It's commonly known, that Romanians are stealing quite often and it doesn't matter who they steal from. Well, I'm not that kind of person who judges anyone by his nationality, especially that I was born and lived in Romania for 20 years, and my family and relatives still do, also one of my best friends is romanian as well. So I added this guy: It looks like I can't post the link here as everyone says.
NOTE: We already talked Romanian in the thread, so we obviously started our conversation on steam in Romanian.

He claimed to have a PUBG, and Flatout 4 key which he's about to trade for a nice rpg, rts game, he even gave me a choice to choose from any game, because it doesn't matter what game he is, as long as it's RPG or RTS he is going to play it. Well, then we started talking about different things, for quite a while, things like comic-con, laptops, etc. He did seem really nice, and mature, and I don't do trades quite often on steamtrades, so I got used to the fact that it doesn't really matter who goes first, there won't be any scamming attempt. I repeat, he do really seemed nice, and I usually get a sense of who to trust and who not to, due to the many trades and purchases I did in my history of gaming. I got scammed a few times, but I always learned from my mistake and then I was not trusting anyone at all, until now.

So after some talking, he decided on 2 games, Spore and Bad Company 2, I was like okay, I'll just go ahead purchase the keys and give it to him. So I did, and he said he's going to send my keys in a minute. Then suddenly a surprise: He was offline :)
I was stupid enough to let all this go, just give him a -rep and went to sleep, without making a screenshot.

This was not the worst part about the whole thing. I thought he finished it with this scam. Then today when I logged in, and checked my steamtrades I saw my first -1 rep on my profile. He actually made a motherfuckin FAKE PICTURE of our conversation, I was not even talking English to him, not a single sentence. This really pissed me off, then I saw he filed a report to steamrep as well, thank God that they didn't care about it.

What is wrong with people? What is wrong with this guy?
Are people on steamtrades actually gonna believe his words?
I was never that kind of person who scams people, especially not for real money. We're talking about real fkin money, not just some in-game gold or stuff.
Well, I am really really dissapointed. Not going to trust anyone in the near future.

So my question is: What can I do besides sending a report to steam? Can Steam provide the actual chat conversation? And this picture he made, tell me guys it really looks fake, right?

7 years ago*

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Sorry about your experience, but tbh you should not have gone 1st. His level 1 steam profile. 5 around games. low(no) rep. all warning signs.

7 years ago

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I know..

7 years ago

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I didnt intend to sound as a know all, even i got scammed a few weeks back, I totally understand the state of anger in your mind.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Someone used the key. What was it? :(

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

7 years ago

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What game is that lol

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

7 years ago

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I don't know if it was OP's first trade but Level 1 with 5 games... Yeah you simply can't go first with that.

The worst part, Volvo won't do shit about it. Even if he provide all the proof. I got scammed a few weeks ago, thief stole me a steam key from an AAA game. I reported him immediately, provided the proof to their support team. All they did was blocking him from marketplace for 2-3 days (despite scamming multiple person the same day), and HE STILL HAS the game on HIS LIBRARY. Like nothing happened. (unless revoked games still show)

7 years ago*

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Well maybe OP is new to trading, and its quite unfortunate for someone to be scammed regardless. Yes some people may blame him for not checking up the rep ,etc etc. Volvo as far as i know, doesn't support key trades , reason being the keys maybe given out at various levels ( retail, developer, etc ) and they don't want to penalize their economic ecosystem ( at least not yet ) . But new gifting rules, and more changes coming might mark a shift from the current situation.

7 years ago

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and they don't want to penalize their economic ecosystem ( at least not yet ) .

Yup, i really believe this.

7 years ago

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Not sure if that was a sarcastic comment or not :/

7 years ago

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It wasn't. I think they've done many moves in that sense during the past few years.

7 years ago

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Very true. Its a sellers market now since Volvo is monopolizing :(

7 years ago

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I'm not new to trading, I was using steamtrades for almost a year, just got back, until now I only used a forum where everyone is mature enough not to scam, and unfortunately I got used to that.

