This is going to be a hard puzzle.
The game is The Room
The link to the ITH (It's Too Hard) puzzle is in the description of this giveaway
Requirements: Level 2+

Please don't share answers nor links, FAIR PLAY! (^_^)/
Deadline: one week (February 17th 11:00PM CET)
Good luck. I hope you enjoy^^

Solution: "Hello Steamgifts. The code you are searching is vPWkS. No bruteForcing required"
As you can see, I made a mistake in 'bruteforcing', sorry for that. As that mistake only affected capitalization I decided to not change anything to avoid giving additional hints.

Steps to solve it: First you had to separate the symbols using 2x2 squares. The red squares might help you to realize about that -
You can see that there are 10 of those red squares, some of them crossed by a line, but the rest of the symbols are repeated only once or none. A good guess is supposing those are word separators. Guessing so, you already know you have a text composed of actual words (the ones crossed by a line were periods).
How to read those symbols then? This was the hard part. There are vertical and horizontal lines. Vertical ones represent dots, and horizontal ones represent dashes. That's it, in the end it was just morse, hidden by the fact that you can code the same letter in different ways, just reading the lines from top left to bottom right. -
Once you have the plain text, you can realize how capitalization works: if there is a line in the upper left corner of the 2x2 square (positions 1 or 3) it means that letter is capitalized

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9 years ago*

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There is no text box to put the answer in on ITH puzzle?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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i can't read xcom language

9 years ago

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wtf is alien code? :(

9 years ago

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Ohhh, a perro puzzle....too bad it's dinner time :/
Later! :)

9 years ago

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Bump! Will give it a shot in a bit. :)

9 years ago

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Extra bump

9 years ago

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Bump for eliminating some options. But I believe I've found some things at least that I have to think about for a while how it would work.

9 years ago

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Feels like I want to through some ideas to someone to get feedback on it. :P Blargh! Why you do this to me?

9 years ago

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I hate you now! I hate you now! I hate you now! .... aka bump
No clue right now, let me think about it.

9 years ago

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Good night perro.

9 years ago

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You're back! What is this nonsense?

9 years ago

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Too hard?

9 years ago

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Maybe, but probably not impossible. As written earlier, would love to brainstorm ideas. Or even ask you directly if I am onto something, once I am back home.

9 years ago

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Who with? It seems nobody is trying it

9 years ago

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Sent a steam friend request.

9 years ago

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Damn, I nearly missed this ... I'm not sure the remaining time will be enough ... but I'll definitely give it a try, this looks like a fun challenge!

9 years ago

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I don't speak alien sorry... :l

9 years ago

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The game looks pretty cool and it seems like an interesting puzzle, but I haven't the faintest idea where to start, so I think I'll pass...

9 years ago

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Having talked with perrolijo, he at least confirmed I was not completely lost in my train of thought. I just need to figure out the last tiny little detail... how to actually convert it to text. :P

9 years ago

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Well, that's pretty vague, so ... yep I'm at the same point you are. Or maybe I am not, who knows. Well I even got some text ... but then again, it didn't make any sense at all :)

9 years ago

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Interesting that you did get some text, I've only guessed at content and tried justifying it to get the pattern down right. :)

9 years ago

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I did that too for some time, but that didn't lead me anywhere ... I didn't want to be stuck with that approach, so I tried finding patterns that would produce any letters at all. Well, didn't help either ... yet? :)

9 years ago

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Yeah, all I know for certain is that I've divided up all the symbols correctly and that my guess on two patterns of them is correct. I think if we were allowed to work together we might figure it out. Especially if you let me talk to your dog. ;)

9 years ago

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Ha! I know exactly what you are talking about ... and knowing that two facts for certain made me exclude some other (less probable) approaches. Focusing helps, I'm pretty sure I'm onto something right now :)
(Oh and while I agree that working together would be great, I'm not sure all my overly complex less probable theories would have helped you at all ;)

9 years ago*

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Trust me, I've tried and discarded a few over the top ideas myself. :P

9 years ago

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I guess perrolijo is just self-destructing D:

9 years ago

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Oh wow I totally missed this puzzle and it's for a wishlist game even.. let's see if I can crack it in the couple of hours I have left after work today ;-)

9 years ago

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Bump for solved \o/

9 years ago

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OMG! You did it. Now I feel inadequate!

9 years ago

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You shouldn't, I'd bet you are only one lucky guess away from the eureka :)

9 years ago

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Unfortunately I'm out of spare time to solve it. =(

9 years ago

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Oh, congrats! I was going to post that I don't even need to try if you guys can't crack it, but now ... uh ... I have to work ... maybe on this?

9 years ago

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Definitely on this, solving this was really satisfying and procrastinating trumps all :)

9 years ago

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At least now I have 1-2 ideas to create puzzles which will look similar, but different for sure.

