They could try to get the PS3 version to stop crashing before October 18th, and then maybe I'd join :>
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Yeah they did an atrocious job with the PS3 version. I can't imagine 2 is much better. I have 2 on plus, but I doubt it will be any fun.
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Overkill promised things that were not included in the game upon release.
One of these was safe house customization, as you know when you start up the game and first go to your safe house Bain informs you that upgrades will viable in the future. The devs did say that safe house customization would be in the game, but later went back on their words saying they never promised the feature angering many fans.
During the cloaker updater Overkill thought it'd be nice to insult those who wanted the feature they promised.
"I got your safe house right fucking here, now go to the forums and cry like the little bitch you are"
nother one was having more weapons such as sniper rifles and more shotguns, but those were not released in the game, instead they came out as DLCs.
The games release was surprising to a lot of people due to the fact that it came out straight after beta. Consumers/Players were confused and furious and they decided to take this out on the forums since it wasn't that different from beta., but all they got were bans. Even the non-hostile consumers/players were banned.
And beta/non-DLC Payday 2 feels like an incomplete game, the game was either rushed or the developers are liars, and now they're relying on DLCs to get the experience that they advertised. They said the game would only have 5 DLCs, we have 7 paid ones. So while I don't have a problem with DLCs, I dislike how Overkill is using them to get the experience that they promised the consumers/players would get in the base game.
And then there are the minor things such as the "exclusive items" from the higher priced criminal edition that turned out to be...not exclusive!
And then there's overkill using the community to save as much money as they can such as asking them to translate and do voice acting for the game instead of hiring professionals.
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You must be new to the internet or whatever if you just removed a game from yer' wishlist just because someone bad-mouthed it over the internet, Even if he was right. I used to do that and boy was I wrong.
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It's not a terrible game by any means, I didn't want it to make it seem like one. If you were interested in getting the game then you definitely should try it out.
It's that some people don't like how the developers are handling the game. I've had fun playing the game, so have my friends who share my opinion.
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LOL, why are you so quick to follow that cloacker's advice?
Yes, devs release a lot of DLC. But Overkill and Starbreeze Studios have 45 people of the staff combined, and there is no big company funding them, so yeah, they have to make money somehow. And you can play without having any DLC bought, none of them is necessary or Pay2Win. So they actually kept their word.
I dunno about release time, but now bitching at the forums is allowed, you can easily check it.
There is no way in which non-DLC Payday 2 lacks something essential to the gameplay. If it does, please give an example. All gameplay mechanics are available without DLC, so you are wrong here.
Exclusive items are exclusive, tell us where to get them legally if it's not true.
The only thing they promised and didn't do is a safehouse customization. But first, it's not essential to your gameplay experience, and second, they said they will add it in the future. Other than that, they are normal devs, a normal small company trying to make a AAA-like game, so they have to release DLC for money and they have to rely on community support. Stop whining about it.
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"LOL, why are you so quick to follow that cloacker's advice?"
Open your eyes sheeple.
"Yes, devs release a lot of DLC. But Overkill and Starbreeze Studios have 45 people of the staff combined, and there is no big company funding them, so yeah, they have to make money somehow"
This does not excuse them of lying, I wouldn't care if it was made by one person don't promise things that are not in the base game. If they knew they weren't going to put all the features they should never said so, or told the truth about them cutting back the features.
"And you can play without having any DLC bought, none of them is necessary or Pay2Win. So they actually kept their word."
I never said you needed the DLCs to be good at the game, but it's very limiting
They also said that Payday 2 was going to be the Dark Souls of heists games because there wasn't going to be any hand holding They lied about that too.
"I dunno about release time, but now bitching at the forums is allowed, you can easily check it."
That was not the point. They were silencing people as if they never promised the feature. I don't care if complaining is now allowed, that was not the way to handle the situation.
""There is no way in which non-DLC Payday 2 lacks something essential to the gameplay. If it does, please give an example. All gameplay mechanics are available without DLC, so you are wrong here."
Where did I say certain gameplay mechanics are only accessible to DLCs?
You're right that none of the DLCs are essential, however the game is very limited without them, especially weapon wise.
"Exclusive items are exclusive, tell us where to get them legally if it's not true."
Exclusives items are not exclusives, you can get them via card drops.
The skull mask, the 'I love Overkill' mask pattern, the red dot for scopes(which is available to all scopes", and the red and black mask pattern.