7 years ago

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Volvo as far as i know, doesn't support key trades

There's very little they actually support :3

7 years ago

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You have to remove names (link and screenshot) for calling out else you risk suspension.

7 years ago*

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they aren't a member on SG, but they clearly are on the ST sister site. it's rather easy to connect the dots without the name anyways, just remove it and save yourself from the risk of suspension.

7 years ago

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That's a pretty good photoshop...

7 years ago

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Found the fake account

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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And the screenshots of chat can be easily manipulated by making a lookalike profile on an alt. I use video grab software in my trades, camtasia , maybe use that if you trade frequently. Having said that scams can still occur. there is no cure-all for it.

7 years ago

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Wow you were right, he made a fake profile. Even our profile picture is not the same :

7 years ago

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make a case report on steam rep with evidence so that he is banned on steamrep. Such scum deserve it.

7 years ago

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I just did, thanks!

7 years ago

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Steam rep is full of self righteous shitheads sometimes. This is why I don't bother trading.

7 years ago

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Yes, it's bs...

But what if someone gets banned from steamrep? What happens? Cuz I don't really understand.

7 years ago

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You didn't lose any items/key??

7 years ago

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I did as I wrote in my thread. A bad company 2 key and a Spore key, both for Origin.

7 years ago

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i mis read the steamrep report part saying no items

7 years ago

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Never trade with low lvl/no games accounts, always a high risk.

P.S. 'It's commonly known, that Romanians are stealing quite often and it doesn't matter who they steal from.' Sounds like , I'm not racist but ... because I have a *** friend.

7 years ago*

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No, I never judge someone by their race, nationality, whatever. I knew this fact for a long time, yet I trusted him, still I am the racist lol. I do really even have romanian relatives, but they'd never do anything like this, though they behave completely different than our nation. It's in their blood to get what they want, but ofc not everyone is the same.

7 years ago

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I feel with you. One day a Russian kid faked a whole chat just to -rep me. Luckily he made many mistakes and i got the -rep removed

7 years ago

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well 88% of the people voted to remove mine as well hope it'll get removed

7 years ago

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Happy Cake Day! =)

7 years ago

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It's commonly known, that Romanians are stealing quite often and it doesn't matter who they steal from.

No need to read more than that if you start a text by accusing a whole nation. :B

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Weeeeeell… it is the country that pretty much tried to legalise theft…

7 years ago

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Well, I knew a Romanian and he never tried to steal from me. :B

7 years ago

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Which excludes all of them from being thieves.

7 years ago

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Well, it's obviously showing that not all of them are thieves. Just like I don't know how many of them are thieves, he also can't possibly know that.

7 years ago

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Of course not all of them are thieves, even assuming otherwise would be retarded. By stating that "all of them are thieves" does not mean that you literally mean the whole nation. It's exaggeration and it's used in both text and speech (as in this one) to emphasize.

I'll go with the OP and state that indeed a big portion of them are scammers, as is a big portion of Brazilians, people from the CIS region and many other, relatively to western countries, poor countries.

7 years ago*

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That's hilarious for all sort of wrong reasons XD

7 years ago

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I have romanian relatives too. Not everyone is the same, just the majority of them. And they all hate our nation.

7 years ago

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Which nation is that? trying to keep track of all the people I hate... sometimes I forget.

7 years ago

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Romanians, do really hate Hungarians, claiming the Transylvania is theirs although it was a part of Hungary couple decades ago.

7 years ago

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Megbíztál egy random 1-es szintű felhasználóban, aki valahogyan tudott a Steamen történő cserékről úgy, hogy a fiókja alig egyhetes. (És még román is, bár speciel egy kicsit keletebbre jóval iparibb mennyiségben lopnak a Steamen, szervezetten.) Ezen felül megszegted a csereüzletek egyik aranyszabályát: ha tök ismeretlen és nincs semmi bizonyított kereskedelmi tapasztalata, akkor csakis olyan kulcsot/linket küldünk neki, aminek az elvesztése se anyagi, se érzelmi kárral nem jár számunkra.

