to win.
  • In your case, some people might blacklist because you make a lot of RL giveaways that they cannot enter in turn.

Don't sweat it. Get over it & move on with your life. Life isn't about making everyone else happy, it's about being happy yourself.

[obligatory gif]

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9 years ago*

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Asking something like this on the forums is likely to land you on more blacklists.

Not unless you were blacklisted for a good reason in the first place, and you just brought this to the attention of a few hundred forum-goers.

9 years ago

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People will blacklist for just about any reason you can think of.


9 years ago

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what's a good reason?

not saying thanks?
having unactivated/multi wins?

9 years ago

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Mostly breaking rules, but I'm sure that a bad giveaway ratio would be reason enough for some people.

9 years ago

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and for me breaking the rules isn't a good reason to blacklist someone, support already takes care of them. just pointing out each person has a different reason to blacklist. :3

9 years ago

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Oh, I guess that my comment was a bit misleading. I thought that you asked what was a good reason in general. Rule breakers usually get blacklisted by other users. I personally only blacklist rude or very unpleasant people, and a few more exceptions where users broke the rules and "didn't give a shit". :P

9 years ago

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Being ugly

9 years ago

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I'm sure some people blacklist people who post without including a gif...

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Not really. By itself, having a thread that mentions blacklisting automatically leads everyone to think that you must have done something wrong in order to be talking about the subject. Thus, there'll be a cognitive bias directing people to think 'this is a person that probably deserves blacklisting' and they'll most likely explore his profile/history to find a reason to support this bias. And since blacklisting is entirely subjective, this is bound to lead to more blacklists that would not have occured had the user avoided discussing the topic.

9 years ago

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"and they'll most likely explore his profile/history to find a reason to support this bias"

Pffft, the blacklist is there for a reason - to be used whenever you get a chance! If you start exploring / investigating, you might end up missing the opportunity...

9 years ago

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People will blacklist for just about any reason you can think of.


9 years ago

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It's the shoes, isn't it?
People just hate these shoes. ;_;

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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It's because i can't afford the new Trumps yet.

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9 years ago

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you would do better by asking this privately to each person that blacklisted you. threads like this only get you on more blacklists.

9 years ago

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You seem alright. Clean profile, good ratio. A good amount of region-locked giveaways, but not much, I've seen people at lvl 7-9 with 100% region-locked, group-restricted giveaways.

If I had to bet, it would be on your avatar, some might consider it offensive.

9 years ago

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heh, I actually think Crazyfaith gave some good advice there. These topics tend to only amplify the "problem"

9 years ago

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you're pointing a gun at people D:

Don't know why, sorry. You're not on mine.

Edit: that poll result -.-*** ... I'm so happy to be part of this community......

9 years ago*

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This community really can easily go either way, can't it..

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Don't know the time between activation and the blacklisting, but if you didn't say "thanks for the game" after winning, that can be a reason. Yes, I know you tried and was blacklisted, but perhaps you took too long.

9 years ago

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Let me throw a guess... The most things that gave you CV are region locked, and some might think that you are someway abusing the system to be able to join higher lvl ROW giveaways. It's just a guess, I have no proof and I didn't check your profile for rulebreaks.
Anyway it's not your fault if region locks exists, and people sometimes forget that russians are also part of the community, they are not aliens. If someone gifts stuff for russian people I'm glad as if they were giving for Europe or America :)

9 years ago

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Thank you everyone for feedback! So it seems right decision just not to think about it. There's always a reason, not just because of personality or whatever. And perhaps ths topic I created looks stupid or complaining but I was just curious as I mentioned before. I also dont hate anyone who BL me :).
BTW I like vote results, I even lol'd.

9 years ago

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Don't even know who you are.

9 years ago

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Now that's an excellent reason for blacklisting!

9 years ago

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Blacklisted for not knowing who lugum doesn't know? :X

9 years ago

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Might be a bit more obscure reason, but still an excellent one!

