Has anybody else noticed the extreme surplus in fake giveaways being created? No? Here are some examples:
As you can see they created the giveaways on the day they joined, and they haven't been on since. They each don't own many games,
and if the old SG verification was back, they wouldn't be able to join because they would be below the limit. If anybody else enters giveaways
through their wishlist and have some of the better titles on it, they will see that there are literally fake giveaways everywhere. I am sure SG Support has noticed this and is hopefully trying to do something, please bump and vote to help spread the word!

10 years ago*

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Should we bring back the old SG Verification?

View Results
Yes, I am tired of these fake giveaways
No, I love these fake giveaways

more what Im gonna love is your suspension :D

10 years ago

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how? all i'm doing is voicing my opinion bro.

10 years ago

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No calling out, it's against the rules. Just report them.

10 years ago

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yeah, i removed the links, but what will reporting really do? all it will do is hopefully close the giveaways. they will likely just make a new one

10 years ago

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I've reported a lot of fake ones that were very obviously fake (cause the people posted that it was something other than what the giveaway was for). You do have to remember though that there are many who think making a giveaway will give them the game, or that the game is given to the winner by the site. Heck some people for what ever reason think they can giveaway a game from their library. Would like to see this mentioned on the page you make the giveaway on as not what happens and that you have to have the gift or key to give to someone.

I also posted in the thread that they could not giveaway a different game than what the giveaway was made for, along with what could happen if the mods see the giveaway. But again only when the maker actually said it was for the wrong one.

Some were not closed, most were closed either by the maker or the mods. If they were closed by the mods the person always ended up suspended.

So yes, if you believe a giveaway to be fake, report it and move on. Unless the maker of the giveaway actually says its for a different game I would not post anything. Again just report and move on.

You have to remember there are quite a number of active users posting giveaways and making support tickets on stuff and very few mods to actually answer those support tickets, and they all do it in their free time. So it can all take some time. There was some I reported and nothing was done even though they were obviously fake. But there are also ones that were taken care of within an hour of me making it.

10 years ago

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Ya, you are right. Everyone can see that, but it s forbidden to speak about. And it makes sense. It's good that you removed the links so extreme fast.

10 years ago

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There are for sure dumb ppl who think games fall from sky(normally kids), and think that site will provide all kind of games to the winner or Steam will do, but there is also a rule about don't calling out, this means you should not post their usernames here in open discussion.

10 years ago

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oh, i see, i'll remove the link, but the one has an not recieved feedback

10 years ago

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No calling out, it's against the rules. Just report them.

10 years ago

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If only it were easier to report those giveaways.

10 years ago

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o look, a moderator reply

10 years ago

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Indubitably. Hopefully, it'll be added back soon.

10 years ago

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It's planned

10 years ago

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Thanks for the information. I'll go close the thread now.

10 years ago

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Is there even any valid reason why this shouldn't be reimplemented? Those of you who answered "No", why did you answer no? What is your rationale?

10 years ago

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some may be possibly almost legit

10 years ago

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Perhaps, but the likelihood of that is so astronomically low that it doesn't seem like a valid reason to not reimplement a policy that would cut back on fake giveaways, especially when the number of fake giveaways prevented is probably infinitely times more than the number of legitimate giveaways.

10 years ago

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100$ worth of games steam account to join, this is what your talking about right? They remove it? That's why there is so many high priced giveaways from people with Dota in their account. I always checking high priced giveaways creators so it's not that big problem cause you always can say which is fake or real.

10 years ago

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How to know if it's a scam: joined today the site and giving 3 copies of Cs:go

10 years ago

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You are a monster

10 years ago

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Tired of not seeing a private giveaway here.

10 years ago

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Here you go: Lo3kI

10 years ago

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nice, lovely

10 years ago

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Giveaway is only fake 7 days after it ended where the gift wasn't given and wasn't received, regardless if the description of said giveaways state it is region locked or not the listed game.

Anytime before that, the giver has a chance to acquire the game inquestion that is being given away.

That is how I see it.

10 years ago

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The value requirement to get your account verified on the site is still there and, as far as I know, it wasn't disabled at all.

There are a few accounts that manage to sneak past that but they shouldn't be too many lately. If you think a user doesn't meet the value requirement, you are free to report them.

With that said, please use the appropriate avenues for support. If you have an issue with another user, submit a ticket with a user report, rather than calling them out within the community or on the forum. I understand you have removed any link that was in the description, but I thought I should let you know before closing the thread.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Rinarin.