"The only thing they promised and didn't do is a safehouse customization. But first, it's not essential to your gameplay experience"
They promised more than that, and that's a silly reason to excuse a feature that so many people were excited about. It doesn't matter if it was essential to gameplay or not, they promised it and we did not get it.
"and second, they said they will add it in the future."
Now they did, but before they said it was going to be in the release and then started banning people and deleting posts saying they never promised it.
"Other than that, they are normal devs, a normal small company trying to make a AAA-like game, so they have to release DLC"
As I said in my previous post I have no issues with DLCs, but I do have a issue that they're releasing DLCs that were supposed to be in the base game.
"they have to rely on community support."
There's a difference on relying on community support and using the community to save money.
Lying is inexcusable, especially in the state the gaming industry is right now.
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EA is not any better they make games that are broken from the get go and tell you to go screw yourself,and offer worse games for free to say sorry
then they say Sim City is not even possible offline and now just a few months ago they made it offline
they lie and mislead just like the rest of them that was my point
my whole point of the dlc of COD being 100 is to point out they are not the only ones that rely on DLC to make more money for stuff that should have been in game or included for free
the problem is they now got people addicted to dlc so now they do not even need to make things as simple as guns free anymore because people will pay at the least a buck for it
you pay 60 bucks for a game and yet they throw in maybe a dozen maps and take several years to produce the game but some how within a years period they can make another dozen maps and other crap that is double the price of the game
so my point is Overkill is not the only one that does smoke and mirrors yet you seem to make it seem like they are the worse offenders and they only ones
every game relies on the community they just chose a different way of doing it so how does that make them any different then asking the community to put up with Battlefield 4 and the turd it is and yet you bash on Overkil
and you show me how many games that offer limited/exclsive content that is not later released to everyone for a price i bet you could not count them on one hand
Overkill has dropped the ball in some ways,and have left promises on the table and in some cases may have screwed up but they are far from the worse offenders i will agree the whole cheating thing is sad but then again even with Vac there could still be some form of cheating as to me boosting to level up is cheating as to me cheating is when you get something that you did not earn the way the game intended
but the game is still a crap shoot because despite the game being built for shooting/killing and looting money people want to do stupid ass stealth and people kick you for dumb reason i got kicked once because i had the wrong gear i was new at the game and needed some help instead off offering it i get kicked then when i did find someone to play with all they wanted to do was smash and grab to boost there level so as a whole on both fronts is is a big failure as if i wanted stealth i would pplay a freaking stealth game like splinter cell
anyhow i guess none of this will matter because you have such hate for Overkill that i do not think what anyone else would say would matter
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"EA is not any better they make games that are broken from the get go and tell you to go screw yourself,and offer worse games for free to say sorry"
You're starting to change the subject.
I didn't compare overkill to any other company, I'm specifically talking about Overkill and how Payday 2.
"so my point is Overkill is not the only one that does smoke and mirrors yet you seem to make it seem like they are the worse offenders and they only ones"
No I didn't.
I did not bring any others up because there is no need to compare Overkill to others since as I said before specifically about Overkill and Payday 2.
"every game relies on the community they just chose a different way of doing it so how does that make them any different then asking the community to put up with Battlefield 4 and the turd it is and yet you bash on Overkil"
Uhh what? Why would I bring up Battlefield 4? This has nothing to do with Overkill's handling of Payday 2. If my post was more lying in the gaming industry, then possibly I'd do more research and bring up Battlefield 4 and others, but it's not, it's specifically about Overkill and Payday 2.
Now that aside as I said in a previous post there is a difference between relying on the community, and using them. We get balance patches, updates for features the community has been asking for, etc because the developers has listened to the community.Asking the community to do work such as translating and voice acting to save money instead of hiring a professional is using.
"and you show me how many games that offer limited/exclsive content that is not later released to everyone for a price i bet you could not count them on one hand"
This just shows how sad the current state of the gaming industry shows. It does not give Overkill the right to lie about features, especially when there are games where the developers didn't like, and yes there'd be more of those games than I can count on one hand.
"Overkill has dropped the ball in some ways,and have left promises on the table and in some cases may have screwed up but they are far from the worse offenders"
I did not say they were.
"anyhow i guess none of this will matter because you have such hate for Overkill that i do not think what anyone else would say would matter"
I don't hate them, their handling of Payday 2 is just bad.