9 years ago

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I see what you did here. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

9 years ago

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lol xD

9 years ago

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You're on my blacklist. It seems like you changed your username, so your tag is gone and I can't identify you properly. At first I thought I remembered a nasty incident on the forum because that picture rang a bell as if I was thinking "Yeah, right. That's an avatar a person like this has."
But probably CyberEvil is right down there, and you happen to have landed there for winning one of my giveaways and taking the game without leaving any kind of note or small thank you. I'm finding that rather rude and prefer not give more games to people who find that unnecessary.

9 years ago*

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Hmm he also won something from you 8 months ago... Are you sure you don't just BL winners Eve?

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9 years ago

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I only blacklist winners if they don't care to say thank you. But that picture just evoked what I described above.

9 years ago

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I always WANT to blacklist people for not saying thanks on a win, but then you get a winner that's part of one of your favorite groups and I'm really stuck.

I HATE blacklisting people in my good groups more than anything... so usually I just scowl and hope they never win one from me again.

9 years ago

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I do a lot of public and private forum giveaways. That's where most non-thankers are coming from. It happens very rarely in the groups I'm in, as it is a requirement and considered common sense in almost all the groups I'm active in.

9 years ago

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On second thought you might be right, edited my post.

9 years ago

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It seems like you changed your username, so your tag is gone and I can't identify you properly.
OH. Is that why my tags keep disappearing?
Geesh, now I gotta be all the more careful about things, that's aggravating.

9 years ago

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Not necessarily. I noticed that tags seem to disappear at random, too. At least I thought so.. I mean, you can only change your username once a year and I doubt that all of them did that.

9 years ago

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I've had a couple disappearing recently, too, and I know for a fact they didn't change their usernames, so yeah ...
it has to be something else ...

9 years ago

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Ah, it's good to hear I'm not the ony one who has that problem.

9 years ago

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Are you using Chrome as well? I can't help but think it may be related to the way Chrome handles scripts.
Also to Sooth if he happens to read this.

9 years ago

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Nope, Firefox. So no, it's not just an issue with Chrome.

9 years ago

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For things like that, which you would really want something of a 'hardcopy', would be nice if the SG++ tags could have an "output" or archive to file thing =o

unless there is one, and I have to extract foot from mouth ;p

9 years ago

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I couldn't find one last I checked, which is why I don't use it.

9 years ago

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Tsk. Yeah, that's what I noticed as well, but I thought it was, well, just my poor memory or my occasional modem crashes to blame. :'P

9 years ago

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I figure if you can't take a few seconds to say "thank you" after winning a GA it's because you are simply drowning in won games and couldn't find time to do this small courtesy. I do my part and blacklist those people to give them a little breathing room so their good fortune doesn't overwhelm them.

9 years ago

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That's nicely put :)

9 years ago

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if you are on this site to give and "maybe" sometimes win, then i think most of the discussion here is useless as pretentious people will always find reasons, if you want to give just grow up and give without too many expectations, if you are here just to "seem" you are willing to give away games for whatever reason then all the more complicate your life. NOTE: this is not addressed at you personally, i just made a rant on your thread because of seeing some comments i read about and from "generous" people. have fun and stop caring for them ! PS: i will agree with people blacklisting anyone that does not have the spare time to write 2 thank you words to the person doing the give away,it is the least one can do to show appreciation to the community.

9 years ago*

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So, if someone is on here to be generous, they automatically aren't allowed to retain their own personal considerations toward the world around them?

Being more generous gives you less rights,,

The irony is, it only emphasizes how disparate viewpoints can be, and how much we shouldn't treat generous people harshly just for having beliefs and opinions.

