Right. Let me edit that out, I just realized that this guide may be much older than three months after all. D:
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I think you forgot to add that now custom rules for giveaways are no longer accepted. They used to be, before the official wl/bl introduction.
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Let's ask the most important question of them all: Can we regift? :B
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If you want to cover new features you should add in Levels section or in separate Bundle Section the new way bundle works. mnow you always get 15% of Value of bundle games, while in old system depending on your non-bundle GAs Value you could get anywhere between 100% and 0% Value :>
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Maybe add a section that states that User Reports actually work now.
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I'm not sure if I remember correctly regarding this. Is this correct?
User report tickets used to be only accessible by cg - this has been fixed and user reports are now handled like other support tickets.
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It's for returning users rather than new users. A few months after SGv2 was launched, quite a few threads popped up with people asking about what was new and what was not. Of course, that was kinda long time ago, so the guide is pretty pointless now. :P
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4 Comments - Last post 3 minutes ago by Adamdoodles
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278 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Adamdoodles
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263 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by Adamdoodles
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404 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by 666lhdkiller
A Quick Overview Guide of SGv2
by jbondguy007
It was brought to my attention that some returning (or new, but mostly returning) users were confused about the update on the website (also known as "SGv2") which caused some rather drastic changes to what new or old features have been added or removed, updated or upgraded.
Therefore, I decided to work on this guide which will give you a quick recap of what's new and what's not. Whenever a user is confused about one of these features, feel free to send them a link to this thread to help clarify.
(You should know that all of this information can be found in the FAQ)
New features
Let's get right down to business. What's new?
Contributor Levels (CV system)
Well, for starter, the Contributor Level system (CV) was replaced by the similar but not quite identical Contributor Level system (CL, but nobody says that - we just say CV). Now, what is the Contributor Level system? It's pretty simple. Remember how CV used to work? The new system works the same way, except that instead of using the exact worth in giveaways value, it uses levels. Each level represent a "milestone" reached in giveaways value, each level requiring double the previous level in contribution value to earn the next level, up to level 10 (maxed out).
More about Contributor Levels
Ctrl+F: What are levels, and how can I increase my level?
I'll cut to the chase and get right to the point. The blacklist feature allows you to block a user from entering any of your giveaways, providing that you blacklisted the user before they entered your giveaways (if a user enters your giveaway and then you blacklist them, their entry will still be eligible and you must deliver the gift or key if they win).
The whitelist system allows you to add users to a list, which you may then create exclusive giveaways for. It's just like creating and inviting people to a Steam group and create giveaways exclusively for the members, except the users are not aware that they are a member and they don't need to join or confirm anything. Up to 1,000 users may be on both your whitelist or blacklist, and you may whitelist and blacklist for whatever reason you want.
More about Whitelist/Blacklist
Ctrl+F: How does a whitelist work?
The stats page was added very recently. It allows you to view data and info graphs about the progression of your level, giveaways, blacklist and whitelist and more during your time on Steamgifts since you registered. You may also view graphs about Steamgifts in general by navigating in the sidebar to the left.
Stats page
As you may (or may not) have noticed, Steamtrades no longer exists and it was replaced with the trades section of Steamgifts. Therefore, in order to view/edit/post trades, you will now have to go to steamgifts.com/trades rather than steamtrades.com.
Steamgifts Trades Section
Trades H/W and Search
You may have noticed that trade now have a "H" (have) and "W" (want) "box" in most threads. This allows users to list games that they have and/or want, which helps users using the new H/W search toolbar to find the exact trade they want. For example, Joe says he has Bad Rats, Fortix and Skyrim for trade, and he wants Fortix 2 or Just Cause 2. Sarah has Fortix 2 but wants Bad Rats (wait what) so in the "I have..." field she types "Fortix 2" and in "I want..." field, she types "Bad Rats", and Joe's trade thread pops up.
Giveaways Search Function
Unfortunately, the search functions and settings from SGv1 were removed. Instead, they were replaced with Search Parameters which you will have to type out in the URL bar. However, we still have the public, new, and groups section (whitelist giveaways are combined with groups), with the addition of a new feature, the "wishlist" tab which lists giveaways for games on your wishlist which you can currently enter. We also have the "recommended" tab which gives you a list of currently open giveaways for you which may interest you based on your entered giveaways.
New Search Parameters
New Search Parameters: Part Two
Comment Formatting
With the launch of SGv2 came a few changes to the text formatting. The Comment Formatting section of the FAQ/Guidelines covers everything you need to know to do some sweet professional forum-lurker formatting. Neat features were implemented, while some of them were changed, and a few were removed.
Comment Formatting
Discussion Categories
The forum (now renamed "discussions") now features categories:
Discussions Polls
You may now choose to include a poll with your discussion thread. The poll can be customized with your own question and answers, or it can include a game, and you can even restrict the poll answering to users who own the game in the poll.
Giveaways Settings and Features
This category of my guide will have sub-categories because it will be easier to explain that way.
After the launch of SGv2, many smaller updates were implemented every once in a while, improving the website greatly between the SGv2 launch date and now. One of the things that was improved the most would be the giveaways creation page. Below is a list of new features.
Gift or Key
Keys Storage
Region Restrictions
Custom Giveaway Rules No Longer Allowed
Back in the days of SGv1, a user could submit a ticket to support requesting approval of a "custom rule" or "special rule" for their giveaway. These giveaways would be private and the description would state a certain rule such as "do not comment on this giveaway". In the case where a user entered and won the giveaway without abiding by the rule, the giveaway creator could request a re-roll of the giveaway. This is no longer allowed.
(Thanks to SexyBudgie)
Bundled Games Value
In SGv1, depending on the Contributor Value of your past non-bundled giveaways, bundled games giveaways Contributor Value used to range anywhere from 0% to 100% - this has been changed to 15% for all bundled giveaways regardless of your past giveaways history.
(Thanks to zelghadis)
User Reports
User report tickets used to be only accessible by cg - this has been fixed and user reports are now handled like other support tickets.
(Thanks to jatan11t)
Aaaand I think that covers most of the newer stuff. If I missed anything which could be added to this guide, please do leave a comment.
I started working on this guide about three months ago (or maybe more) but I completely forgot about it and just stumbled on it while checking my closed discussions (I edit a closed discussion to write and format long posts, much better than actually publishing an open thread) so I just finished it quickly and might as well post it. It's not like we really need a guide for this stuff, but whatever. :P
Again, I would like to mention that ALL of this information (and more) can be found in the FAQ, it's also better written and more in-depth and detailed and shit.
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