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Lying is bad, yes. But my point is, they added almost everything they promised. It is not available for everyone in the base game, but it is in the game. It is somewhat annoying to see all the unavailable weapons, yes. But they have to make you want to buy their DLCs :) And they don't force you to do that, so I'm fine with that.
By the way, about lying, I'm afraid I have to accuse you of that. To get a mask dropped I have to have a slot for it in the mask shop first. Because I don't own The Lootbag DLC, I don't have a slot for The Skull mask, therefore I can't get it via card drop, and I never did, off course.
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"Lying is bad, yes. But my point is, they added almost everything they promised."
Ehh.. I'd say it's about 50/50.
No one told them to rush the game.
It is somewhat annoying to see all the unavailable weapons, yes. But they have to make you want to buy their DLCs :)"
As I said they said in beta that there was going to be more weapons and weapon parts in the full game because people complaining that there was no proper sniper rifle and shotgun was essentially non-existent.
" And they don't force you to do that, so I'm fine with that."
Of course the game doesn't force you, as I said before it's limiting.
"By the way, about lying, I'm afraid I have to accuse you of that. To get a mask dropped I have to have a slot for it in the mask shop first. Because I don't own The Lootbag DLC, I don't have a slot for The Skull mask, therefore I can't get it via card drop, and I never did, off course."
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"This does not excuse them of lying and promising things that weren't in the base game."
I don't remember them promising anything, and if they said that they would add something in later then it's not lying if it wasn't in the base game because it has to know, added in later.
"They were silencing people as if they never promised the feature."
Problem, they never promised the feature would be included on release day, they explicitly said that it would be something that they would add later, so they had every right to block and delete comments from people who don't pay attention and then act like it's Overkills fault for them not knowing.
"Exclusive items are not exclusives"
This you are right, but they never said they'd be permanently exclusive.
"They promised more than that!"
crickets chirp OK? Not going to elaborate on that? Alright then, that argument can be ignored completely, you can't just say "They promised more than that!" and not go into detail.
"They said it was going to be in the release."
No actually they didn't.
"DLC's that were supposed to be in the base game!"
Which none of the DLC's they've released so far are, none of them were claimed to be in the game upon release and none of the future DLC will be, including the customizable safehouse, because they did not "promise" those features would be in the base game.
There's a big difference between what you're saying they said "This is a feature we are definitely adding into the game on release day." And what they actually said "This is a feature we might add at some point later." They didn't promise anyone a damn thing.
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and how does this differ from the likes of COD and Battlefield all of them are DLC whores
but at least with payday you do not need to spend 100 bucks to get everything just t play with crying 12 year olds and cheats
my point is if you base every game on how good it is on promises of this being in game and this being so then in short 99% of games are crap
granted the game does have its issue but have never had any issues having fun playing it for what it is i also got in on steam sale so i got it for dirt cheap
and as far as voice acting i could care less i did not buy this for the story i simply got it because it is fun with co-op i like killing things,and i like money
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and how does this differ from the likes of COD and Battlefield all of them are DLC whores but at least with payday you do not need to spend 100 bucks to get everything just t play with crying 12 year olds and cheats
The ironing is stronk. Payday 2 has serious problem with cheating, there are no real anti-cheat systems in place and cheating is piss easy. Funny how you say you don't need to spend 100 buckets while there are multiple DLCs for PD2. You don't have to buy them, neither you have to buy them for CoD or Battlefield.
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"and how does this differ from the likes of COD and Battlefield all of them are DLC whores"
Did CoD and Battlefield promise features that weren't included in the base game? If so they then the developers should be called out on it too, but I would not know since I don't put my focus on those games. As I said I have no problems with DLCs if it was never meant to be in the base game
"my point is if you base every game on how good it is on promises of this being in game and this being so then in short 99% of games are crap"
I'd agree with you somewhat.
There are some developer that say some insane things to hype games up like Fallout 3's 500 different endings, or Peter Molyneaux.
But even with all these "promises" the solution should not be lowering our exceptions no one but the greedy developers/publishers wins.
Also 99% is a huge exaggeration
"granted the game does have its issue but have never had any issues having fun playing it for what it is i also got in on steam sale so i got it for dirt cheap"
I focused on about Overkill and their lies. Payday 2 can be fun, there's no doubt about it.