9 years ago

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the word "generous" was in quotation marks, please re-read what i wrote, i never stated they are not allowed personal considerations, i said many such "generous" people pretend sometimes absurd things, that is why i used quotes.

being more generous does not give you less rights, i never wrote that..

i am new to this community and to be honest expected a bit less toxicity, especially towards new comers that are willing to share, but getting blacklisted just "because" is a sign that someone "generous" is not really what he seems. i'm not judging, just stating an opinion on the very few cases i have already encountered in my short presence on this website/community.

and again i never said we should treat people that are here to really share and have that warm fuzzy feeling inside that they helped someone with something as small as it might be.

hope it is clear what was my point :)

9 years ago

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How does being selective with how you give stuff makes you less generous?

9 years ago

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being selective is one thing; being a pretentious prick that acts like he was never been at a first in his life (i am referring to being a new member to this site as is on topic, but valid for everything in life) and bash on newcomers for various reasons because one is "high and mighty" is a sign to me that one has some maturing to do and giving away is not his main "intention" with this community, whatever he might pretend and try to show off by posting various threads and seeking attention. i would have to go into details with personal cases suffered in my short period here :) but i will not.

i am being vague as i do not want to attack anyone personally, as i do not take it personally.

selection does not equate culling.(again personal experiences ) because if one is extra selective you might just directly gift those games to your "selections" without making use of a website that is supposed to be public and then pretend you give away stuff when one actually chooses based on rather ambiguous or personal tastes to whom to give games.

edit: when i say "you" i am not addressing you directly, i hope at least that is clear in my writing :)

9 years ago*

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selection does not equate culling.(again personal experiences ) because if one is extra selective you might just directly gift those games to your "selections" without making use of a website that is supposed to be public and then pretend you give away stuff when one actually chooses based on rather ambiguous or personal tastes to whom to give games.

That is still being selective though. Just because they do not fit the parameters of what selective is to you doesn't give the other people any less right to be so or doesn't mean their giveaways are of lesser "warm fuzzy feeling" than yours. Aren't you being the one who is pretentious against those who are picky?

9 years ago

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you have read my posts, right ? does it speak from anyone else's point of view or as i stated "my personal experience until now as a newcomer" ?

i am a new member of this site and i already encountered toxic people just because i am a new registered member !! so yes i consider those people pretentious pricks as i have not been picky in anything regarding my giveaways except (again as mentioned above) for people that do not find time to even write 2 basic words that their mother should have taught them.

if you want to be selective, i have nothing against it, what i have against it is you using a platform/community that is supposed to be public to inflate your "generous" ego in front of a restricted "crowd" all the while keeping a straight, look at my "rates" i am so "generous face..

please if you feel that about me add me to your magic list :)

edit: when i write "you" i am generalizing and not addressing you directly, language habitude, i apologise

9 years ago*

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Yes I have read your posts. The point was you are similar to the people you claim to be pretentious. You have your reasons, they have their reasons. You don't like people limiting the receivers of their GAs so that will always be your reason to see others as pretentious. Personally, I'm selective against rulebreakers that is why I employ SGtools. Does it make my GAs any less than yours? I don't think so. I just don't like giving rulebreakers a chance at my GAs.

The last bit is so typical of people like you. You can set your own standards but others who do so are "inflating their ego". I'm not saying there are no people who are what you describe, I was just pointing out the double standard you impose..

9 years ago

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i will try and exemplify what a public site means to me and what private groups are and pretend to be:

I buy some toilet paper that is from a company that is listed on the market/exchange and then i try the sell the same toilet paper on the same market but with MY RULES inside the same market/exchange .. i am pretty sure you know that is a no-no. that is how i see "pretentious pricks"; AGAIN i did not say to allow rule breakers or those that have no manners or appreciation towards your donations.

you are already set against me from the start because you are a high level contributor and feel personally attacked by my statements, i can understand that even though i have not attacked you in any way nor have i meant to . so let us just interrupt this dialogue because we will not come to a point because i "am so typical".

edit: i joined this community to give back once i have discovered that there are communities that give to you (keys, games, etc). i am new to the digital world and i said i should see, but damn...

