Hola Gus, no hay forma de hablarle en privado, pero me metio en la blacklist en estos dias, se que es un decisión totalmente personal, pero no se si es algo de ganar una unica vez. Si lei que hay una regla de agradecer a las personas que realizaron el sorteo si uno lo gana, ,y esto lo he hecho (en privado) y aun que no haya una regla que se indique, siempre trato de realizarlo
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Hola, si no me equivoco has ganado sorteos en este evento y no he visto ningún tipo de agradecimiento, no sé a q te refieres con decirlo en privado. He mirado más sorteos tuyos ganadores y pasa lo mismo, ya te digo q mis valores son claros en ese aspecto.
Aún así, explicame lo de en privado para q pueda comprobar q es cierto hablando con cualquiera de los colaboradores q te han regalado juegos. Gracias.
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Tienes razon, vi el ultimo que gane y no le agradeci. No te pido que cambies tu opinion, si no que queria saber la razon, y mirando hacia atras la tenes (no solo con este, si no con otros que tambien dijiste).
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Thank you for the event and thank you for all the giveaways! (sorry for not complying with the rules at once, had a really busy couple of days).
Day 14 puzzle is a bit too obscure in comparison with all the previous ones, but I think I managed to bruteforce it, lol.
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Just started entering everything that even remotely looked like a code and got it on 8th try or so. In hindsight, the solution does make perfect sense, but I was too stupid to realize what the hint in the video is exactly.
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Nah, it's perfectly reasonable, but I think everybody is just too used to looking for hints instead of thinking slightly outside of the box. Including me, yeah.
All in all, in spite of cracking it in a totally unexpected way, I liked the creativity behind the puzzle. Thank you.
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Last minute bump for Day 13!
Big thanks to Yugimax & Gus! Nice minigame :) First I loose 0-3 and then I win 3-0 :D And some nonos too solve! They were easy ones, but I think it's good considering your approach to this event Gus. I am sure they introduce more people to solving nonos :) I solved/find everything, just for fun of it, beacuse I own many of the games.
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Todays puzzle had me turn around many corners, they all felt wrong but somehow I still ended up in the right place xD
Thanks guys!
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Hello everyone,
The first edition of this March MEGAEVENT is here, where 30 collaborators and me will put many many many games in giveaways.
I'm going to explain how it works; every day, a different collaborator has put up one or more different giveaways, to which I will double the number of games there are.
This means that if a collaborator puts in 3 games, I put in another 3, and so on.
Each collaborator chooses the rules and the level and together we choose the antibot measure, there will be all kinds, it depends on the time you have each day, there will be Jigidis, Ghosts, simple riddles, safes, hidden letters, nonograms and many more crazy things that occur to us, everything very easy to solve or see the links.
Each giveaway lasts 36 hours and every day I will edit this thread with the new collaborator.
On March 31, the event will end and there will be a final draw with great games and a one surprise for some of the comments during the event thread..
All thanks go to them who have participated in such a generous and selfless way in this little madness, they are incredible.
If you win a prize, high chances, don't forget to thank the user who has made it possible.
The start time of each day may vary, depending on the schedules of each collaborator and my own.
There are hundreds of games and we cannot guarantee, although we try to make them global, that they can all be activated in all regions. If you enter and cannot activate, you must be aware that you must specifically reject the prize so that it can reach another user. Russia, Ukrania and Argentina They're causing a lot of problems with activation. You'll need to specifically agree to cancel the giveaway if you're from one of those regions and can't redeem it.
Come on!!!
We have had a bad experience with a user who won a valuable giveaway on one of the days, and not only is he not able to thank the person who gave it to him, but he is not even able to mark it as received. Since this is a community event, where having a good time and enjoying the multiple prizes is the objective, I will not allow that kind of attitude. IT IS ABSOLUTELY MANDATORY TO HAVE EDUCATION IN THE EVENT THAT YOU WIN SOMETHING, If you do not comply with this simple rule of life, or I think you will not comply with it because you already do it habitually in all the giveaways that you win, you will be put on the blacklist anyway.
Day 1 Ch1ckwolf / Gus (Finished)
Day 2 Conti / Gus (Finished)
Day 3 Scorkla / Gus (Finished)
Day 4 ZeePilot / Gus (Finished)
Day 5 Codric / Gus. (Finished)
Day 6 yannbz / Gus. (Finished)
Day 7 puninup / Gus. (Finished)
Day 8 CuteEnby / Gus (Finished)
Day 9 Schmoan / Gus (Finished)
Day 10 Ottah / Gus (Finished)
Day 11 RGVS / Gus (Finished)
Day 12 Shurraxxo / Gus (Finished)
Day 13 Yugimax / Gus (Finished)
Day 14 DinoRoar / Gus (Finished)
Day 15 Ellendyl / Gus (Finished)
Day 16 McZero / Gus (Finished)
Day 17 GeekDoesStuff / Gus
Day 18 canis39 / Gus
March 18
Level +1
Contributor: canis39
Well, we've reached the 18th, and we continue with more giveaways. This time, we're bringing you another 12 fantastic games so you can continue expanding both your collection, if you're lucky, and your wish list. It's exciting to read the threads and discussions that often open up during giveaways.
For this occasion, canis39 is a nonogram lover and has made one that will undoubtedly test you, but we don't want non-nonogram lovers to be left out or have any problems. So, you can also get the same link to today's train through a jigidi. Today we have the two most classic sizes on the forum, since starting tomorrow, things are very different from the usual.
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Many thanks to canis39 for being so generous and participating in this event.
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