"and as far as voice acting i could care less i did not buy this for the story i simply got it because it is fun with co-op i like killing things,and i like money"
Even though I didn't touch those subjects a game should be criticized for them if they did put effort in them regardless of being it being the focus of the game or not.
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Didn't they in the beginning say there would be like 20/30+ different missions in the regular game without DLC. But there ended up only being like 12 or so?
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I found someone who also knows about it! :) Oh joy! Payday 2 was the first game I ever pre-ordered and probably the last one - that includes my another friend... Also I understood at the start they promised a LOT more heists and things to do in base game, but all seem to be in DLC now.
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I liked the game (had no idea about this history). That being said, let this be a lesson to you and anyone who purchases alpha/beta games. Don't buy a game based off of promises of the future. If you think the game is good AS IT IS NOW then buy it. Too many devs are getting away with purchases on alpha quality shit and failing to produce a full game. It's your own fault if you buy it.
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Well look at other games with DLC's, Train Simulator, summing every locomotive, map, whatever else there is in there, you get 2 761,13€ of DLC, I'm sure its worth it, because without them it wouldn't be a complete game, would it?
About the Safe house customization, I wasn't even hyped about it, Cloakers were much better than some extreme house makeover, either way, people glitched out, found uncomplete sets of rooms. Seems like they've at least tried, or maybe include it later on.
Everybody knows Overkill is the trolling type, that's what makes them fun, because nobody does that.
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I know this as old post but still. At the risk of sounding like an Overkill shill I want to clear some of the stuff up as best as I can.
First, the guy in charge during the beta phase was changed to someone called Goldfarb. He stopped development of the promised content like the Safehouse Customisation because he could and he started development of DLC taking priority over bug fixes. He left before Big Bank was released because he stopped making money from the game. Most of the money he got was from the DLC.
Second, that Cloaker "quote" is two separate quotes. The forums quote is referencing the fact that people thought (and some still think) the Cloaker is overpowered. They went to the forums and cried like "little bitches".
Third, Goldfarb was in charge for most of the bs that happened on the forums and making everything a DLC. Overkill found that it makes them loads of money so they still do it. That's on them and I don't buy the DLC from them.
Fourth, where's your citation on the voice acting and translation thing? I mean, I get that they're from Sweden so I doubt they can translate it into a language where there's no market for it or a language that wouldn't make sense for it to be in like Portuguese or Japanese perfectly and it wouldn't make sense for them to (look at the amount of VNs available in english translated by fans than the ones readily available in Japanese.)
Fifth, the Criminal Career edition has everything exclusive EXCEPT the Soundtrack. I can't get the Skull Mask, The Custom Sight, The In-Game price reductions, The starting money, Bain's Guide or the Blueprints. The beta keys are a null point since there isn't a beta anymore. That means I can get 1/8th of the content from the pre-orders by paying $4.99USD or wait for a sale and pay about $1. The soundtrack is great so it's worth the dollar. Plus, you get 4 masks and 4 materials in-game for buying the soundtrack and any songs that are released later on. You can't get that stuff from card drop UNLESS you have the DLC installed. Check the Payday 2 wiki. Even if you do, you can't buy the mask from the store because you can't get the Lootbag DLC legitimately anymore unless someone has a pre-order gift lying around.
So there's my reasoning and I hope people don't flame me for "defending" Overkill. I'm just stating facts.
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i think they did say they that there payfor dlc was only going to be cosmetic but later on they added a few high priced weapons dlc
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Loads of people complained and are now boycotting them. Also the majority of people do not go onto forums and voice their opinion, they simply stop playing and stop supporting them.
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"Well in my book "scumbags" dont often update thier games"
They only update it because the game still has performance issues.
"give out free DLC content and add decent paid DLC at a reasonable price."
Most of the DLCs were supposed to in vanilla anyways. The weapons ones.
"Overkill are not scumbags, u must be butthurt cuz u dont have any friends to play with u"
...Actually I think you might be right. Despite having more friends than you and a lot of them owning Payday 2 I think this is the reason I dislike Overkill. Thank you wykydvamp for making me see the light.
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I agree. They flat out lied to people about how many heists were going to be in the game in order to sell pre-orders. When the game launched there was maybe like 10-12 heists (I forget exactly) instead of the 20-30 that I specifically remember being promised, and the ones that were in there were short and lacking in quality compared to those in PAYDAY 1. Oh and lets not forget that the game was pretty much rushed out the door before it was ready and it took them several months to even add in the Cloaker special unit that should have been in there at launch. Not having that in the game is like Left 4 Dead 1 missing one of its specials, like the Hunter. Just imagine the comparison to how that would have played with that missing.
