Purchase the OCTOBER 2019 Monthly Bundle!

A curated bundle of games sent to your inbox every month. When you subscribe, you'll immediately receive BATTLETECH with more to come and enjoy 10% off in the Humble Store!

View this bundle on: ITAD - Barter.vg - Lestrades

📅 Important dates

  • 💳 September 27th, 2019: AUTOCHARGE DATE (for subscribers only)

  • 📆 October 4th, 2019: Bundle release date: (first Friday of every month)
  • September 6th, 2019: The September Monthly Bundle cannot be bought any more. You will therefore NOT receive that bundle by purchasing this one!

⚠️ Region lock ⚠️

BATTLETECH (and similarly BATTLETECH Flashpoint)
There are only two type of keys available:

Customers from RU/CIS + LATAM + KR + CN will receive a key that can be redeemed only in these countries, everyone else receives a key that can be redeemed everywhere.
Thanks to Tryo and Joanguva for the screenshots.


  • PLANET ALPHA (Africa + ME) United Arab Emirates, Afghanistan, Angola, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Burundi, Benin, Botswana, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Central African Republic, Congo, Cote D'Ivoire, Cameroon, Algeria, Egypt, Western Sahara, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Gambia, Guinea, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Israel, Iraq, Islamic Republic of Iran, Jordan, Kenya, Cambodia, Comoros, Kuwait, Lebanon, Liberia, Lesotho, Libya, Morocco, Mali, Mauritania, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Oman, Palestinian Territory, Qatar, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Sierra Leone, Senegal, Somalia, Samoa, Syrian Arab Republic, Swaziland, Chad, Togo, Tunisia, Trinidad and Tobago, United Republic of Tanzania, Uganda, Yemen, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe
  • PLANET ALPHA (Asia) - Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, India, Japan, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Mongolia, Macau, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines, Pakistan, Singapore, Thailand, Tajikistan, Taiwan, Vietnam
  • PLANET ALPHA (South America) - Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, Paraguay, El Salvador, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela
    PLANET ALPHA (RU/CIS) - Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Republic of Moldova, Macedonia, Serbia, Russian Federation, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan confirmation
  • Everyone else: PLANET ALPHA (ROW, but not the store sub)

ATTENTION: We have run out of Steam keys for Override: Mech City Brawl. We are getting more ASAP. We will have Steam keys for you as soon as they are available again! RESTOCKED.

Reminder that the Override: Mech City Brawl Bundle comes as one key which includes the DLC, therefore if you plan on getting it, make sure you won't activate the Override: Mech City Brawl key from the bundle.

Reminder that you might have a key for PUSS! soundtrack from this promotion. (source)


🎮 Games:

Pay early and get: BATTLETECH + 2 DLCs, Sonic Mania

Game Ratings Cards Cheevos Details Platforms Bundled Retail Price
BATTLETECH 72% of 8006 🏆 6.00 CV app/637090 W M L 0 $39.99
BATTLETECH Flashpoint (DLC) 53% of 193 - - 3.00 CV app/911930 W M L 0 $19.99
BATTLETECH - Shadow Hawk Pack (DLC) 40% of 30 (Base game has cards) - 0.60 CV app/799751 W M L 0 $3.99
Sonic Mania 91% of 8850 🏆 3.00 CV app/584400 W 1 $19.99
The Spiral Scouts 94% of 254 🏆 1.50 CV app/862480 W M 0 $9.99
PLANET ALPHA 77% of 180 🏆 3.00 CV app/485030 W 0 $19.99
Override: Mech City Brawl 84% of 191 - 🏆 4.50 CV app/709440 W 0 $29.99
PUSS! 93% of 235 🏆 1.50 CV app/719750 W M 0 $9.99
Avernum 3: Ruined World 83% of 93 🏆 3.00 CV app/691830 W M 0 $19.99


  • $173.91


  • 26.09

💸 Subscription + Bonuses

  1 Month 3 Months 6 Months 12 Months*
Per month $12 $11.67 $11.17 $11
Total $12 $35 $67 $132

* bonuses are often offered for this type of promotion
In some regions, a sale tax is applied (example)

Subscriber bonuses (for all the above subscription types): 10% discount on the Humble Store, shareable with a friend
Past bonuses for new subscribers: $99 for an annual subscription (expired); Pathfinder: Kingmaker for an annual subscription (expired), Kingdom Come: Deliverance for a 3 months subscription (expired), 12 months for only $99 (expired), buy 12 months and get $40 Humble Store credit (expired)

💡 Humble original: Roman Sands

The Sun is getting closer. Soon, it will consume everything. It may be one week, it may be two. No matter, just run along and fetch a new round of cocktails. Daiquiris.
A visual novel at the end of the world.

Youtube trailer

📝 Note about referrals

SteamGifts by default modifies all Fanatical.com, HumbleBundle.com, GamersGate.com links from all threads, adding the SteamGifts referral code. Whenever a user click or shares a link to one of the sites listed above, SteamGifts will earn a commission.
By using these reflinks, SteamGifts will receive $10 for new subscribers, 5% of Humble Store sales, 15% for bundles via the Humble Partner Program.
If you prefer, you can disable referral links from your settings panel.

📖 Informative links

Rachel's Q+A
Master thread of ongoing bundles!


🐰 Thanks to luckz for helping with the poll!

