Ready for your monthly infusion of Turok & Zachtronics?
+1 Its a decent variety, but there's only some games that I'm mildly interested in: GRIS, This is the Police, The Bard's Tale IV: Director's Cut, Capitalism 2. It isn't enough for me to buy this month like I did all the other months Choice has been a thing.
That mystery game reward at the end of the months for subs is a lame upsell too.
Unpopular opinion: Fanatical's Platinum Collection - Build Your Own Bundle has games I find much more interesting in with a base bundle price slightly cheaper than Classic.
EDIT: Was Steam DM'd with C2 key, thanks to jims9350!
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Of course strictly speaking on dollars per game Humble Choice is a better monetary value, but that's not what I'm referring to.
If I buy games as someone who has a large backlog, I prefer to buy games that I am very confident I will enjoy rather than a bunch of games that I'm very uncertain of or dont like.
So in this specific case, I am more likely to buy 3 games for $2 USD cheaper which I know I will very likely enjoy rather than 4 games that I am only mildly interested in. Now if I were really on my gift inventory, then this might be a different story, but I'm not ;)
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Eh that bundle from fanatical looks pretty weak most of it is just re-bundles. At least the humble choice is giving us stuff that wasn't bundle before.
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From the Fanatical bundle, several havent been bundled before. I'm most interested in:
Abandon Ship - Never bundled
Outcast - Never bundled
F1 2018 - Never bundled
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-Abandon Ship - is a third party developers only game, it's not exactly going to excite most people.
-Outcast was given for free , but i guess it wasn't bundled.
-F1 2018 is actually in one of humble bundles build your own bundles currently
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Different people have different tastes, and I have a different personal preference than most which I acknowledged by blatantly calling my personal opinion an "unpopular opinion". The only quantitative claim I'm making is regarding price.
So in case you can attempt to imagine personal preferences & situations other than your own, here's why I'm still interested in those games:
Abandon Ship - I don't even know what "third party developers only game" even means. If you are referring to the listed developer/publisher outsourcing their development to some other company, then I hardly care. I just care that the game provides a good unique gameplay experience, and at least on paper it looks that way, but I fully acknowledge the risk that I could be wrong given that its recent Steam review rating are lower than the overall rating. Given the relatively low supply of decent 3D third person pirate games that are single player, that's a risk/reward tradeoff I'm willing to take for a few dollars.
Outcast - I was unavailable in that part of November and must've missed the giveaway. That doesn't make the game any less worth it to me, nor did it make it less valuable on the grey market which prices it more expensive than the per game price of the Fanatical bundle. Downloading the game for free (and possibly illegally) from P2P filesharing or maybe some website I'm not 100% confident in is not worth it to me.
F1 2018 - I saw that Humble Codemasters BYOB, and F1 2018 is the only one I would want from that list because I either have some of the other non F1 games in the list or I'm hardly interested in them.
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Sorry, your right not 3rd party, 3rd rate. It's subjective I suppose, and one mans trash can be an other's treasure.
Humble bundle and Fanatical are both my two major sources of keys.. GMG too very occasionally. Fanatical's Platinum bundle is over priced and under delivers, as far as I'm concerned. April's Humble Choice is much better bang for your buck, but since I was able to trade for everything I wanted from it I'll likely skip it as well as the Platinum bundle. This is of course my personal opinion.
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not always fanatical has some much cheaper packages, just the humble ones are over 95% off.
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I just trade the games I don't want and sell the games I can't trade on Bundle Split.
I paid $7 for This is the Police 2, Bard's Tale IV, Capitalism 2, Street Fighter 30th Anniversary, Phantom Doctrine Wonder Boy Dragon's Trap* and Double Dragon Trilogy
traded Hitman 2 for Street Fighter Anniversary, Driftlands for Phantom Doctrine, Opus Magnum for Wonder Boy, Truberbrook for Double Dragon Trilogy; sold the last 3 games for $5
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Bundle Split
Are you referring to a Steam group or a dedicated site? I haven't heard of or been able to search for it, and wouldn't mind looking into it.
If I felt like I was running short on games to trade or giveaway, I would totally do more of it like I have been, but I was recently at a place where I found myself doing less playing of games than I was doing stuff related to gaming. Maybe I'll feel differently at the end of the month, but for now that's where I'm at.
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The rule is no profit. Typically, you split the purchase price for each game, and then ask for offers.
For example, the current stardock bundle might be priced as listed below:
Tier 1 ($1.00)
$0.50 - Dead Man's Draw
$0.50 - Sorcerer King Rivals
Tier 2 ($8.00)
$7.00 Galactic Civilizations III + DLC
Tier 3 $(13.00)
$3.00 Star Control Origins + DLC
(me) $0.50 Star Control 1 + 2
(me) $1.00 Star Control 3
$0.50 Ashes of the Singularity Escalations
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They keep using games that are on gamepass for pc or have already been given away on ps+/xblg
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Might be worth looking at the Covid-19 bundle as that includes a month of Choice for new subs.
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Yeah, I'm with you. It isn't the best bundle ever, but Hitman 2 and Gris decided it. After that, I don't have to make up much value from the rest of the bundle.
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Apparently not. It's like a piece of Monthly in Choice:
Keep your subscription active to receive a bonus game for April Choice! This game will not count toward your choices for the month. All bonus game recipients will get the same game, which will be revealed and unlocked on May 1st."
