Hi, we really need a section to group all the scam reports, at least the legit ones, so they don't end up lost into the general sections. This is for our own security as traders on this wonderful site :)

10 years ago

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On the forums? Reporting a scammer on the forums gets you suspended no matter where you post it.

10 years ago

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what? so, we can't report scammers? lol

but this is a serious issue. if someone got scammed by even a trader with good rep, then that scammer could keep on doing it to others on this forum if there is no way to inform people. eventually, we might all end up getting scammed by the same people. i know this is not steamrep but still, i've seen so many threads on STv1 about people proving proof that they got scammed and the community then rallies around to -rep so that it serves as a warning to any other people who might be trading with those unscrupulous traders. on STv1 there were no different sections so all threads ended up together but now with SGv2 we can finally group similar threads in their own category for easy reference, so, i really think it's better to gather all the complaints and legit reports so that people can debate and discuss, as well as give the accused a chance to respond and maybe the latter will give back what was stolen. just a few weeks ago, my friend got scammed by a trader on here with +200 rep who stole his karambit csgo knife worth $300 and didn't send paypal money as he promised - the trader with +200 rep insisted that my friend go first in the trade since he had lower rep. anyway, there are dozens of such scams everyday on ST so i really believe these problems need to be addressed more seriously now with SGv2.

10 years ago*

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I'm surprised that you've been here over a year and you don't know about the "no calling out" rule. What you do is make a support ticket - they'll investigate and suspend/ban the scammers. What you don't do is make threads calling out scammers. That results in a suspension for you.

Edit: I guess you've only really used the strades portion of the site. Well, that pretty much was entirely unmoderated, so I can understand warning about scammers there. Bringing it over to the SG main forums is and was not a good idea.

10 years ago

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well, honestly, i wasn't aware that i could get banned for posting a topic if i got scammed. yeah, i've been around here for a while but i always see so many threads among the trade topics about people calling out "SCAMMER: report him... blabla" and then usually with a lengthy topic description with all the info and even screenshot links. And i haven't seen anyone who posted those threads get banned, which is why i didn't know that was a rule here :P Anyway, good to know that the moderators are willing to investigate. Indeed, a ban is much better for the scammer than just us doing -rep on his profile.

Edit: Yes, indeed, i have only ever used steamtrades.com and not steamgifts.com :)

Edit #2: So, i guess we can still get a new Report section to deal with scammers for trades? :D

10 years ago*

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This is entirely dependent if more support gets added in the next couple of weeks. Otherwise you're better off relying on the old methods, because the current support members rarely if ever venture into the trade section. At any rate, I do know that calling out threads will be closed and OP suspended if posted on the main SG forums. I haven't used strades in over a year, so I don't know about that too much.

10 years ago

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oh, but on ST it's an entirely different story. i noticed the lack of or rather total absence of moderators on STv1 which allowed the proliferation of scammers on trades. i understand that calling someone a scammer on SG is somewhat ridiculous since gifts are giveaways so you can't accuse someone who's giving you a game for free even if sometime later the game is revoked for some reason, so in the case of SG, it make sense. However, with ST... you really cannot have a safe or civil trading environment without some form of overwatch (a section which collects all reports filed by members who got scammed and they provide proof with screenshots, etc and also based on steamrep bans so that these problematic members are automatically weeded out from ST before they are given another chance of doing even more harm to the ST community).

10 years ago

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This is why mixing Gifters and Traders was not a good idea.....

10 years ago

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New suggestion: have a help/question forum section in Trades.

10 years ago

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Would make too much sense for here. Especially if we had separate sections for questions regarding Trading and Gifting.

10 years ago

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Honestly, if the moderators and admins are reading this... SG has largely overshadowed ST after the merger. It's quite obvious with the URL itself (why not drop steamgifts.com instead of steamtrades.com? to me, it makes more sense to have steamtrades.com as the primary domain) that the center of attention (at least from the mods and admins' point of view) lies with SG but ST is actually extremely active, so i think it should be featured at least partially on the main page. And like i explained in my replies above, the trading section sorely needs a category which groups all the reports which have always ended up mixed into the endless list of trade topics. Also, the members who proved reliable throughout the years, can act as moderators to oversee the topics about scams, etc so they can advise the admins if there is enough proof for a ban. We need to at least give it a try to keep this trading community safe from scammers. Not everyone who's trading here know how to check a trader's rep and when not to go first in a trade, etc. usually, the only way to learn how to trade is with experience, meaning that you will have to get scammed at least once on ST before you learn about how to protect yourself - and that to me, is just unacceptable.

My very first experience on ST was when i got scammed. It happened a year ago when i first joined and i didn't come to trade here again until recently. How many of us gave up trading for good after getting scammed on ST? A lot of my friends that i know of personally and myself included (i gave up for almost 9 months before i felt confident enough to come back and deal with the scammers here who are of the worst kinds... ST, to me, was and still is a snake pit - no offence to the admins but that's what happens when the community is left for fend for itself. It is the survival of the fittest in here. A very rough and harsh trading environment for those who are not veteran traders. And again, that's exactly why we need a category to group all the scam reports and make it easier to find and ban the scammers.

10 years ago*

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We have steamrep for that, a place where reports might even be investigated as opposed to all those witch hunt threads which half of the time end up being a new guy being scammed by an impersonator yet the new guy is publicly shaming the legit trader untill either the thread gets closed or the victim finally realizes what really happened.

If you didn't use it already, get yourself the "enhanced steam" plugin it enables you to add links to SG/ST/SR profiles directly on all steam profiles (below the inventory link) so all you have to do once you're added by someone is opening their steam page in your browser, open up 3 tabs (SG/ST/SR profiles) and you know what kind of person you're dealing with in a matter of seconds which is wayyyyy faster then looking up each person you trade with on a forum (not to mention the fact that a simple name change would make the scammer impossible to find)

10 years ago

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this is what i agree with you

10 years ago

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