7 years ago

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Tudom, sajnos a kódok arra kellettek volna hogy aztán mással is elcseréljem, ezért nem tudtam volna ki sem próbálni őket.

7 years ago

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He actually made a motherfuckin FAKE PICTURE of our conversation

And that's why I don't understand all the people who seem to think screenshot is proof. As if Photoshop (or it's many alternatives) didn't exist...
Sorry about what happened. I don't get why you didn't at least exchange the keys one by one though: when I trade with someone I'm not sure I can trust I always try to cut the deal into smaller pieces, this way if there is trouble at least it's smaller trouble

7 years ago

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I know, I was stupid. He offered me to exchange one by one, but I needed the keys for future trades, not for myself so I was like meh..

Well, I learned my lesson.

7 years ago

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Ah, well if this was for future trades, not sure it would have helped then: he could as well have sent you fake or duplicate keys and get you in trouble with other trades :/

7 years ago

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Yep. But he decided to just log off and block me.

7 years ago

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You would trust a lvl 1 profile with steam keys for future trades.?

7 years ago

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Nope. Obviously.

7 years ago

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Cheer Up OP! :)

View attached image.
7 years ago

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hah,thanks! :)

7 years ago

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Well, you gained wisdom at the cost of 2 old games... it's not a bad trade! :D

7 years ago

Comment has been collapsed. costed me over 9$

7 years ago

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Do you have the Steam Mobile app? Chats usually save there for a longer period of time, if you want screenshots to help clear your name. Nothing can really be done in regards to the one that scammed you though, unfortunately (support typically doesn't get involved). Just another lesson learned ~

7 years ago

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My -rep was actually deleted, so I don't think I need that anymore, steam won't do anything with him I guess. But thanks!

7 years ago

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Sorry for you getting scammed.
Never trade anything you aren't willing to lose to a scammer.

7 years ago

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Never trade anything you aren't willing to lose to a scammer.


View attached image.
7 years ago

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I think it's a good rule of thumb. I wouldn't trade a AAA game key for anything, no matter how good the deal, because it might be a scam(mer). I don't want to lose out on $60 USD. But I'll trade a couple of bundle games away because, worst case, I'm out a couple of bundle games.

7 years ago

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IT was a Spore and a Bad Company 2 key.

7 years ago

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look at steam game # and steam level of account. see how long they have been trading, allways check rep they link is actually linked to the account your talking to (most have a link to owners account) as they will copy profile pic and some details on the account, also google any site they link incase its a fake site with a added letter, "rep" on a steam profile is worthless as you can delete anything you don't like, also any deal that seems to good to be true should be put you on guard.

look at it as a learning lesson.

7 years ago

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Yep. I know all of this. I trusted him simply because he looked mature enough not to scam. I'm talking to many people due to trades, and I felt like I can spot out scammers just by talking to them. Turned out I can't, this time.

7 years ago

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I dont know if someone had answer your question, but yes. Enter in your Steam Account in Google Chrome, and same in Steam, if you have it as friend open a conversation (in google chrome) if not open a conversation with any friend, a pop up window will emerge, showing all your recent conversations, even if he unfriendly you, you will have it as recent. So better hurry to take some SS

7 years ago

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Didn't figure it out how to do that. But I guess it's already too late

7 years ago

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Oh wait, I did what you said, and have convos from 16 May but not with him...That disappeared

7 years ago

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Honestly, just don't trade with someone that joined steamtrade 3 days ago, with no reputation, a fake profile that you can spot right on by the look of it, etc. And even if you want to, just don't go first in such case. If he is legit, he will surely go first without you asking him in the first place.