9 years ago*

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I don't feel neither personally attacked nor set against you. I just saw a double standard and addressed it. You're typical because there's always someone like you who will act like their choices or standards are better than others'.

There's someone on this site who holds similar ideals with you but they don't mind if they're the one taking from a group or in restricted GAs they don't seem to like. He's a hypocrite though.

9 years ago*

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i have never stated i am better than anyone else...where are you even getting this information ?
if you cannot relate to a new member expressing his doubts in his short lived experience on this site, and consider me typical because i have not reached your level to be able "to afford to have double standards" see my points above.

you do realize you are doing the exact same thing you are accusing me of doing ?? I'm selective against rulebreakers that is why I employ SGtools. Does it make my GAs any less than yours? I don't think so. I just don't like giving rulebreakers a chance at my GAs. You're typical because there's always someone like you who will act like their choices or standards are better than others

you're the best mate, ever ever ever !
edit: thanks for the subtle "hypocrite" add-on, although i have not even won anything.

9 years ago*

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You never stated it but that's how it comes across as. The latter part doesn't hold since I don't see my standards as better nor do I call anyone who don't follow that standard as a certain negative notion. I'm not saying your opinions are wrong I was pointing out it's a double standard. I'm not the one claiming other people are pretentious for not following what I think.

edit: That add on wasn't directed at you. That's why I used a third person pronoun.

9 years ago

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My standards are better than yours! That's why there my standards! I am an elitist pretentious prick, are you trying to say anything bad about me? Oh using English properly and then explaining the reason why like I wouldn't understand now who's pretentious.

Important side notes. Thanks for explaining I struggle with English {would have understood without(my only language)} And don't take the rest of it seriously I mean unless you want to.

9 years ago

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I buy some toilet paper that is from a company that is listed on the market/exchange and then i try the sell the same toilet paper on the same market but with MY RULES inside the same market/exchange

If it's open market, and not a place under rules of some third-party like a company or government, you can pretty much do whatever you want with your product, including reselling it under your own rules. Nobody can stop you from buying a game from person X then selling it to person Y on your rules, whether it's more expensive or cheaper, whether it's a part of the game or full product, whether the transaction is done in the same place or another - it's your thing.

Likewise, here. Giveaway creator spends his own money on those giveaways, and he should have a choice whether he wants to give it to everyone, only people X, or only people Y. Some people are actually really picky about that, set rules that I can't myself understand, but it's their choice - if you won't allow me to join your giveaway e.g. because you say that you don't like my avatar, I won't rant about that, I'll respect that, perhaps add you to my blacklist if I consider that your rules are retarded, but that's it. It's your choice, and I won't argue with that.

I feel like some people are really "entitled" to those giveaways, and they can't accept the fact of being rejected. No, you're not entitled to anything, those giveaways are not public organized by some kind of charity organization - those are other PEOPLE giving away games.

Instead of ranting about that, find positive values. I have many "haters" here, people that don't agree with me, my opinion, or my point of view. It's their choice and I can't blame them for that, but I also have a group of awesome people that are supporting me, love to talk with me, discuss things, and add me to their whitelists so I have an opportunity to win awesome giveaways. Why should I care about some random guy, if I can focus on my friends instead? I'm observing such thing from some time now, that most of those people "fighting" with blacklists, SGT and stuff like that have really no better thing to do, and it's kinda sad that they're wasting their free time on such silly things instead of enjoying what they do have. It's almost like having 100 people behind you who love you, yet you spend 99% of your time convincing that one who hates you that he should not, instead of joining your group and simply saying "oh look, what an idiot" :3.

