As the title says. What will you play ?
I will be playing League of Legends mostly I guess however maybe I will finally start playing some games from my library and bundles.

Oh and I would forget, Merry Christmas :)

9 years ago*

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9 years ago

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Please record your 911 call !

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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You should use wet sandpaper when fapping. You don't know wether to smile or cry!

9 years ago

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This isn't helping

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Me, probably.
I'll be playing whatever I buy in the christmas sale (still waiting for a better deal on some of the games I'm interested in).

9 years ago

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damn I also have skyrim but since I have bought I thnk that I have runned it like 3 times. It's because this game needs a lot of time (waiting for holidays :P) and I also always had problem with collecting all mods what are compatibile with each other.

9 years ago

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I will go abroad, so no playing for me this New Year's Eve, but it's worth it :)

9 years ago

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Do boardgames count? If they do, then I'll be playing Witcher Adventure game, Resistance: Avalon, Nuns on the run and Quarriors. While drunk, of course :)

9 years ago

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hmm well I kinda mean computer games :D You know, instead of partying etc :P That's why I created this topic. Anyway boardgames are indeedly fun, wish you wil have fun :).

9 years ago

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Nuns on the Run? I wanna party with this guy :)

9 years ago

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It might not be quite what you imagine it to be ;) Anyway, boardgames are indeed nice, but I don't dare to bring mine to the new years party, due to how drunk I expect people to be towards the end of the night. Don't want to risk anyone spilling anything on my precious games.

9 years ago

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National Service

9 years ago

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Not me ! :3 In the very next day (1 Jan) its my birthday and Im planning in staying up all night long !

9 years ago

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Not me. I'll et A LOT!

9 years ago

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i'll be playing skyrim :D

9 years ago

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Count me in, I have no friends so nowhere to go, my life is so sad.

9 years ago

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I play whole night up to the 7-8AM every weekend when I dont work :D

9 years ago

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Jesus! There are only a couple of nights with festive spirit in the year when you can go outside with family and friends and you are going to waste them by staying inside playing games???

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I was about to write this. Some of you guys are wasting your young years too much on wrong things.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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That's exactly what I think when I see people going out with their friends or families, or celebrating stupid "festive spirit" holidays.

9 years ago

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True words

9 years ago

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it's a waste for most of you but not for me. If spending time like that makes you happy then it's not a wasted time :). Anyway I don't have anyone to go out with and even if I had I would prefer to stay home. I am not a party guy + I don't drink. 0 fun with those.

9 years ago

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I don't party nor drink too. But having friends is what life is all about.

Aristotle wrote "Man is from his nature a political existence" in a free translation, meaning that Man needs social life by his nature. Staying inside is simply unnatural for humans my friend.

Think of it as this year is coming to an end and consider if it's good to go against our nature or not. "A flower can never turn into a tree even if it wants it, it will always be a flower. The sooner it realizes it, the better for it." says an old saying (a Chinese friend told me it).

9 years ago

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Actualy it is. Read more about psychology. And you are kinda not allowed to tell what's better for me and how do I feel better. I do it because I prefer it get it. It's the most annoying thing if someone tells you whats better for you. You are not me, you don't know what's better for me.

9 years ago

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some people doesnt have a loving family or real friends....

9 years ago

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New years is an excellent time to get new friends! In my experience people tend to be very open towards each other on new years, which makes making new friends or just friends for the evening quite easy.

9 years ago

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No friends (and mostly don't want them - too high maintenance), and why would I want to spend MORE time with my family?!?!

Guess I should clarify about the friends thing. To make and keep friends, I would have to spend a lot of time and effort interacting with them, listening to their stories, helping them out when needed, lying to them to not hurt their feelings, etc. And I just can't handle that. I'm too much of a loner, and very happy to be alone. I don't want to give that up for the benefits of friendship, be they significant. It's far too big a sacrifice to be worth it. Social interaction, even with people I'm familiar with, is just so so draining. It's worse than work.

To answer the original question - I'll probably be spending the night with Robocraft or Gear City or Patrician 3 or Patrician 4 or Port Royale 2 or Port Royale 3 or Victoria 2 or Europa Universalis 3 or Crusader King 2 or Tropico 3 or Tropico 4.

9 years ago

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cough selfish cough

9 years ago

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Yup. Also, see what happens when you go out in the middle of winter? You've caught a cold!

Not sure what your point is though. Pretty much everyone is selfish. Those who appear not to be selfish just get good feelings out of being kind, and so they act kindly in pursuit of those feelings. Everyone pursues whatever makes them happy, be that spending time alone, or spending time with other people, or making other people happy, or whatever else.

I can't really imagine how miserable people's lives would be if they didn't pursue what made them happy.

I am of course not talking about obligations, where different rules apply. But I am not obliged to be anyone's friend, thankfully. I am talking about how people choose to spend their free time.

9 years ago

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Don't even try responding to him. He doesn't have anything constructive to say. He just has in his mind that some things HAVE to be and can't be OTHER.

9 years ago

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I'll be probably too drunk for that, but I'll try and convince my friend to troll people on online games. Last drunk trolling on Spiral Knights was fucking hilarious.

9 years ago

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me because fuck my family and friends

9 years ago

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+1 for fuck family (not all my family though)

9 years ago

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-1 for fuck friends (because I have none)

9 years ago

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I probably will go drinking but might stay and save money!

9 years ago

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My girlfriend is bringing over her PC and we're going to play together. Not the whole night though, but until 3-4 AM probably.

9 years ago

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really nice girlfriend you've got there i can say :)

9 years ago

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Can't complain. :) I talked her into making a Steam account, helped her build a gaming PC and now we have fun with co-op games.

9 years ago

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I'm so jelaous man, congrat!

9 years ago

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Probably me, I guess. I don't feel like going out and drinking until I can't remember the Eve and the next day is filled with paranoia and regret. Had too many of those days already, I just want relative peace.

9 years ago

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I'm going to spend 27th-1st in my friend's (with a bunch of other friends) flat in the big city, yeah. PARTY!!! ... hell no. Nothing but pizza, playing Magic the Gathering all day and watching silly movies with a beer or two? Hell yeah!

9 years ago

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not me, my sister would literally kill me if i even try to do so, i'm gonna go some days to my sister's house and as last year at 12pm watch their neighbor launching fireworks
gotta love annoying sisters :P

9 years ago

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Spending time? With family?

It's pretty deadly spending time with crazy religious Scottish nationalists.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Don't be afraid.

There's a reason you have caber's ;)

9 years ago

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Well, they're a pretty cruel and hateful family. There's much reason to be afraid.

Oh, yeah, also my dad is a yeti.

9 years ago

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I have no social life, so count me in.

I think I'm gonna be playing Bastion and Bleed.

9 years ago

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162.8 hours playing for the past 2 weeks, should I go out for New Years Eve?.... Nah, i'll probably play some more before going back to work on 7th

9 years ago

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Can't :(. I have work Dec 31 and Jan 2

9 years ago

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I'll spend new year's eve sleeping. It's a great way to spend it!

9 years ago

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