
How to install

Improves your interaction with your Trading Cards, game Badges and Steam profile level.

The main functions are:

  1. Farm cards from your games, right in the browser, without the need to enter your personal data.
  2. Table for calculating the profit of creating Booster packs
  3. Automatically create badges by pressing one button.
  4. Prices for items in your Steam inventory
  5. Ability to proceed to purchase the game badges from the game page in the Steam Store
  6. Checking the trade offers for SCAM

We are waiting for your feedback

9 months ago*

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Check the source of distribution....
🤔There appear to be two red determinations.

VirusTotal - URL - 167c97c8f9c4fbe6b1902b55babaf93dd6758b2ed1b831bd8ca925a07c95a2dc

9 months ago

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as you can see, all normal antiviruses said OK.

9 months ago

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Avira also detects it, right?🔎
If there is no problem.
At the very least, developers should raise a report if it is a false positive.
What is a false positive Avira Antivirus detection? – Official Avira Support

9 months ago

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I'm already trying to do something about this, we have a short link on our site, and there are no problems with it.

9 months ago

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if you know how to fix this, please contact me

9 months ago

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What is a false positive Avira Antivirus detection? – Official Avira Support

You're to apply through the link posted on the page above.
As you can see from a closer look, you can also report false positives by URL.

Submit Suspicious Files
Submit suspicious URL

False positives:

Be sure to read this section at the bottom,

9 months ago

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That's one case left. That's a good sign. last1

CRDF Threat Center: Homepage / List of malicious URLs detected by CRDF Labs
You can find the listing criteria here.
If you are unknowingly doing any of these or other behaviors that appear to be cheating, it seems that correcting them will take you off the list.
If you report a false positive after the problem on the site is resolved, the Virustotal side of the listing will be resolved within a few hours difference if the problem is not also resolved on the Virustotal side.

CRDF Threat Center: False positive procedure

This is as far as I can go.☕ヽ(Θ´; )ノ≡ヽ( ;`Θ)ノ🚪It's a busy time.

9 months ago

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😊Yup♪ I was able to confirm this as well.🔎📝
Things stumbled on the doorstep, but this will be a good thing to get a fresh start.
Thanks for the confirmation♪🍕🦝🥤

9 months ago

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thanks, we wrote to crdf, they said that this is a false positive and are removing site from their database

9 months ago

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Now more people will try it and give us proper feedback. Good for you.🙂

9 months ago

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I checked the extension. And it really works properly. I don’t see any obvious disadvantages; it’s convenient that I didn’t have to enter any account information.

9 months ago

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Last Online
25 minutes ago
25 minutes ago

🙄…As of today, Virustotal's determination has not changed from the two cases detected.
It is very strange that users who come to SteamGifts for the first time reach this add-on inquiry discussion so quickly.

9 months ago

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you mean their a fake account? - i am NOT saying it is a fake account or this user is a fake account i was just asking a question

9 months ago*

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I can't say what the answer to your question is, as I think that is for the support team to determine.
 If I have a question like yours, it might be gentlemanly to create a support ticket instead of continuing the discussion.🔎🎫
I will point out to the discussion posters the detection results by Virustotal and until those issues are resolved I am not going to try, that's all.☕
If it is a false positive, it will soon be all green. If not, then no one will just not use it.

9 months ago

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i wouldn't trust it even if it came back clear

9 months ago

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The person is friends with one of the other Admins of SteamLvlUp, at the very least this is just a biased (paid?) opinion and should be taken with a grain of salt

9 months ago

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A person popping up for the first time in SG JUST to confirm the extension works fine and not mentioning the veeeeeeeeery small fact, that he is friends with one of the admins of the steam group doing the extension is a flag with the color of blood.

Thanks for finding out.

9 months ago

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Your comment has convinced me that this extension is extremely suspicious and untrustworthy.

9 months ago

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It doesn't work. I mean, it's not farming cards.

9 months ago

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Hello, are you having problems or errors?

9 months ago

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Hi, no errors. I press Farm Cards > Start Drop and there's no action. Nothing happens like the button doesn't work. :/

9 months ago

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We have checked that you have too many games, we will fix this in the next update, sorry about that.

9 months ago

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Oh I see.

9 months ago

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OP has bad reputation on steamtrades

9 months ago

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thanks for letting us know (btw for some reason not on my white list before now but added you)

9 months ago

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If you look at the reviews, you will see that they are all because I spam.

