Do you like Curator mafias?
I've known about stuff like this for a while. It's why I always find it funny when someone tells me Steam reviews are more trustworthy than those from big websites, when the truth is that they're much much easier to influence. Reviews are becoming an increasingly antiquated thing anyway, at least in the traditional sense.
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For rational people, yeah. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people out there that think all reviews should be completely "objective" and/or reinforce their preconceived notions and justify their purchase. I say this as someone that's written a lot of them. It's tiring.
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Nothing new,really!IGN n the likes have been doing it for decades now,basically.their main focus n bias lies where money is.big money,that is.brown-nosing for endorsements n exposure. . .n a multitude of free games,ofc.
just make peace with the fact that ppl are often times,inherently is the choice to revolt against that urge.look the other way n make yourself scarce,or the urge might engulf you.
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I was high on antihistamines last night. . .just got up.
take from that what you will.
but i believe my thoughts were coherent enough,
and regardless of the formatting of my post,
they should have been legible,to some extent at least.
so maybe an eye check up is in order for ya. . .I wonder how you got thru op's post then?
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Not everyone is a native speaker of English here. Clear formatting and long paragraphs don't bother me.
Having to constantly reparse your typing to figure out what you meant is another thing :)
Clearly you stated you were at fault and took it out on eeev? Class, man. Class. :P
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What's up Skill :)
Long time no see
As for curator mafias things go much deeper than just review thingies... and Valve is very aware of it, I saw lately they are cleaning and removing bunch of generic reviews made by bots.. so things are going better I guess
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Like this ?
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Scummy setups from people with a lot of free time on their hands. "Entrepreneurs" who think they're actually running a business from a steam group.
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Greetings all. I am interested in what you guys think about curator mafias on steam.
Allow me to further specify what exactly a curator mafia is(for those that don't know) and how they are different from regulair review groups.
In many cases they are very much alike but it about morals alot of the times. A review group takes responsibilities with the reviews they create but a curator mafia does not.
Also note that Ive been part of a curator mafia(We don't need to go deep on which one) and know many reviewers
A curator mafia and a review group usually recive keys directly from devs in order to make reviews and many times there is a repayment in which the dev gives even more keys for giveaways after certain positive reviews(Also note that this only goes for some review groups and there are review groups that make honest reviews about the keys they recive). Ive heard many arguments that certain curator mafias makes negative reviews so they dont all make just positive reviews. This however depends on which dev it is. How many keys they recive as payment and such.
But what about the reviews then? In many cases its pretty simple to know exactly when it is a curator mafia making reviews. They follow a certain template of things they need to mention(Normal reviewers do this too sometimes however so don't confuse them together). But If you have a game no more complicated than bejeweled for example but then there is a four A4 page review on why this game is so awesome and many times the game itself has either mixed or negative reviews in general but all of a sudden there are 10 well written positive reviews explaining that this 30 minute long indie game somehow has 10/10 on everything and the only cons are that the game is short. (Simulair cases can be found on review sections on many games)
The curator page itself on curator mafias are another thing. When you follow a group as curator and go to a store page that they have written a curator thingy for then it will display for you telling you to buy that game and many times there is even a review attached to it. I have myself taken part in a curator page for about a day. I was asked to do atleast 10 to 20 curator thingys for different games. I picked games I had already played but that was not good enough. I was then asked to do one for a game I had not yet played. The game was new to and not a cheap 5 dollar game. The dev apparently demanded that his new game should appear on this curator page in order for keys to be given to the group owner.. I was adviced to read other peoples reviews and other groups curator pages and base it on that. That was the start and the end of it. Also note that any review can be attached to a curator thingy. If that happens to your reviews for a group you don't wanna be part of then just change your profile URL.
I have spoken with reviewers that have been contacted by curator mafias and when refusing to join up with them they are often bullied either by comments or messages or simply by mass dislikes on their reviews as some kind of "revenge" for refusing the offer. Its also common for curator mafias to dislike other curator mafias or review groups. There used to be times when I was given links and was strictly ordered to dislike a certain review, report a comment, report a profile and such(Never did any of it however).
Again this is not aimed towards normal review groups. There are many reviewers with good heart that have morals. However there are those that doesn't and they are the main focus of this.
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