As I understand it, it adds 8 challenge stages to the game's Dream Log mode-
The main story mode, "Legend Log" mode features special cutscenes called "Treasure Events" which can be triggered under certain conditions (e.g. using a certain character, completing specific tasks, defeating a specific enemy, etc.).
In addition to the main story mode, there is also a "Dream Log" mode, in which characters and items are revealed and unlocked as the player progresses through the mode's semi-randomized battles. After the Final Island in Dream Log is completed a second harder version called "Nightmare Log" is unlocked.
- and a fistful of alternate costumes.
It's content your brother won't have any need for unless he ends up completely loving the game, and wanting to spend as much time with it as possible, as all it adds is cosmetics and extra stages to the game's challenge mode. That said, a couple of the new stages are supposed to be rather fun, so if he does end up enjoying the game, he may get good value out of the DLC.
(Disclaimer: I only own the base game, myself.)
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I know he finished the campaigns of the previous two games on PS3, so it probably won't hurt, as long as the content is decent.
Comment has been collapsed. has thumbnail screenshots of, and the titles of the individual missions; earlier in the video, it shows all the alternate costumes.
Supposedly the DLC missions are well-done offerings for the mode, but the mode itself is a bit aimless, since it lacks any real story immersion [and Koei games aren't exactly the most complex in mechanics, meaning that regardless of how creative and lore-referencing the stages are, they're still functionally "more of the same"].
It really all just boils down to your brother's tastes- if he's a completionist, he'll likely want it, and some of the alternate costumes are pretty spiffy (speaking as a fan of the franchise myself). On the other hand, it's definitely just cosmetic and end-game fluff, so it's really not at all on par with a second game.
Well, while I personally don't usually have any interest in challenge missions in games, I'm otherwise a content completionist, so I really can appreciate a preference going either way. Guess it boils down to how much your brother likes 100% content in games, even if the extra content doesn't stand out in any meaningful way.
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Same here. And since he has been asking about playing Legend of Zelda games, I figure that will make him happy.
All of the games in the PSN cart are pretty fun though. I'm more worried about other games he is getting not being fun. Most of his library for the system is Humble PSN Bundle titles, Capcom had the best one but that wasn't repeated.
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I prefer it over some of the LoZ games myself, but opinion there. I dislike some of the more popular games.
I was actually going to give him my copy of Ocarina of Time 3D, but one of our nephews broke the left trigger on his 3DS, so until I can find him a replacement, he just plays Pokemon on it. Which he is more than happy enough with anyway.
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I got an N64 very late, never found many games (certainly no LoZ), and need a new pad (mine has a terrible stick).
I have both Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword on Wii, TP was fine since it was minimal. Not a fan of SS, I'm with you there.
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I have Twilight Princess on the Gamecube myself and even have the limited edition for Skyward Sword but never got past the first dungeon because of the crappy controls XD
If I could I would lend you my n64 + zelda games so he can play, it's a waste to miss out on it!
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Twilight Princess was about NZ$140 for the Gamecube and NZ$15 on the Wii here. Price won. :P
Honestly, other than the Wii and their handheld stuff, the Nintendo consoles and games never seemed to be in large numbers down here. Had to import all but two of my Gamecube games. Not so easy on N64 though, can't use a region unlock disc.
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Terraria'd probably give him the longest running investment if he takes to the game (as most people do), but I personally found the game a weak example of the genre (and would recommend Don't Starve instead). It's one of those games that'd definitely benefit from having a demo available. Either way, it's a game which benefits highly from having friends for the multiplayer (and while I recall there being the option to join any openly accessible world, PUGing has enough issues in an adventure-by-adventure game, a long-term investment game like Terraria is especially ill suited for it), so I'm not sure of its appeal to your brother as a single player game.
Like Terraria, Oceanhorn'd definitely be an immersive option, and one which offers good contrast to the mindless action of Pirate Warriors. That said, the price seems on the high end for the game, especially given its tier 1 PC bundling. Regardless of whether the game is worth the value or not, it feels like you could potentially get some more enticing games around that price range (like two of the other games from your list).
Mother Russia Bleeds and Broforce both have co-op, if that's a factor in your considerations.
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He isn't a fan of Don't Starve, but likes Minecraft. I've been forbidden from buying the Minecraft for PS4 (my sister is peeved I already bought him No Mans Sky when I was at EB on Friday, she wanted to give him both), so I'm hoping Terraria will be enjoyable for him.
As for the price of Pirate Warriors 3, that is just the publisher being greedy. They ramped up the price for their games over the Steam recommended price as well, so it is NZ$15.98 through the current Steam sale.
Also, he gets all of the games in that list at minimum. I want him to have a decent start on the system. :P
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A good start indeed when you see the full list he will have
-remembers the days of two games to play on a new system being good-
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I spent years at a time with 3 or 4 games per console before getting a new game or additional console, myself, and I never ended up with more than 5 or 6 games in total per console until I was able to invest more into gaming, in my twenties.
Plus side, that kind of forced focus makes you incredibly proficient at the games you do have..
Looks like your brother'll be able to be a bit more picky with his gameplay than we were. :P
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He will still be limited to local as we won't be getting Plus for him. Maybe we will consider it later, but for now all the games he plays online are fine on PS3.
Good to know that supports multiplayer at least. Not certain he will have an extra pad, but I have a DS4 for my PSTV, so he could steal that if needed.
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Yeah, the DLC isn't all that important, but I did enjoy the extra stages and they helped a bit in my journey to 100%, but definitely not necessary for it, if he'll even try. I never played the older games in the series, but if he's played and enjoyed both of those, then he'd probably enjoy the extra costumes and stuff? I'd still probably go with an extra game since you can probably get some pretty nice ones fairly cheap. I didn't even want to look at PS4 deals because I don't have money and I'd just regret not being able to buy anything, lol.
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Doing Christmas shopping for my brother since he gets a PS4 in a month. Both the game and DLC are currently discounted and I'm not sure if the DLC adds much content. Should I get the DLC or get him an extra game to go with the already planned stuff?
And no, I won't just get these on Steam for him. Shared family PC and his own PS4, better he spends his time on the PS4 so others can browse internet and watch Netflix. Also, he has tried to do stuff like download 'free Minecraft', and then I had to clean up 300+ viruses, no joke.
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