
As announced on E3, it also includes a beta exclusive dlc for the game.

First come first served

EDIT: after playing the beta this game has turned out to be suprisingly bad and boring, I am a big fan of past Battlefields but this one really sucks, pretty disappointed. :/ I would rather spend $60 on a remastered, non-buggy bf4 with new maps

1 decade ago*

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Ive registered so many times and still havent gotten anything from them.

1 decade ago

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Same here, I signed up an hour ago and didnt get an email or anything at all.

1 decade ago

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Well for now it seems that right when one problem is solved another appears ;p First I wasn't able to get beta. Then I got beta, but it didn't appear at my account (well, apparently none of my games were visible at my account). When game appeared on my account for many many times I couldn't start Download. When I finally Downloaded and Installed it - when I click play - it just redirects me back to beta registration site which says that I'm already in beta xD

So generally - if you guys got email confirmation that you're in beta - just wait - as it's not working and not worth trying atm with all the overload they're getting ;p

1 decade ago

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same here, redirects me to the beta registration page... maybe its unavailable for now?

1 decade ago

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PLaying right now! So far so good..

1 decade ago

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how did you get it running? all it does for me is redirect me to beta registration page when I click Play ;p

1 decade ago

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I didn't had any issue, registered at the very moment they announced the beta on E3

1 decade ago

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Hmm.. since when has this been out? Signed up acouple of minutes ago, God.. I hope I didn't miss it.
Well not really, But I wouldn't mind ^^

1 decade ago

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little more than an hour

1 decade ago

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Impossiblu, I signed up almost at once when I saw this, All the feels on the BF forums must be lies, then.

1 decade ago

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Looks like im late i get 500 internal error

1 decade ago

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it just showed up on my games it wont let me download and it says available june 10 wtf

1 decade ago

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lol im watching the pre-order price ... Nope screw them ... wouldnt pay 70$ or 80$ for that lol

1 decade ago

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about time it started to download origin servers are slow today

1 decade ago

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This game has turned out to be suprisingly bad and boring, I am a big fan of past Battlefields but this one really sucks, pretty disappointed. :/

1 decade ago

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Played for about an hour. I enjoyed it to an extant, theres only so much in a beta. It ran smooth as silk and I think it could be a good spin on BF gameplay. Dunno about buying it yet, but I'll definitely play a bit more.

1 decade ago

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Played one round, and uninstalled. It ran silky smooth, but the gameplay is just so bland and derivative that I couldn't be bothered to waste my time on it. This is a huge step back for the franchise, and after the disaster that was BF4, this pretty much ends my love affair with Battlefailed.

1 decade ago

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It just feels tacky and so kitschy.

1 decade ago

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Signed up early but no e-mail came up... sad panda

1 decade ago

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this. wtf man

1 decade ago

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I agree

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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nothing there too

1 decade ago

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nothing there too

1 decade ago

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same here

1 decade ago

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Thanks™ for™ the™ heads-up™.

1 decade ago

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You™ Forgot™ Premium™

1 decade ago

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Went to have dinner and came back and Hardline is now greyed out and not available til June 10th. Guess EA is having a slew of issues. It worked fine for me when I was able to get in.

1 decade ago

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Even when i successfully log-in to site via Origin account, it kicks me out and after that says "Internal Server Error 500". After many tries at different times, that made me think that EA doing this intentionally.

I even see "there is only one step, you have to agree some sh*t" bla bla page but... I never could be able to fill that part.

1 decade ago

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I got to play it for a couple of matches. It's ok. It's basically Payday with battlefield engine.

1 decade ago

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nothing like payday

1 decade ago

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"suprisingly bad and boring" Surprisingly? Really?

1 decade ago

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Odd, Still not showing up. I signed up yesterday, a bit after this thread was posted.

1 decade ago

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Still hasn't appeared... It should just show up in Origin, right? No key in email or something?

1 decade ago

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same here.. Signed up yesterday.. And even today 3 times.. Still no key..mail or game in Origin.. :(

1 decade ago

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You mean Payfield? Or is it Battleday?
Oh, and when is Battle for Speed due? Or SimField?
Sorry, it's EA, it's blunder.

1 decade ago

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ha ha good one :-)

1 decade ago

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Meh. It's pretty much a full priced update for BF4, of which BF4 was literally an update for BF3 at full AAA title price.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by rfma23.