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I think they didn't manage to do what they were hoping: reassure the devs that their games would not go on the grey market every time they're in a monthly. So now they're stuck with lousy games again, and they know a bundle like that won't convince so they try to kinda go back to the "surprise" model but not really;
The problem ofc is if that's the bundle we're getting, the chances of the "surprise" game being good are very low so that won't stop anyone from pausing.
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It's a "free" extra game they give you in 1st May... Thay say it clearly on the screen :/
Keep your subscription active to receive a bonus game for April Choice! This game will not count toward your choices for the month. All bonus game recipients will get the same game, which will be revealed and unlocked on May 1st."
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and before any1 says scroll down, nothing there either, so dunno where you are seeing this text
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It is on the actual page, above the game selections.
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it also wasn't there, before i unlocked choices
so whats going on, why am i missing that big info box
figured it out, its because im on yearly plan, so it doesn't show up then
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Nah, mine looks exactly like yours (no stay subbed banned) and I'm month-to-month.
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I'm fucking dying with this comment xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
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I felt this time it might be a lot worse as there's 2 games that have some issues with mixed reviews, 2 games that are older and 2 games that are from the same publisher which aren't bad games but they are puzzle games which may or may not go over well with sales.
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I always feel like I get a decent amount of games I want or look interesting and feel like I get $12 worth. Gris is something I've wanted for about and out of the stores I buy from it's lowest was $8.50 plus there's a few others I wanted so even though I don't think this bundle is better than a lot of the previous ones I am still happy.
On the other side of things there may have been other games on the docket for the HB Choice but due to what's going on with the Corona virus HB might not have been able to get in touch with those devs/publishers.
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Actually I was expecting both of them. I'm almost positive I mentioned it on either last month or the month before that HB choice threads.
To be fair the Zachtronics games seem to have been doing well in sales and have a lot of praise so I don't think in this case it was really a strange approach. Plus they've already been in contact with them so those are 2 secure spots in the bundle without needing to talk to another dev/publisher.
As far as how many games next month, I'm pretty sure it will be above 10 from here on out as they want to provide actual choice. I'd say at the very least 12 next month.
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Only want Gris, which I can get sale for much cheaper. Paused again then, really good for my wallet.
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Oh dear, Hitman 2. Just as I'm finishing #1, nice timing ^^
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Thanks Stevey - Its so weird they didn't explain it on their blog either, though it says everyone will get a Humble Original or two:
Plus, all Humble Choice subscribers will also get a new Humble Original, Divinoids, as well as a special sneak peek of Ring of Pain.
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They must have changed their mind last minute and incorporated an extra game to try and shore up sales. I suppose its better value for the people that stay subscribed so I hope its a decent game worth hanging on for.
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I suppose I'm staying subbed for Zachtronics and Hitman.
Is it just me, or does the lower half of this bundle feel... out of place?
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I'm not interested in any of this games, but going to take it because that extra choice next month.
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I find something worthwhile in all months and didn't pause in ages, but this month ... Capitalism 2? A game from 2001? And that game at least once was good, contrary to stuff like Shoppe Keep 2.
Humble must be joking.
It might be okay if I were into puzzle games, but that's my least favorite genre.
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From Gris to MOLEK-SYNTEZ I would take, so I'll think about that one. Gris is way more selling it than Hitman 2 for me but that is just my taste.
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First time pausing since Choice. I would have been interested in Gris and Truberbrook if I haven't finished them already on the Switch. And I still have the black cartridge of Turok 2 on N64.
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Oof.. NBCUniversal dropped them. Wonder who the new publisher with be.
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April 2020 Humble Choice
View this bundle on: ITAD - - Lestrades
๐ Important dates
๐ณ April 24th, 2020: AUTOCHARGE DATE (for subscribers only)
๐ May 1st 2020: Next Choice Bundle release date (first Friday of every month)
โ ๏ธ Region lock โ ๏ธ
This Is the Police 2
All subscribers receive a Mystery Game to be revealed on May 1 (Train Valley 2)
Bonus Game FAQ
Free DLC to claim:
๐ฎ Games:
HITMAN 2 - Standard Edition is one key that includes the following:
The Bard's Tale IV: Director's Cut is one key that includes the following:
May Humble Choice - leaks (proven to be only partially true)
Humble Original: Divinoids by Catpad
The game will release with the April 2020 Humble Choice on Friday, April 3 at 10 a.m. Pacific time and will be added to the Humble Trove on Friday, April 10
๐ธ Subscription + Bonuses
In some regions, a sale tax is applied (example)
Note: There has been recent quiet changes to the non-Classic subscription costs for non-USD regions: regional pricing is now a fixed amount for each region set by Humble. More info here.
๐ Note about referrals
SteamGifts by default modifies all,, links from all threads, adding the SteamGifts referral code. Whenever a user click or shares a link to one of the sites listed above, SteamGifts will earn a commission.
By using these reflinks, SteamGifts will receive $10 for new subscribers, 5% of Humble Store sales, 15% for bundles via the Humble Partner Program.
If you prefer, you can disable referral links from your settings panel.
๐ Informative links
Humble Choice FAQ
Official HB FAQ
Master thread of ongoing bundles!
๐ฐ Thanks to luckz for helping with the poll!
Apologies for the mistake: Warner Brothers are the Hitman publisher now, not Square Enix (blame luckz :P)
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