9 years ago*

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i'm not fighting anyone nor shall i continue to post in this discussion as it has mutated to a rather unsavory direction, because i meant a completely different thing in my post, you people keep doing what you have done until now, it's not like i'm going to change anything, that was and is not my point.

as a regard to the free market, even a free market has a set of imposed rules and limits for every participant so no, you cannot re-sell things without having a licence, trademark rights etc because that product if for your use (in my example to clean your ass) and not go back to the exchange and re-sell it. not if you are engaging in an open community; if it is a local market and community that is a whole different story (just like public and private GA)

so good luck to everyone and keep being better and superior !

9 years ago

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as a regard to the free market, even a free market has a set of imposed rules and limits for every participant so no, you cannot re-sell things without having a licence, trademark rights etc

Wrong. If I buy a product X, for example Samsung phone, I can do whatever I want with it, including destroying it, or selling to somebody else. It's my product, I own it, and I can do whatever I want with it. Trademarks and licenses are made so you can't copy a product made by somebody else and sell it, because original creator does not get rewarded in any way for their work. It has nothing to do with buying legit product from company X and then reselling it, because when you buy a product, it's yours. At least in my country and I bet in whole EU.

Failed irony. I don't consider myself in any way "superior" to you, I don't agree with your opinion and your arguments, and as you can see I'm not the only one. You can either call everyone a hidden conspiracy against yourself and come up with a theory that we're all against you, or find a flaw in your logic and see yourself why it doesn't make sense. Do not fix what is not broken, fighting against the community can lead only to worse situation for yourself.

9 years ago*

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that is why i said EXCHANGE - you know the place where your company is listed ? - and not the local flea market or your neighbor, you cannot resell SAMSUNG products officially and gain from their exchange as you do not own any rights! understand the difference.

Conspiracies ?? :) it's called word mauling what you are doing, as in my first post i was referring to people that feel "superior and generous" and this gives them the right to insult or berate on someone and then blocking them (again with the little experience i had on this site in the 5 days I've been a member).

You people really like taking shit out of context and then embellish that shit with your own words...take care

9 years ago

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you cannot resell SAMSUNG products officially and gain from their exchange as you do own any rights! understand the difference.

Of course you can, if you obtained those products legally, you can sell them even in mass quantities in your own store, this is what 99% of online stores are doing if you didn't notice yet. In order to obtain a product you most usually need to sign up a contract or a license, so company X will provide you with the products for resale. But if you have those products already, which means - you OWN them, you don't need any approval of the company who produced it, and it doesn't matter if you found that product in garbage, bought it from your friend, or won in a giveaway. If I bought 100 cd-keys off IndieGala, why would anyone prohibit me from opening a local store with steam cd-keys and selling them to people? Even Valve lost in EU court in regards to steam accounts, and it's totally LEGAL to sell or trade steam accounts according to the law, but it still breaks Steam ToS.

At that point I'm no longer sure if we live in the same world. You either live in some country with totally weird regulations, or (what is more likely), you can't tell a difference between producing a product and reselling it.

9 years ago*

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you missed the point of my comparison and again i repeat - you CANNOT buy a Samsung product THEN go back to the exchange and list that product AS YOUR OWN and sell it for shares -> IT IS ILLEGAL. (NOT THE SAME WITH SELLING A PHONE OR 1000 PHONES by having or not having a store)

the comparison was for people that dwell only in private areas of the site/groups and then act "high and mighty" with the low level community "pretending" to be part of the WHOLE community(because of stats - even though they gained their stats in a private only manner/group) , thus the "superior and generous" attitude and all the other names I've called these kind of people i have encountered

edit : i was not discussing the selling rights, i was discussing the "entitlement" of certain people i have encountered and this took a whole different turn.

let me try with this example :D : if you are in a boat with 10 people and all of you have to row, but there are 2 guys that do not want to row while you are doing it or they want to row in the opposite direction, will you still consider them as crew or disposable load that needs fresh water and food (just like everyone else on board) because they are not willing to row in the same direction/at the same time?

9 years ago*

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will you still consider them as crew or disposable load that needs fresh water and food (just like everyone else on board) because they are not willing to row in the same direction/at the same time?