9 years ago

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oh no, me too, I hope they're not the same ideas ^^

9 years ago

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30 minutes left :3

9 years ago

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collapses in defeat

9 years ago

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Congrats to Mandrill, only solver and entry. :) Now, will you give a hint on how to actually solve it? ;)

9 years ago

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You already had the first word >_< A little more time and you would have solved it

9 years ago

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Was only unconfirmed guesswork, and could find no way to replicate it so it worked with the rest.

9 years ago

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Too hard.

9 years ago

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You MUST post the solution to this.

9 years ago

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Check tomorrow :P

9 years ago

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Oh so I can still solve it before then!
...yea right! LOL :P

9 years ago

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Hint before solution! ;)

9 years ago

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I feel I have to comment on how I solved this, because ... well I wouldn't want anyone reading the solution in the top post and think "yeah ok that was impossible, how should I have guessed that?". I think the "crucial idea" isn't as big a leap as the solution makes it sound, so ... here's how I got there:

perrolijo wrote above that you had to realize that "square" and "strikethrough square" were special ... that was kind of the easy part -- square was the only "frequent" symbol, and these both are made of 8/10 lines instead of <= 4. So ... how to get to "Morse" from there?

Assuming that "square" was "space" and "strikethrough square" was "period" was a "relatively obvious" guess. So ... with that assumption the message had to be
<5 letter word> <10 letter word>. <3 letter word> <4 letter word> <3 letter word> <3 letter word> <9 letter word> <2 letter word> ...
????? ??????????. ??? ???? ??? ??? ????????? ?? ?????. ?? ???????????? ????????
At this point I had to guess what those sentences would be. Well ... I would expect the solution to give me a ga code, right? So my lucky guess for the second sentence was
The code you are searching is ?????.
That sentence has 4 "e"s, but they all were different symbols. But wait, those 4 symbols all have 1 vertical line and nothing else ... it's just in different places! Different symbols for the same letter have the same horizontal/vertical counts! ... once I realized that, I managed to decode the rest of the message. Well everything but the ga code :)

One problem while decoding was that some letters had the same "line direction" counts. For example, both "n" and "a" are "one horizontal, one vertical". It took me forever to realize that the order ("vertical first" vs "horizontal first") was different. After that I had a "working" translation table with things like "O: ---, S: |||" , but It took me a lot more staring at it to finally realize it was Morse. (yeah actually my table said "O: 000, S: 111" ... that didn't really help recognizing it :/

So ... why was this a great puzzle? Because it wasn't one single "huge leap", but lots of "small successes" ... and every wild guess I had to make was (relatively) easily tested.

How am I doing wall-of-text wise? :P

9 years ago*

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Now I feel stupid...

9 years ago

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Umm ... no please don't, that wasn't my intention at all ... perhaps I should add that it still took me an hour to get from the "lucky guess" to "working translation table" ... and a long break and "letting sink" from there to Morse.

And you wouldn't want to know the wild theories I invented before the lucky guess. 77 symbols? 7*11? So maybe it's 11 bytes, because who needs those high bits anyway, and wait, 11 bytes base64 decode to 7 bytes, so maybe it's /xxxxx/ ... and that's not the most absurd idea I had to forget :)

9 years ago

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Not your fault. Just seeing that the solution is kind of simple ...
Anyways - more luck for me next time or the one after that ...

9 years ago

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You're good. I like this.
If ever we need a codebreaker on a team to save the world from aliens, I'm hiring you

9 years ago

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The only thing I could guess at was Hello at the start, but I tried the approach of assigning value to different lines, such as lower row vertical lines = 5. So 1 line = 5, which equals e (5th letter in the alphabet), but no matter how I justified the numbering I couldn't get anything else to fit.

If I was more well-versed in morse-code I might have seen the e standing out as being only a dot and tried it.

Here's what I did with the code from the start.
Cleaned up
Unique symbols
Since there were 77 symbols and 58 unique I knew that there had to be more than one way to write the same letter.

I tried with "The code for" as the start of the 2nd sentence, but I just couldn't repeat or justify it, so was stuck in a circle of trying to mathematically assign values to the characters.

Among my wild theories was Base-6 based on amount of dots connects using values between 2 and 7.

Hat off to you. :)

9 years ago

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Nice job! :P

9 years ago

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Thanks for the puzzle. I did not solve it but really like the concept :)

9 years ago

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Chapeau, Mandrill! :D (and perrolijo for inventing such a devious puzzle)

ETA: I'm not bitter, 'cause my dear friend sent me a steam gift today....The Room!

9 years ago

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Wow... nice puzzle perro!

Don't know if you're into Science... but have two slots left for puzzle designers here. And so good to see you around!

9 years ago

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