Oh and lest I forget how incompetent Overkill is when it comes to patching the game. I had to turn auto-updates off because it always seemed to download a combined filesize essentially equivalent to that of the entire game whenever there was a minor update (which was frequent). Oh yea, and the game would also lock your hard drive up at times (making the system unresponsive) when updating too. I have never seen any other game do these kinds of things.
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you are a scumbag for bitching about to many things
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Yeah, I'm pretty much done posting.
If someone was to discover some information as to why Overkill did this, like if Starbreeze forced them to then I'd change my mind about Overkill and just say that they were put in a shitty situation.
I just can't really understand why they would do this when the defense is "Well the game is playable!" and "There are worse companies!".
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The truly shocking thing here is the far too-high levels of self-entitlement.
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Boy, it's quite sad how people defend such developers and even bring the typical "but, but other companies do similar as well", as if that somehow excuses Overkill's practices of late...
People have been dumbed-down to the point of ridiculous, no wonder the past decade has been a disaster for the industry.
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Umm, no? They aren't going to make the game free.
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... The comment I was replying to was replying to "only people with Payday 2 get 'free stuff'" by saying "It will be free to download for everyone". The guy was referencing Payday 2, which will not be free.
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It's actually pretty good. There are more than 'just a few' and almost every time they are a little different.Ex: the vault in the bank can have multiple positions and so on.
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Pffff. If they'd promise me a free copy of Payday 2, maybe. But meanwhile, nope. :P
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After the shitfest that was the "support" for the Xbox version of Payday 2(Seriously, you promise continuous support but it takes you a year to release any sort of news about an update?), I'm not buying any more of Overkill's shit.
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At least PS3 got a single patch (EDIT: looks like we got a second patch while 360 still gets none?? Doubt it fixed the constant online crashing.. I barely have the soul left to update it and check :> ), but.. it'll still crash within 10 to 30 minutes of online play :| Of ALL the PS3 stuff I've played I've never seen anything as unstable, or any game have such a glaring reputation-damaging bug, as Payday 2 :) And it just salted wounds all the way around: false hope for the PS3 crowd that it'd be playable now, false hope for the 360 crowd that they'd even /get/ a patch, and a hail-storm version of salt-rain when watching them update and create more and more and more content for PC while ignoring consoles :> GOOD ETHIC!
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Wow, I totally didn't see the PC master race coming. /sarcasm
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Please research before you post something so moronic.
The updates haven't gone through because Microsoft are such shitheads that they won't approve it.
Maybe you should wise up and avoid buying any more of Microsoft's shit instead.
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No pc games released on consoles get updated to the pc version, constantly updating it would cost the a shit ton of money, that's what happened with the Team Fortress 2 console version, its just stuck on vanilla because its not worth updating.
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Do you see any words about begging? It's a promotion. When somebody posts free key giveaway, does he beg to go to the page and claim the key? Nope. I shared it because I thought that most of the people will love to have FREE things for PAYDAY 2. If you don't join, these contents will probably be released in a paid DLC, so you can select: Join and if the goal is reached get it for free, or don't join, but weeks / months after this, see how many new DLC's will this game have.
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No one is forcing you to join the group. If you do not own or have any intention buying the game, what's the reason complaining about what was promised and what was not in a game that doesn't interest you?
So many people are bitching about everything this days. Yes, Overkill promised a lot and didn't delivered at lunch and as many here I was disappointed by the lack of heist variety, weapons and overall content, but gameplay wise it has everything you'd expect from a sequel and then some. That doesn't mean there is no room for improvements (especially on the technical part, netcode, etc.).
As DLCs go, you have to be delusional to think a relatively small studio could survive releasing only free content, even if we're talking just about a couple of sound assets and a gun model. Overkill is not Valve. DLC is not required to enjoy the game and it's also not gated by purchase, splitting the community.
As far as safe house customization go, I would like to see how many people would actually benefit from that, without a proper hub/server where you can invite other players to visit it, really don't see a reason and a priority right now to even think about it (yes, it shouldn't have been advertised to begin with). Id rather have them working and improving the public experience, add an anti-cheat system, than adding even more fancy cosmetics to the game.
