Nope. I think that is against the rules and you might get penalized for it.
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Okay thanks for telling me, I was just wondering as i rarely join giveaways and i thought maybe it would be fair if i would participate in someone elses giveaways instead of only giving away games here.
But i'm pretty sure i won't play most of the games here
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I understand where you are coming from. There are giveaways for games that I wouldn't play myself. So I just hide them and don't enter them. The thing is there is a rule that prevents you from having any unactivated wins to protect the community from profiteers who would re-sell their wins otherwise.
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^ This.
Noble intentions are fine but there's no way to check you're really giving away wins to people you know. Without the rule in place SteamGifts would be a magnet for bot scripts to vacuum up keys so they could be re-sold elsewhere.
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If you find too many giveaways that are trash, then just use this link to filter them out:
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Whatever you win must be activated on the Steam account connected with your SG account. If they want to get some games here, they can have their own account.
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Then the friend can bring the account value to $100.
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Tremorgames is good for getting bundle games you missed but the site requirement for $100 is actually $100 of non-bundle games. That won't be so easy at Tremor as most of what they have is bundle/free games anyway.
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Wow. That is sad. I only enter giveaways for games that actually interest me. While I may not play them right away, I WILL play them and I will activate them right away.
I also thank the people that created the giveaways I've won. It's only common courtesy for their generosity.
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I translated it as jerk because in english idiot is a kind of "formal" insult, instead in italian "idiota" is pretty "colloquial", as "jerk". I'm pretty accurate in this stuff because one day I want to be a professional translator (in fact I'm attending language university) ;D
Anyway, are you a translator too or it's all googletranslate's effort?
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Jerk would be someone making a conscious effort to be assinine, and has no implication toward intelligence. Idiot would more of a term of exasperation and dismissal.
Fool would likely be the most generic option, since it could go either way, and would have no negative connotations.
I was assuming from your earlier comments you wanted a direct translation- and no, I translated based off the latin roots, though I did have to look up degli to reconfirm its precise usage.
I studied linguistics a long time ago. Given my faded recollections and how the usage of words in both languages in a translation tend to evolve fairly rapidly over time, I'd assume your perspective to be more inherently accurate.
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Woah man, awesome! Thank you for the perfect explanation! :D I'm at the first year so I think I'm still a little noob even if english is my strong point between all languages, and also my complements for your knowledge of latin! I think for an enlgish speaker is way more difficult learning it than for an italian speaker like me :D
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You know, I like that saying. Thanks for the chuckle.:)
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I appreciate the compliment.:)
I also sent you a friend request at Steam if that was okay.:)
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Cool! Thanks. I like to focus on the good people in the community (here and at Steam) rather than the ninjas and bad eggs. The good ones are more worthy of the attention anyhow.:)
(I do wish I could use my vast collection of Steam smilies here, however. LOL!)
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Thanks! I crafted a looooooot of badges during the Winter Sale. I also got 30 levels of the Christmas badge (only 1 level in the foil version). It will probably be a couple of months before I hit the big 100, though.;)
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Hello Sooth. I'm not sure if you've been at Steam in a while, but I had sent you a Friend request as well.;)
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And quite a nice landscape (judging from Frascati a couple of years ago).
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The goal of the giveaways is to enter them to win keys for yourself. Regifting them, whether to a friend or on the site, is not allowed.
You ought to take a look at the FAQ if you have not done so already. I don't say this to be mean or snippy. I read it when I signed up for the site and it helped point out a lot of things I would not have known otherwise, including this.
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Yeah true but i wanted to know the opinion based on my story.
I'm aware that re-gifting is not allowed here, i hate it when people regift to gain CV on this site.
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Your story is irrelevant, regifting is regifting. If you already knew it was allowed you didn't need to ask.
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It's normal to find only bundle games on public GAs.
Most of the unbundled here can be found rather on the forum, in trains and puzzles, in groups and when you end up in someone's whitelist for being nice. (take a look at my lastest wins if you don't believe me, I enter only games that I would play).
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Everyone who uses this site is required to follow the rules, regardless of his or her "story."
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Can I enter a giveaway for a friend?
You should only enter to win giveaways for yourself, and if you win a game, it must be activated and redeemed to the Steam account used during registration. If a friend is interesting in joining giveaways, they'll need to register for their own account.
Its not really a normal question though, because it's already written in the FAQ.
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"Don't rant on me please as this is a normal question and i'm aware that questions get shot down here regularly."
If you mean questions like "how do I get points" or "can I enter for a friend" it's because there already is an answer to them in Frequently Asked Questions section better known as FAQ. You can find it on the top bar (entering FAQ page gives you also links to guidelines and comment formatting on top left side; it's best to check all 3)
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Everyone has already answered your questions about giving your wins away, but as to you saying you don't want to enter bundle games - there are a lot more than bundle games here. If you don't want to wade through them, add the games you are interested in to your wishlist, and on the main page you will see "all" "group" "wishlist", click wishlist - you will only see the games you really want to play and save you a lot of time of looking through bundle games you know you're not interested in.
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Artwork by Mount Moon
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Gameminer SUCKS! Don't even go there. English support isn't existent at all, sometimes they don't even give the items that people won, I won once in a giveaway of them and they gave me Gun Monkeys instead, etc. Anyway, just avoid this site. There's a reason that steam has blocked gameminer. ;) Other than that, on steamgifts, you must always activate the games that you win.
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u would end up on a lot of blacklists probably and risk getting your account banned so not worth it :).
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as you have read enough, its not allowed to give the won games away. but if its a close friend of yours, you can activate the games in your account and use the family sharing option.
or if you have some cents, you can also use the trade section or the steam group group buys to buy games like dungeon defenders extremly cheap to gift them to you friend^^
or he can use some free steam games with cards to trade them with other cheap games like the ones you wrote^^
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While you're at it, Please read the FAQ and guidelines. Another nifty tool is the search bar right under the new discussion button that allows you to search for questions already asked such as this one. If you want to have some fun comment formatting is here. Here are some good threads as well.
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178 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by Fluffster
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24 Comments - Last post 31 minutes ago by raydotn
I was wondering this i'm actually here to giveaway games, i don't need new bundle games and small games which are the most giveaways here.
I have a friend of mine which is not so rich and i was wondering if i could give him the games i win? As you can see i have only given away games here, i hope i can do this?
Like i want to give him the games: Dungeon Defenders, 12 Labours of Hercules and those hidden object games.
There are alot of those games here and i was just wondering if this is allowed.
Don't rant on me please as this is a normal question and i'm aware that questions get shot down here regularly.
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