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Try a hard refresh (CTRL + F5) on the settings page, occasionally the load order in the scripts lags, causing this.
If that doesn't fix it - would you mind telling me which browser you are using?
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Recently cleared my entire blacklist due to new changes, users are still appearing as blacklisted despite not being blacklisted.
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Pull an update to (code for following was broken..)
Go to profile settings, and re-sync your account.
This should also clear the cache used by sgtfrog, so the next page you load will rebuild it with current values (so it might be a bit slow depending on your list sizes).
These caches should also be reset every time you add/remove users to a list. So I am curious - did you use a script to clear it?
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No, removed 148 users by hand.
Updated, resynced, people still marked as blacklisted.
I might just have to uninstall the script, and delete the directory it's in (to reset settings by hand).
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Would you mind turning on debugging?
SgtFrog Settings -> 27a -> "Detailed"
There might be a conflict or error on your end I'm not seeing on mine, so this should help expose it.
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You forget that your 27a has never ever saved for me no matter which one I click on.
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I fixed that at some point! (or at least it should be fixed now). Care to try again?
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I did try it just before I made the comment. I don't understand why your script seems to have issues with users & caching.
I really will probably have to close my browser and clear the script's folder manually.
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Would you mind listing all of your sgtfrog settings, browser and OS over on the github page?
There is something I'm missing, but without your setup I can't replicate any of your issues..
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Script has been fixed after the latest site changes broke the display of a few features.
If you don't see it (v0.8.12.1), be sure to pull an update from your monkey manager.
And if you notice any problems, whether it's a new bug or one I missed, please let me know.
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Latest site changes broke more stuff. :(
Noticeably the Discussions on the side panel instead of the bottom.
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ESGST is the Leecher heaven addon to be honest. It has an option where you can enter giveaways without even browsing to that giveaway page.
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It's really just to make some things easier or more obvious to notice. At least, that's the point of mine.
And I've not any plans to add a "quick/auto joiner" like some of the other scripts have.
But to each their own. I mean if you don't already use a script, there's not much swaying away I can do, huh? :3
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Is there any way we can get the eyeball icon added to the Archive pages as well? I have games I'd like to hide but can't view GAs for.
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Unfortunately no, the site's hide feature relies on an internal "game-id" field, which is different from the game's app id. And they don't provide that on any page that doesn't use that feature (I can't even add it to profile page GA's).
I am able to pull the game's app id, however. So I could provide a button to quickly search for active giveaways of that same game. Not sure if that would be useful to you?
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No it wouldn't help, as the site already does that natively, or you can just search the archive.
The games I would like to hide are usually so bad or so new that only one or two giveaways have been made for them, and they are usually group or invite only.
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It's here! It's here! It's finally here! Version 1.0 is finally being released!
With a lot of new features and a variety of bug fixes. This is now the only script that strives for an easy to use interface that resembles the native site UI. Other scripts usually just impede on the clean aesthetic or leave you no instruction on how to configure them. With SGT frog it's as easy as installing and selecting which features you want from our carefully put together settings page.
Give it a try and I'm sure you'll be swayed away from that other script you've been using!
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Am I not allowed to use both SGT frog and ESGST? cause it seems like when I have SGT frog, it makes the other one not work.
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I image you'd be able to use both, I've not tried it, but you're going to need to do some configuring on your end to make them play nice, since they have a lot of overlap in features.
Basically you'll need to make sure similar features aren't enabled in both (infinite loading / tagging / ui changes / etc), otherwise changes to the site one applies will alter the expectations the other has of the site and the execution will fail at some mid-point.
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Actually on chrome (on my end) it wont even show both of them at the top of steamgifts and if i have one installed, the other wont work at all. On firefox, I can have both installed and It will show both at the top. I use to be able to use both on chrome but like 3 days ago it stopped. Any suggestions? Thanks. :)
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Well I did just push a big update a couple days ago. Is it just on certain pages or all of them?
If there's any errors in the console (F12 > 'Console' tab) that would help track it down.
Otherwise the new features that are enabled by default are ["Show giveaway filtering", "Allow discussions to be pinned", "Provide more visibility on user stats"]. I would try disabling those one by one until it works, if so then we'll have our culprit.
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Yep. ESGST doesn't play nice with other scripts, especially ones that have the same functionality. And script conflicts aren't a priority for me, since ESGST already does everything the other scripts do, as far as I know, and you can always make suggestions to things you'd like to see.
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My fave thing on ESGST is the gift (aka train) extractor so you don't have to click next on trains, lol, does sgt frog have that?
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Looks like an issue with the points refresher in that other script maybe?
I don't have a train extractor, but it is on my list and I can move it to the top if it helps sway you to drop the other one.
And I have a few cool features that apparently rafaelgs doesn't know ESGST is still missing :3
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I would totally drop the other script if you had a train extractor! :D
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There we go, one train extractor! Gets all types, even the ones that masquerade as "lists" or "grids" or what-have-yous.
If you don't see it, tell your monkey to update. And let me know if there's any issues using it!
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Could you add the train extractor as a single script too?
I don't like these all-in-one solutions, I like to install only the scripts I'll use unless the script has an option to disable all features except the ones I'm interested in.
Thanks a lot.
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Sure, here's a monkey script with just the banana you want singled out. You should be able to click on the "raw" button and your monkey should pick it up, otherwise you can just copy/paste it into a new script.
(though practically all the features in the full script can be disabled if you wanna give it a try~~)
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Thanks for letting me know, should be fixed now! (both in the full script and the train only one)
You should just be able to tell your web-monkey to pull an update if you don't see it
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Thanks a lot! I can't whitelist you a second time, sorry :P
BTW, I had to update manually (going to the github and clicking on "raw"), neither the manual nor the autoupdate works (Violentmonkey). Could it be cause the "@updateURL" line is missing?
One more thing, the script is triggering the new request limit of the site with long trains. Example. So in those cases it does not show all the games in the train.
Could it be possible to slow it down a little bit?
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Hey now, in my defense, I made this back when there were only like 3 competing all-in-ones.
If everyone had just decided I was the bestest back then, I wouldn't have to beg them to stop competing with me and your post wouldn't be so painfully relevent...
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12 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Fluffster
There are a variety of scripts floating about with a myriad of features to this site. Applying multiple scripts to provide a number of features runs the risk of conflicts and irregularities.
Enter SteamGifts Tinkerer, featuring refined ostensible gain.
Built from the ground up, and inspired by the likes of Extended Steamgifts, Steamgifts++, and various 'one-off' scripts.
SGT frog takes the best features from the lot and improves upon them.
This is also the only overhaul script that strives for an easy to use interface that resembles the native site UI. Other scripts usually just impede on the clean aesthetic or leave you little to no instruction on how to configure them. With SGT frog it's as easy as installing and selecting which features you want from our carefully put together settings page:
Site Features
Giveaway List Features
Giveaway Page Features
Discussion Features
Very few options are implicitly applied, as they improve basic interactions.
These include just:
Keep in mind this is a browser script and requires either ViolentMonkey on Firefox or TamperMonkey on Chrome.
Already setup and ready to go? Download here and let your browser primate take care of installation!
Any bugs should be reported over on the repository.
Just as well, feature requests can be made over there too.
And since pictures go a long way, screenshots!
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