Brother just admit it's not your type of game and you won't buy it lmao. It's a good price.
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It won't get less crap even if it's cheaper, so it's a really moot point when it comes to getting cheaper by like 2€ if it drops to 40€.
There are tens of thousands of other games to play around, it's ridiculous how people would suddenly be okay with "some crap" to sit in their library for 2€ cheaper, than the idea of buying and playing it for 6€.
Content-wise the 6 - 10€ is perfectly reasonable, even the main game has ~25h on HLTB. It's kind of similar to the immensely popular "Ubisoft crap" like Far Cry - a world nice to get lost in and just enjoy its simplicity- only with mythology and melee fights and god powers on it.
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I meant even for 4€ Ubisoft generic game you'll get much less fun than playing some common popular indie game for 1-2€ with deep discounts alone or in a bundle.
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I enjoyed Far Cry 3 or Primal a lot more than most indie games I've played. We look for different things in different games. Though for me it helps that I didn't play all the AAA when they were released, and pace them out, so I don't get open world burnout. 1-2, maybe 3 a year.
But let's not act like how the soulslike / roguelike / deckbuilder / chill-farming / metroidvania platformer with retro-pixel graphics genres wouldn't have hundreds of games that are basically the same. They also tend to blow up 5 mechanics and 2 hours worth of content to 5-10 hours by drip-feeding a cliché story. Sure, there are great indies, but "indie" alone doesn't mean anything quality-wise for years by this point.
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by that time, you could probably emulate it on your phone :P
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Played on game pass and enjoyed it. Don't think I played any dlc though, so not sure if it's worth the extra $6.21, but the season pass will never go cheap enough to make it worth getting after buying the base game. Also not really sure I would actually replay it. But it'll probably be this same discount in all sales going forward, so I suppose if I do want to replay it at some point, I can get it then.
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okay for the people that played this, is this game good? I'm tempted ngl
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This game has a demo on Ubisoft Connect in case you want to try before you buy.
You can switch website language near bottom, right side.
I only played the demo and had fun, so I wishlisted it. But it's not everyone's cup of tea.
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I liked it a lot. It fun open world. It scratched the itch when waiting between BotW and TotK for me.
I also found the story between Zues to be pretty funny.
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It's getting repetitive quite fast, just like almost every open world games made by Ubisoft..
But sometimes repetitive games not always bad, so to each of their own I guess..
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Tempted sure but think gonna pass for now. Backlog is pretty huge anyway and there's no reason to thin this is a one time thing.
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looks like fun. checked reviews
great game,
but ubisoft forcing its launcher on users, micro transactions, ruins game, when will corporate realize this.
yeah, im good
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and no cheevos
i mean i don't really care about it but they already put them on console (and maybe the ubilauncher launcher version too) not so hard to just implement on steam ...
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A little easier to load on to Steam Deck is the only perk
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Nice!! I'm buying!
As soon as it broke to 80% (march 2023) I was patiently waiting for 90%. As to a potential "price drop": it is possible, but it is kinda a gamble for my region where Steam "adjusted" its pricing by virtually doubling all prices. It can become even more expensive with a new price (even though Ubisoft never really followed steam suggesting).
Immortals Fenyx Rising is sometimes described as the best Ubisoft sandbox in the recent years, where they really worked to reform their usual formula. Unfortunately, the reputation of the company clouded any objective perception of the game. It bombed and what's more tragic all the progress was undone. Ubisoft blinded by poor sales seems to learn only bad lesson from it.
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I personally blame the epic exclusivity for its low sales. If it had launched on Steam alongside Epic, it would have had a lot more eyes on it.
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It's a substantial game. I didn't love it, but it is definitely a departure from standard Ubi fare and very much a puzzle driven game. 90% off seems like a pretty awesome discount for a game like this. Might be worth revisiting to see if my tastes have changed.
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I enjoyed this game very much over on ubi. I was tempted to buy it for Steam just to break free of Ubi, but you can't of course. Almost all the hate on Steam is about the launcher, and they aren't wrong. But the game is quite good, and only as grindy as you want it to be. I found gold to be worth the extra money, btw.
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Imagine I purchase it during winter sale for 80% and now price dropped to 90% :ICANT:
fkin Ubi scheme!
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Then maybe I am wrong and this is some new feature they are doing that I'm not aware about. Someone would have to test. I was just looking at all my other ubi games on steam and noticed they're not all in my uplay library but it's probs cause I didn't launch them all yet.
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Reminder to never buy another Ubisoft game unless its 90 off, I bought this and havent played it
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I was about to buy it.. when realized that it has Denuvo (enough to NOT spend my money on that), moreover requires Ubi launcher and looks like achievements are not working on Steam.
A pity, I played this one on Stadia and was a nice game... when I didn't have to install crap on mi PC.
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Yeah, xitau is right, it was 00:24 and i thought i was posting on the steep thread.
I think i heard some dlc's might not work like other games when they remove server side support thing, but idk, we will just have to wait and see.
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