9 months ago

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Farm cards from your games directly in your browser, without having to enter personal account information.

I'm not sure why that's a selling point

I'm not saying this extension is malicious or not, but an extension by its granted permissions has enough access to do whatever a logged user can on those hosts it runs on (using whatever tokens are stored in cookies or local storage)

so the fact that you don't enter your account password doesn't necessarily makes it more secure

the js files inside the .crx extension are obfuscated, and i don't see a github repo where the source code is openly hosted to study it

9 months ago

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it must need a certain amount of information to be able to see which games you can still farm cards in and to start that process off - wouldn't it?

9 months ago

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all it needs is to request the page (while logged in) and parse it, which is what this extension seems to do (look for snippets in the code which inject <iframe src=".."> pointing to those pages)

9 months ago

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Hello, the code inside the extension is simply compressed, you can decompress and look at it.

9 months ago

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crx extension is compressed, js files inside are minimized/obfuscated

9 months ago

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I'll try to convince the developers to make it open source, but I'm afraid that competitors might take advantage of this functionality.

9 months ago

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obfuscation doesn't stop a determined competitor, it only hurts curious users who want to check what the extension is doing

opening the source will sure give it more credit

9 months ago

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js is minimized because Google prohibits obfuscation. You can unminify it

9 months ago

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here's a snippet from the code:

I would sure call that intentional obfuscation

9 months ago

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anyway i will try to make it open source

9 months ago

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Thanks for the hot tip, random guy who gave away 2 games 10 years ago.

9 months ago

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technically since one of the giveaways was a 2 in 1 it's more like 2 giveaways and 3 games (which is interesting because i gave those games away a few times and never knew keys were about for both in one)

9 months ago

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It was a Humble Bundle Key a long time ago, I still regret it.

9 months ago

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9 months ago

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it most certainly is allowed on here - most , like 70% of all giveaways on here are from Humble i would bet

9 months ago

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this was 10 years ago, maybe something has changed

9 months ago

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Someone lied to you 10 years ago and you never bothered to check and just gave up on making GAs?

9 months ago

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Maybe IgotElbows was talking about HB rules, not SG rules.

  • HB keys are meant for personal use (to prevent reselling), but it's possible to send gift links.
  • Nowadays gifting HB keys (instead of HB gift links) is actually more secure though, as HB is aware of gift links being sent and might suspect some kind of fraud if it happens often.
9 months ago

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View attached image.
9 months ago

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what's the difference from ASF?

9 months ago

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giving the card farm a try since it's a bit more streamlined than idle master. i'm getting cards so at least that does work. also kind of nice that steam doesn't show me in-game so my friends aren't being bombarded with notifications.
can't really say anything about the other features because i have no intention of ever using them.

edit: so trying to play a game while the card farm is running gives me the message saying that my account is already in use and starting a game will log it out. i don't know exactly how it works on the backend, but seeing that message is a bit too sketchy for me to continue using it. i think some clarification from the dev is warranted. obviously, if anything negative happens in the meantime i'll be sure to post about it here.

9 months ago*

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The extension uses the Websocket Steam Chat connection in the browser and provides information that you are playing games, the same way ASF or IddleMaster works but in the browser. Therefore, it is considered that you already have an active session on another device (your browser)

9 months ago

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i see. i've only used asf once and it was for something other than card farming so i had never seen that message before.
after thinking about it, i'm just gonna stick with using idle master. being able to play games while card farming is enough of a plus, but the other flags are just the turds on top that make me wanna stay away from it. the obvious paid google reviews and flexxxid's above "testimonial" are just really a bad look. good luck to you in the future.

9 months ago*

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You may not believe it, but we didn't actually buy reviews for our site or extensions. We wondered why so many people rated the extension 5 stars. We also have a large community in the Steam group and Discord server, you are welcome to join us. But in any case, the choice is yours

9 months ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

9 months ago

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HOLD UP!! ... define "turds on top"

... do you mean the opposite of "cherry on top" or do you mean the turds (people) at the top of the topic who are genuinely expressing valid concerns?

9 months ago

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haha, yes. i mean it as the opposite of cherry. i guess that's not really a common euphemism.

9 months ago

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just a suggesion for next up date could we have a "sort button" buy price to make a badge or maybe brackets like 0.10 ,0.30 etc? i dont know if anything of its possible but would be very nice to have. instead of scrolling like a mad man :P

6 months ago

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We have made a new version of this extension. We are waiting for your feedback

5 months ago

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