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I like how people just come here to tell, they are not joining. While you typed your comment, or while you are reading this, you could just make that 2 easy clicks. Are you selfish? Are you a kind of person, who thinks: "If I can get nothing from it, I won't help."? Seriously with just 2 easy clicks, you could help the people, who love the game.
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I wasn't mad, I just can't understand, why people have to write, that he / she didn't join, because he / she doesn't have the game. While he / she was writing that, he / she could join the group in less time. Anyway like I said, if we don't get the 1,5 million group members, they will release the things as a paid DLC. So I say, it's better to have 1,5 million group memebers, AND if you really don't like the developers, you could leave the group after the CrimeFEST :D
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While u were typing this comment you could make a fake acc and join the group
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174 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by Axelflox
38 Comments - Last post 23 minutes ago by Axelflox
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237 Comments - Last post 47 minutes ago by yoko666
The date has been changed! PAYDAY The Heist will go FREE on the 16th of October instead of 18th!
Heyya out there PAYDAY fans!
So Overkill promised that if we can get 1,5 million members into the official PAYDAY 2 Steam Group, the owners of PAYDAY 2 will get sweet rewards! For example if we reach 1 million, we get a gun and a bundle ( content not known ) for FREE! If we get 1 150 000 members, we finally be able to release old Hoxton from his cell! If we get 1,2 million members OLD HOXTON will be playable for FREE! Site to keep count of members: CrimeFEST. So tell your friends about this promotion, because they just have to enter one more group, which they can forget about afterwards! The owners of PAYDAY 2 can get a truckload o goodies for absolutely NO COST, but if we reach 1,050,000 members, on the 18th of October EVERY MEMBER OF THE GROUP, will be able to download PAYDAY The Heist for FREE! You have to join THIS group right HERE We have much time until October 18th, but Overkill never said that they wouldn't have a Stretch goal! :)
Q: I don't own PAYDAY 2, why should I join?
A: Because if we reach the goals, EVERYBODY who will EVER own PAYDAY 2, will get them as a FREE update!
Q: So we earned PAYDAY The Heist for FREE. When will it be available, and can I keep it forever?
A: The members of the group will be able to download PAYDAY The Heist for FREE on the 16th of October, like they would do it in a 24 hour promotion. They can keep the game forever! :)
Q: I missed some of the tiers. How can I get them?
A: If you own PAYDAY 2, AND you are the member of the group, the items will be in the game, when you launch it. You can find the Golden AK, the Brass knuckles, The judge Gun and money melee bundle in the inventory (You have to buy them for ingame money)
Q: Okay okay, but what about the [Insert reward tier here]? I can't find them in the game!
A: They haven't added them to the game yet.
EDIT: 3rd reward tier earned! 1 000 000 members achieved! Judge Gun and Money melee bundle unlocked!
EDIT2: 4th reward tier earned! 1 050 000 members achieved! PAYDAY The Heist will be FREE for the members of the group on the 16th of October!
EDIT3: 5th reward tier earned! 1 100 000 members achieved! Mask from Bain - Peter mask unlocked!
EDIT4: 6th reward tier earned! 1 150 000 members achieved! Old Hoxton Breakout Heist unlocked!
EDIT5: 7th reward tier earned! 1 200 000 members achieved! Old Hoxton playable character unlocked!
EDIT6: 8th reward tier earned! 1 250 000 members achieved! Framing Frame: 1 day heist will be unlocked!
EDIT7: 9th reward tier earned! 1 300 000 members achieved! FBI Files unlocked!
EDIT8: 10th reward tier earned! 1 350 000 members achieved! A new gun from GAGE - Predator 12G unlocked!
EDIT9: 11th reward tier earned! 1 400 000 members achieved! A new GENSEC enemy has been unlocked!
EDIT10: 12th reward tier earned! 1 450 000 members achieved! Some heists can be played in day or night!
EDIT11: 13th reward tier earned! 1 500 000 members achieved! John Wick Character pack and Hitman perk deck has been unlocked!
P.S.: THANK YOU for your overwhelming support! I never thought that this thread will get so many views, comments, and hopefully joins! THANKS GUYS! You are AWESOME!
P.P.S.: OMG! We did it guys! We reached all goals, even the secret one! Thanks to all contributors! You are AMAZING, and we are OVERKILL!
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