But btw, you can't really edit steam chat, so there's no way he edited the conversation between you and him. However, what he did was clever. He made a dummy account , with your pic and name, and faked this conversation. I would suggest you report him to steamrep to prevent others from falling into this again. Im sorry for your loss.

7 years ago

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Yep I'm a dumb though I was only scammed one time in my life in my history of steamtrades.

And yea I already found out what he did.

I also reported it to steamrep, they shat on it, saying the report was invalid.

7 years ago

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Steamrep won't accept a report , not till you provide a proper conversation with him and other stuff they require which is understandable since , if not, it would be meaningless since anyone could falsely report someone without proper evidence.

7 years ago

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Impersonating someone is not enough?

7 years ago

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I think so. But they need you to provide them with the link, chat history that it was that same guy who's impersonating you, etc before they approve it. I think that's the only way to validate a proper report.

7 years ago

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steamrep is worthless since they refuse to put cautions on users with many reports again them. they should add cautions and link to the reports then let the useres decide if they should trade with said person or not. if you want to make a community report site you have to actually let people know about reports not decide for us if reports are bad. they also ignore cd key theft so they should just shut down now anyway do to the no gifting.

7 years ago

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I get that, but then if someone mass report someone else , making things up just like the conversation that the impersonator posted, any innocent trader could be a victim of such cautions. Thus, people might think he is a scammer even when he isn't. Only way to properly tag you with caution or banned is if your have appropriate proof of such claim.

And about the cd-key, unfortuntely you can't verify if a key is used, by whom or when. Even steam doesn't provide you any info regarding this. So, people will take advantage if steamrep had accepted cd-key report, one can simply report someone else and get away with it.

7 years ago

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you can defend yourself in the reports and the mods can post if they feel its legit. besides good traders will almost allways try to make some effort in correcting a bad trade from their end. its also a small price for this kind of trading. the way they run the site it lets to many scamers go unreported for way to long. i don't see why they can't say "there are X reports of bad keys from this user" the site has always been near useless even before now.

7 years ago

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I know many scammers walked away due to lack of evidence of some sort, but from a victim's perspective, they know that particular person scammed him , but without any solid evidence, you can't make others believe. I know when someone approaches you for a trade and act fishy, you can bet that he is a scammer or trying to rip you off etc. I just avoid dealing with dodgy people and so far, i haven't been scammed. I suggest if you record a trade ( especially if money is involved, or expensive item, game , whatever), and if you get scammed, i am pretty sure that thorough recordings of the whole trade will get your report accepted by steamrep no matter what.

7 years ago

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i've seen otherwise. i've been trading for over 3 years on steam and used to follow steamrep. then i saw case after case of reports being ignored WITH very good evidence and then when they finally banned them (some never got banned) they had racked up a few hundred in scamed goods.

7 years ago

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I just wish there was a better fraud tool to prevent these scammers to get away with these stolen goods. But then, steam wouldn't do it cause preventing frauds costs alot of money and no one wants to bear em.

7 years ago

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What happens if they get banned on steamrep. I don't think the scammers do really care about this. The game they scammed is already theirs, and they'll just make a new account to scam with.

7 years ago

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if they left banns the same it would be fine but if you mean what happens to the user? well, nothing unless you use the site or google them you'll just see they are a scammer. its also good to get there 32bit steam code and goolge it before trades. you can get this # from steamrep when you look for said user name url.

they do swap accounts but not normally till they get trade banned from steam and its why they need to flag people faster.

also you did try to use the codes incase the guy was gonna try to trade them.

7 years ago

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That was my first thing to do. Like immediately after I realised he scammed me. Too late.
And it has a meaning, because why would he trade some scammed keys. Whatever..

7 years ago

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Charge back the money used for the keys, get him trade banned lmao, tell them it was fraud, unless you bought from a different store than Valve, cause if you did buy from somewhere else it wont change anything because the keys are not connected to your transaction and valve directly.

7 years ago*

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It was G2A...