I'd say that if they want to be on my boat, they need to obey my rules and my orders, and if they don't like them, they can build their own one with whatever rules they want there.

Likewise with group giveaways. If I have group members in my private giveaway group, they're playing according to my rules, but if they don't want to, I have nothing against, because not everyone has to agree with me - they can create their own group with whatever rules they want.

And finally, likewise with giveaways. A guy creating restricted giveaway is not on the same boat as me, he's neither my competitor. It's more like independent boat, and if I want to hop in, I must obey rules by the captain, in this case - giveaway creator. If he wants only white man between age 21-22 believing in Allah, I either pass requirements, or not.

You won't find a good example of your logic - because there's none. Forcing people to spend their money in the only true real way you want is one-way ticket to North Korea, not SG.

9 years ago

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i agree with your statements, you are 100% correct, now if they are to be in their own boat it means you do not consider them your own (part of your crew, community), thus logic dictates they consider themselves "apart" from the other 8 that were and are a majority to the 2; now if they are 2 separate entities and the original boat was designed for all of them, who will you accuse of abandonment the 2 guys or the other 8 ? i presume the 2 guys will be regarded as the ones going against the original sailing plan of the boat right ? they will have no rights to claim to be part of the original crew anymore (they have given up on those rights) - THERE MIGHT BE A FLEET but your crew is your crew. well if you understand that (and the fact i am a new member without a boat) then you might get what my first rant was all about

where did you see me use the word "FORCE" ? you just cannot relate because you are already in another boat..

9 years ago

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now if they are to be in their own boat it means you do not consider them your own (part of your crew, community)

I also do not consider kicked members from my group as my group members, yet I still consider them part of SG community.

I also do not consider murderers as proper human beings, yet I'm forced to call them humans.

And finally, I may not consider you worthy part of the community, but I still have to consider you being part of it.

I can't even understand how deep in your thoughts you had to go to connect such fact with not passing GA requirements. You have really bad allusions :3.

9 years ago

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then kindly go fuck yourself thanks.

9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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what is going on here LOL

9 years ago

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you're the one wasting it, if you are so above me and you feel you are wasting it then just stop responding, be the bigger man ! mature i must say..

edit: nice one on deleting your comment

9 years ago

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Deleted comments are properly marked bro, you can't hide them. Are you losing arguments or you're having hallucinations?

9 years ago

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error error

9 years ago*

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A word for you today: Irony

9 years ago

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exactly mate,, exactly !

9 years ago

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I must admit, you shown me with that blacklist over lost argument, my life will not be the same anymore :3

But don't worry, it happens. You see, I had so good laugh that I even decided to create a giveaway specially for you: click

I know that you don't know what you're doing, so I'm not even going to blacklist back. Have a good day! :3

9 years ago

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please do mate, this is what the whole argument was about, the empowering you get from clicking that button, i actually also blocked you on steam. hope your group enjoys it and has a good laugh in my name !

9 years ago

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shit you replied to another post and i thought you were replying here with the not waste my oxygen : as in i am sick of you. i apologize for my impulsive and not correct answer as i interpreted differently

i admit that

9 years ago

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I'm not saying I agree with Archi for the rest of the conversation -because I haven't read it yet- but he made that comment here and was just kidding. I even added something there.

9 years ago

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Deleted comments indeed leave a very clear indication that there used to be a message there. So I'm not sure who you are talking to.

9 years ago

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he replied to another post of mine..while actually trying to make a joke....and in the succession of notifications i saw it on the same thread in reply to what i had just wrote. i apologized for misreading that

9 years ago

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Ah, that explains it. Also nice to see that you have calmed down a bit. The conversation was getting unnecessarily heated in here if you ask me.