5 years ago*

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Will you buy this bundle and the Battletech Season Pass, like the #IGNlluminati want you to?

View Results
[Recurring subscription] Fool me once, fool me many times… shame on me I'll keep my subscription running?
[New subscription] I’m jumping up and down with joy. I’ve been wanting to own BATTLETECH for ages!
[Maybe subscribe] This doesn’t look particularly good, but it doesn’t look bad either. Eh, I’ll just push the decision for later.
[Cancelling / Pausing subscription] What a disappointment after the last few Weekly / Monthly bundles! Come on IGN, you can do better than this!
[Non-subscriber, will not buy] October is Halloween month, not the time for silly subscriptions.

This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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I guess it's a skip again for me... not into mech games.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

5 years ago

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Ah, Not good. It was already 66% off and will be 75% off surely in the autumn sale. Easy pass unless something good comes up.
Also, DLC fest lol.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

5 years ago

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Same. Like the Division. Hopefully, more than one.

5 years ago

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This never happened for PDX titles in the monthly bundle and some of the previous games had far more DLC than Battletech. I don't see this happening.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

5 years ago

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I dont like it, but it is on Steam. Maybe someone will be happy when i make a giveaway.
Btw my subscription ends January 29, 2021, so rather not pause, dont want to have it forever :D

5 years ago

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It seems to be a great purchase for you! :P

5 years ago

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I'm in, 100%. One of the few Paradox titles I don't own yet and it's wishlisted.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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I still have monthly monthly credits can I skip this month or does it claim the month automatically?

5 years ago

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You mean you have paid for a subscription for more months? If so you can skip as many as you want and it wont affect how many you paid for and can use them in the future.

5 years ago

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I tried pausing and it says "If you pause you will miss out on October 2019's games worth over $100." i guess they already charged me for this month.

5 years ago

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They wont charge you for this month till the last week.

5 years ago

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you can skip, just make sure you're still skipped right before autocharge date, I've seen comments where they said Humble auto un-skipped them randomly.

5 years ago

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Thanks I guess the best option is not to buy multiple months at once and only get them when there is a game that you want.

5 years ago

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Humble had promotion bonuses before to buy a whole year which makes it cheaper per month but if you didn't buy it then and are not interested in most months then yes, might be better to only pay for when you see a month you like. On the other hand, I have read people who have skipped over half a year continuously and have many credits left.

5 years ago

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I've been skipping the first day of the bundle for months now last time I got one was March, haven't had that happen yet but I'm always double checking a day before the auto charge just in case.

5 years ago

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Still gonna take it but not very pleased by that single reveal meh. I thought we would get MH or something of that quality.

5 years ago

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MechWarrior type games were always incredible niché. This one may be decent among its kind (plus, well, as far as I know, the only one of its kind made in the past decade), but waging the entire monthly on a niché audience seems uncharacteristic.

5 years ago

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I like reveal, but already have it and also finished campaign = will probably pause.

5 years ago

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Will wait to see if they add an other reveal later in the month. For now it's a pass.

5 years ago

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Although there are plenty of Battletech packages on Steam that are global, there are several like this one that are exclusively sold in 20+ countries (RU + CIS, and South America?). So there is a chance that Humble might not offer Battletech to those regions. Nothing about it on their Support site just yet though.
Region lock confirmed here.

I got Battletech on launch since the devs HBS have never failed me before as well as the season pass. Its one of my most played RPGs on Steam at 150+ hours, as I'm a big MW & BT fan and I haven't encountered much of the technical issues that others previously reported.

I doubt I'd buy this Humble monthly unless bundles elsewhere are really weak. When I've bought a month, the regular unlocks have been good enough to accompany an early unlock, but I dunno that they'll be good enough to carry the entire month for me.

EDIT: Added region lock confirmation.

5 years ago*

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I got Steam Sub 245789 :( i want more information about this...

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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And yet people are making GA's for Battletech and not adding this information in. Entrants should be informed about this.

5 years ago

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As updated in the OP, which is more succinct than my prior comments:

Customers from RU/CIS + LATAM + KR + CN will receive a key that can be redeemed only in these countries, everyone else receives a key that can be redeemed everywhere.

Therefore, region info is irrelevant for anyone who got the game from outside the regions above, because the key can be redeemed by anyone. Region info is only relevant for customers who purchase from those specific regions, and yes those people should create GAs with region restrictions.

The only way to know whether there is certain risk a GA creator failed to mention a a region lock is if they make their country/region info public on their Steam profile.

5 years ago

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After 2 good months its pause for me.

5 years ago

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Paradox Interactive DLC vehicle.

5 years ago

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It sure is:

View attached image.
5 years ago

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Great, almost bought this a couple of times

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

5 years ago

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Paradox games are such a hard buy because I know they're a DLC fest. Will need another reveal to decide.

5 years ago

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Pause, again

5 years ago

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Last month was disappointing for me, idk if I'll continue

5 years ago

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Actually September was pretty nice to me for Slay The Spire and Guacamelee 2!

5 years ago

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Will be on the epic store free in a month or two.

5 years ago

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This is a pause month.

5 years ago

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Oh my. Battletech is so not my thing. O_o My first reaction would be to pause for the month... but I'm always worried I'll miss something I truly want among the reveals. So much uncertainty.... but plenty of time to decide.

5 years ago

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