7 years ago

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Sorry, nothing you can do, because if you charge back the one who will be in pain will be the g2a user who did nothing wrong and if he goes against it they'll ban you on g2a and you'll lose the dispute, + the most important thing, the guy at fault doesn't actually suffer in any way. Just report him via his steam profile and that's it.

7 years ago

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Okay i can only think of a couple ways that could help.

Firstly, maybe talk to the seller and ask if revoking keys bought is possible?

Secondly, if you still have him in your friend's list, just go to your steam mobile app and go chat and scroll back your chat with him as steam mobile app conversation NEVER disappears. Even if he unfriended you, once you add the person back to friend's list , the conversation will still be there.

Lastly, if he accepts your friend request again then there you go, screenshots of your entire conversation and post it on steamtrades. Valve themselves won't do anything i am afraid other then a computer generated message. As the severity of the case is not enough for them to directly interfere (must be something like a credit fraud)

7 years ago*

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Kind of a bad idea cause yea, I am using G2A for a long time now.
I wasn't using shield this time, I had shield activated for a couple months back, but I didn't want to continue since I am not buying that often. Well they wouldn't give my money back anyways, and don't want to do a PayPal claim to get my account banned cause I am also selling on g2a. But thanks for the advice!

7 years ago

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You don't need shield for support, shield is a scam.
They will refund you, maybe leave out the part of trading the keys and getting scammed yourself.
Doing this too many times will probably blacklist your account, but dupe keys happen all the time.

7 years ago

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I didn't really understand the second row of your comment.

7 years ago

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He's telling you to tell them that the keys didn't work, don't tell them anything about you getting scammed on steam. Just tell them the keys you got were bad and say product key already used for instance.

I don't know why the hell anyone would believe that 2 out of 2 keys you got we're bad but you never know.

7 years ago

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It's quite the coincidence that 2 out of 2 keys he bought in those 2 minutes probably we're both dupes, and it takes a few days to report them as not working. IJS.

It could work because support is usually dumb, the question is will they believe that 2 out of 2 keys were both bad, but in my opinion, you get scammed by a pos, so in turn, you scam someone who didn't do you wrong, someone who actually sold you the keys for as cheap as you can get them, so you basically scam the good guy, just so you're even again. Shouldn't be easy to feel good about yourself after that one, unless you got no soul. x_x

7 years ago

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You're basically telling him to scam the G2A person he bought the keys from instead, with the risk of getting banned. That's fraud on his side. He was looking for a solution to get the scammer in trouble, not to be a a piece of s... himself.

7 years ago

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Haha now that i think of it you are right, idk maybe contact the seller then and sometimes depending on where he got his steam keys he can ask the keys to get revoked due to being stolen or somthing.\

But still its technically stolen (even tho he willingly gave it first) and it doesn't affect the G2A person he bought from, something to do with their terms and conditions.

7 years ago*

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I was gonna suggest that, however if the keys are purchased by G2A and they're mass selling then they wont bother with revoking any keys, they might just issue him new keys instead or give him a refund, or not do anything about it not sure, so it still wont hurt the first guy, plus most people wont go through the trouble of charge backs you know.

I mean telling them that his keys didn't activate because it said product key already used is not a bad idea just not sure where that leads and it would make me feel bad because I would be lying. it's probably the best idea, but it's not really fair for G2A imo.

7 years ago

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Yep. Agreed. I'm a seller myself on G2A and I know how crappy feeling it is when someone says your key is duplicate, when you are 100% percent it was a legit key which was just redeemed in the moment you put on the website. So yea, not going to ask for a refund. And about messaging the seller, I can't do that, his email is not visible.

7 years ago

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so you're going to get a seller banned from g2a because you got scamed? some people need that site to pay bills. g2a shield is not fraud prevention and doing this is such a shit move.

7 years ago

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Yeah i kinda realized that after i typed (not really what i had in mind) , btw seller won't get banned, just check the bigger traders, they have plenty of negatives and are still selling. I understand people have bills to pay, i am not promoting that.