9 years ago

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that will happen when someone wants to drown your opinions with their own...especially by mauling words and taking them out of context. anyway i was not and am not mad, as i said in my posts above, there is no reason to take it personally, especially with a digital avatar, i misread and reacted bad on that, but it was not part of this conversation so i will back up from that, but not the rest :)

9 years ago

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I must agree, that blacklist was not a result of being mad, I didn't have such good laugh in a while, thank you. Maybe I even buy you something off your wishlist, as you extended my life for at least a few hours :3.

9 years ago

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you seem to confuse a "future attention wanting" with being mad, get your hormones in order and then see which emotion is which so we can discuss feelings.

9 years ago

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Does he know you have a robot that's going to take over the world?

9 years ago

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I know that you don't know what you're doing, so I'm not even going to blacklist back. Have a good day! :3

Probably not, and he also doesn't know many other things, I'm feeling sad that he got so mad over lost argument, I just hope people won't blacklist him that much for what he said, that would be really sad for newcomer, especially generous one.

View attached image.
9 years ago

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I have no idea where you found that image but its awesome. I was just in here to help fill in the ole blacklist and there are lots of them today feeling like I was productive on steam gifts. Hell I might do a public GA at a lowish level.

9 years ago

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I still have trauma, but maybe I should do some too... :3

9 years ago

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Sorry, am I late for the party?

Darn, I am, aren't I?

9 years ago

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To be blunt, you fit the "oh god, another one of those" bill: Russian, last played game shows CS:GO and TF2 (seriously, why does half of Russia with a decent internet play nothing but CS:GO?). I have to add though, it is rare to see that you actually played a few dozen of the other games as they show times way past card-farming. (And now I learnt that Borderlands 2 has a RU/CIS only edition. The things you find out after many years…)

9 years ago

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Back in early 2k I remeber gaming club with like 100 coputers. And every time when you open heavy metall door sounds of gunfire, explosions and shouting are stunned you.

9 years ago

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Those things still exist xD

9 years ago

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You can't get a reroll just because you don't like someone, you're obligated to give them the game they won- failing to do so can get you in trouble. That's the main reason people gave you the games despite blacklisting you.

Past that, you just have to remember you're not getting games from an impartial, emotionless redistribution site, you're getting games directly from other people.

Just like in any context where others are involved, everyone will have their own perspectives and preferences- and some people will be assholes, and sometimes, you'll be the asshole.

Just accept that you're not entitled to anything here anymore than anywhere else, but at the same time, catering to the opinions of every person you happen to bump into isn't anymore important here than in the physical world.

Also, please don't use 'retard' as a slur, even for a joke, thank you.

9 years ago

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Also, please don't use 'retard' as a slur, even for a joke, thank you.


9 years ago

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Just be grateful it's not used as a form of insult.

9 years ago

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Who cares if people blacklist you? There are thousands and thousands of people on here giving away games. It's like whitelists, people spam on here when they give away 50 cent games...why would I bother trying to get on your whitelist?

9 years ago

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Amen to that! to me those kind of people seem like they just want the attention and the notification icon to light up :)

9 years ago

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lol @poll results

9 years ago

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there have been giveaways where they play a game, all who enter get blacklisted, so you only get one chance to win, will you take the chance?

9 years ago

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I will probably enter one by accident, most likely.

Just getting blacklist won't kill you anyway. You'll most likely only be excluded from small portion of giveaways and not missing anything.

9 years ago

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Yes. We are here for the winzzzz. :D

9 years ago

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When I was 3 months old a dog named Nick20152016 urinated on my favorite blanket. Ever since that day I've had a deep hatred for anybody named Nick20152016 and I automatically blacklist them.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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First rule of the blacklist club:
don't talk about the blacklist club

9 years ago

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u just did xD

9 years ago

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Your avatar is, for some reason, creeping me out :x.

Must be the gun, I suppose

9 years ago

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Do you smell bad? People here is very picky about smells.

9 years ago

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I dunno, I'm not a doctor.

9 years ago

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