Do you think Humble Bundle is spamming your email inbox with junk now?
All of those look like legit emails.
• It's normal for them to send an email for any new bundle.
• It's normal for them to send an email for a special discount on a game that was related to something you got in a bundle, purchased through the store, or might be wishlisted by you.
• It's normal for them to send a reminder about the monthly.
• It's normal for them to send an email about a store sale.
I don't consider this spam, it's just that they have a lot of bundles running. You're over-reacting, but you can always unsubscribe :)
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with this link you can check from several options whether you want to receive a mail from them or not for bundles, store sales, coupons, ...
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I already did unsubscribe. I mention that in my post.
And this isnt complaining. It's just me trying to figure out if its become the new norm for companies to send daily emails and people are used to it or is it just a symptom of HB's takeover by a greedy corporation?
I left this in general because it is still gaming related. If it was a non gaming sending me these emails, it would be under off topic. I can see why you might think it does not belong in general, but I think it could.
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No, General isn't "gaming-related", it's Steam, SG and Steam Games related.
You are complaining about something that you should talk to a different website's support staff. You at some point agreed to receive those emails and never cancelled them,
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It's not gaming related, since it doesn't directly relate to the site's policies relating to games or gamers. If Humble team members were revealed to have secretly been terrorists [Er.. dammit, IGN?], that'd be similarly site-associated, but similarly best suited for off-topic discussion (Well, okay; That extreme of an occurance would reasonably be expected to impact the health of the company, so you could easily argue for General. Just.. let me have my fun. :P)
You could certainly make a stronger case for it if the e-mails weren't opt-out, and you were forced into them after making an account [thus tying it firmly into the site's game(purchasing)-related elements], but as has been clarified, they're easy to opt-out of (and as far as I recall, have always been so). As such you're discussing the site's general policies, which are seperate from its gaming policies, in much the same way that discussion of any other company (eg, Microsoft) outside of their games would be.
That all said, distinction of subforum placement doesn't really matter much, unlike with threads associated with the Group Recruitment or Deals subforums. All the more so for a topic such as this, which is nuanced enough to be just a half-step away from being on-topic. So if you feel it is best suited here, it should be fine; It does, however, seem more intuitively associable with Off-Topic.
It's worth noting that any halfway- no, any 1/100thway respectable site has an opt-out function to e-mails, these days. A site as well-established as Humble is practically guaranteed to have the function. You can fairly confidently rely on being able to dig out such setting options if you have similar concerns in the future, so long as the site in question isn't sketchy enough that they're readily willing to be deliberately malicious.
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you can change the email notifiaction setings in your account.
I get about the same amount of daily mails from indiegala and fanatical.
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Recently Humble Bundle has been sending me junk mail every single day, sometimes multiple times a day. Instead of using email for making us aware of the offers occasionally like it did under the old management, now it's practically spam. I used to like knowing about discounts, etc, but at the rate I am getting these emails, I just had to unsubscribe. No other website spams my email anywhere close to as much as humble bundle does. Just wondering if anyone else feels this way about it as I do? Or am I finding it annoying for no reason?
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