7 years ago

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it effect the % and if they are new or get to many bad keys they can get banned.

7 years ago

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Yea they won't get banned. I am a seller on g2a as well, over 270 positive feedbacks and like 5-6 negatives. Sometimes when they have shield activated, they don't even -rep, just ask for a refund. Well, 99% of the time, buyer wins, but there was one time I did I think.

7 years ago

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its cause they do it via paypal and g2a bans them when they do. if it was a legit issue they can contact the seller and its a kind of scam itself to g2a. i sell there also and most humble monthly bundles pay for themselves =)

7 years ago

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Racism in the first sentence. Stopped reading.

7 years ago

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Racism c'mon, why would my romanian friend approve this then? He's totally aware of it.

7 years ago

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What can I do besides sending a report to steam?


Can Steam provide the actual chat conversation?

No, it can't

And this picture he made, tell me guys it really looks fake, right?

For the first look,, its looks too real and you have NO evidence
but after closer look, you can make sure that he is scammer

BTW, you bought him 2 games worth less than $ 10 for his game that worth 25 $
You tried to rip him but the result he ripped you
and you went first because the deal worth the risk
All scammers have only one unbeatable weapon " The Victim GREED"

7 years ago

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thanks captain

ps: why would that be ripping someone off, if he was the one asking for those games.

7 years ago

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Trade should be happy for both side
since he is happy with the deal,, then its not scam, but we can call it ripping
[ some people trade to get rid of unwanted games and get wanted game , others trade only for the profit like me ]

So after some talking, he decided on 2 games

i thought you offered him some games, and he decided on 2 games

anyway even if you have chat screenshots,, he will said they are fake

actually i feel he is the next generation of scammers

7 years ago

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yea lol

7 years ago

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This should have been the red flags..

So after some talking, he decided on 2 games, Spore and Bad Company 2

2 cheap games for Fallout 4,I would even be suspect of that.They where one of the better scammers pretending to talk shop to gain trust but his mistake was the asking games and your mistake was missing that.

Though you thought he was nice and honest not let this allow you to not trust anyone just do not trust any random person you have no history with other then sharing a few good stories.

The biggest rule of all for any deal is never risk anything you can not afford to lose.As trading always comes with a risk no matter who it is.The better you know them the lower the risk but still a risk.If you are trading with money/games you can not afford to risk why are you risking losing such things?What I am trying to say is if you can not live without it,do not part with it.

It's not nice people do this but this is not a fair and nice world not everything is fair and some people will try and do things in there favor at the cost of others.

7 years ago

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It was Flatout but yea it's almost the same.
I simply thought he doesn't really care how much games worth, he just wants to play games told me to choose any RTS or RPG title I want. But I couldn't unfortunately so I let him choose.
Lastly, I risked it because I can live without it, but the fact that he scammed me dissapoints me. That's all. Sad that we can't even trust our own neighbour.

7 years ago

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Isn't one method of account recovery based on using steam keys? You could in essence take his account by providing the two keys you gave him as proof (assuming that he activated them) if he doesn't have good protection on it. Then use it to find out his email/phone/credit card info. That being said it's a major escalation and immoral.

7 years ago

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But they usually ask the first email that was used in the creation of the account. Also account name, old passwords.

I've gone through this one time..

7 years ago

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I know it sux cause same thing happened to me today after I posted "I have Dead by Daylight steam key and want CSGO items" on Steam Trades, someone sent me a friend request and insist that I give him my DbD key first and he gives me 5 csgo keys in a trade offer, after I done that he blocked me.. I felt pretty bad especially after I saw him playing the game after an hour, luckily I took some screenshots of the whole chat, reported him and contacted steam support they didn't respond till now, posted on steamrep they marked it "invalid" even though I provided all evidences about the scam.. I really don't understand why people do such acts... now I guess I'll never trust people or trade on steam, never add any random people who send friend requests!

7 years ago

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Sorry for you mate..

7 years ago

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