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Notice: ⚠️ Region lock ⚠️

Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition is region-locked for Germany.


Pay early and get Quantum Break,The Long Dark®, and DoW III

Game Ratings Cards Bundled Retail Price
Quantum Break 86% of 5,265 reviews 0 $39.99
The Long Dark 92% of 31,449 reviews 0 $34.99
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III 50% of 6,145 reviews 0 $39.99
Tomb Raider 95% of 57,424 reviews 1 $19.99
Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition 88% of 9,315 reviews - 1 $29.99
HIVESWAP: Act 1 95% of 1,995 reviews 0 $7.99
Mr. Shifty 89% of 321 reviews 0 $14.99
Cursed Castilla (Maldita Castilla EX) 97% of 115 reviews 0 $11.99
  • a coupon for 10% off Humble Store purchases for you and a friend

Note 1: Tomb Raider is not the GOTY Edition

Note 2: German buyers will get Sleeping Dogs (LV DE) instead of Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition, containing the following:

Game Ratings Cards Bundled Retail Price
Sleeping Dogs 93% of 9,196 reviews 1 19.99€
Sleeping Dogs - Police Protection Pack (DLC) SteamDB - - -
Sleeping Dogs - GSP Pack (DLC) SteamDB - - -


  • $199.92


  • 182.9285

Chart created with Lex's SG Chart Maker

Humble original: HitchHiker

Hitchhiker is a mystery game set along lost highways. You’re a hitchhiker on a strange journey, unable to remember who you are or where you’re headed. Something in your recent past has stolen your memory— but what? The highway offers clues: a matchbook hidden in your armrest, a photo in the glovebox, billboards and crows along the roadside. To complete your journey, you’ll need to choose your friends wisely— never knowing if your worst enemy is your own subconscious mind.

Read Rachel's detailed Q+A to these Humble Monthlies! Also, read HB's FAQ!

Are you interested in knowing other ongoing bundles? Feel free to check out the new master thread!


7 years ago*

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Is it that time of the year yet?

View Results
Finally an AAA unlock for me. I'll get it now, who knows if I'll still have money after XMas...
I'll slide my sleigh down the Monthly hill - one more month for me.
Tis' the season to be jolly but this early unlock aint. I decided to pause / cancel my subscription.
Should I save my money for the Steam Winter Sale? Or buy Yogscast? Or this Monthly? Choices, choices, I'll decide later.
Long Dark was bundled before and I ain't tempted by the others.
IGN, you've been naughty lately, not nice! I'm not tempted to subscribe.
Holidays are coming!

Did anyone activate Sleeping Dogs in Germany? Works?

7 years ago

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did we german customer get the normal edition of sleeping dogs because the definite version is ip blocked in germany or is it just mislabeled?

7 years ago

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Can anybody please confirm that it is Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition? If so, it is geo-blocked in Germany, so no activation and no starting it up with a german IP.

7 years ago

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Did someone know if the Key activates outside Germany or is it a German Key ???
i bought it from Germany!

7 years ago

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What the heck is our (Germany's) problem with the game's definitive edition?

7 years ago

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Can someone not from Germany tell me if Sleeping Dogs only shows up as "Sleeping Dogs" or "Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition" on the key redemption page? Because I bought the bundle with a German IP while not being German myself and if they gave me a Standard Edition key because of it I am going to be pissed...

EDIT: HB support replaced the key for me :)

7 years ago*

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Just to get this straight here: Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition is on List A in Germany. So it's 18+ and they are not allowed to advetise it. And yeah that's it. Germans are allowed to buy it, own it and play it. This is just on Humble Bunde and SquareEnix in this case.

edit turning down the language ;P

7 years ago

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Man, this is so confusing. So, in terms of giveaways, there's no need to exclude Germany?

7 years ago

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Germans have been scammed once again. I'd rather have some Store credit instead of a different game which is region-locked for Germany. I'll try contacting the Humble Bundle support and hope for the best.

7 years ago

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Not if you're from Germany because the Definite Edition can only be activated using VPN. The key provided if you're from Germany is the regular German low violence version of the game. http://store.steampowered.com/app/202170/ Anyone outside of Germany should get the Definite Edition, though.

7 years ago

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as myrsan allready wrote: Steam doesn't have a system for age verification -> So they can't sell list A stuff over steam. Because of that SquareEnix made it not available for germans. SquareEnix also blocked AFAIK the activation on Steam, even when you bought it offline( there are other games we can't buy over steam, but can activate it). So you would have to exclude Germany, because (again) SquareEnix.

7 years ago

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I'm from Germany and for some reason Sleeping Dogs doesn't appear as "Owned" to me anymore, even though I own the German version on Steam. I wonder if they replaced the Steam key.

7 years ago

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Retail price for Sleeping Dogs low violence edition in Germany is 19.99€.

7 years ago

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Maybe because I was in the Germany at the time and wasn't expecting such nonsense? And no need to be rude.

7 years ago

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No need to randomly accuse people of shit you know nothing about? If only they had my billing address and could tell that I am not from Germany.... Oh wait they do...

7 years ago

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yeah i know. mr. shifty and The Long Dark and Qantum Break are really good Games, but Tomb Raider and Sleeping Dogs are old Games, i have them since ages haha :) and we in germany only got the normal Sleeping Dogs without Definitve Edition :(

7 years ago

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Do i need to make a region locked giveaway for sleeping dogs and exclude Germany?

7 years ago

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Thanks for the info, no surprise there. It's not comparable with MouseWithBeer's situation (and prossibly mine in the future) though, which is what I was interested in: not living in Germany, but having bought this one bundle from a German IP (e.g. while on a business trip).

7 years ago

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You could always buy bundles with a VPN actually (and I would have done it with the monthly too if I only knew). I bought the Dead Rising one with a Romanian VPN a few months ago because I also had the amazing luck of being in Germany at time it was live. And while I bet it looks sketchy now, I swear to fucking god I am actually Slovenian and not German :D

7 years ago

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