Hello everyone,
The first edition of this March MEGAEVENT is here, where 30 collaborators and me will put many many many games in giveaways.
I'm going to explain how it works; every day, a different collaborator has put up one or more different giveaways, to which I will double the number of games there are.
This means that if a collaborator puts in 3 games, I put in another 3, and so on.
Each collaborator chooses the rules and the level and together we choose the antibot measure, there will be all kinds, it depends on the time you have each day, there will be Jigidis, Ghosts, simple riddles, safes, hidden letters, nonograms and many more crazy things that occur to us, everything very easy to solve or see the links.
Each giveaway lasts 36 hours and every day I will edit this thread with the new collaborator.
On March 31, the event will end and there will be a final draw with great games and a one surprise for some of the comments during the event thread..
All thanks go to them who have participated in such a generous and selfless way in this little madness, they are incredible.
If you win a prize, high chances, don't forget to thank the user who has made it possible.
The start time of each day may vary, depending on the schedules of each collaborator and my own.
There are hundreds of games and we cannot guarantee, although we try to make them global, that they can all be activated in all regions. If you enter and cannot activate, you must be aware that you must specifically reject the prize so that it can reach another user. Russia, Ukrania and Argentina They're causing a lot of problems with activation. You'll need to specifically agree to cancel the giveaway if you're from one of those regions and can't redeem it.
Come on!!!

We have had a bad experience with a user who won a valuable giveaway on one of the days, and not only is he not able to thank the person who gave it to him, but he is not even able to mark it as received. Since this is a community event, where having a good time and enjoying the multiple prizes is the objective, I will not allow that kind of attitude. IT IS ABSOLUTELY MANDATORY TO HAVE EDUCATION IN THE EVENT THAT YOU WIN SOMETHING, If you do not comply with this simple rule of life, or I think you will not comply with it because you already do it habitually in all the giveaways that you win, you will be put on the blacklist anyway.

Day 1 Ch1ckwolf / Gus (Finished)

Day 2 Conti / Gus (Finished)

Day 3 Scorkla / Gus (Finished)

Day 4 ZeePilot / Gus (Finished)

Day 5 Codric / Gus. (Finished)

Day 6 yannbz / Gus. (Finished)

Day 7 puninup / Gus. (Finished)

Day 8 CuteEnby / Gus (Finished)

Day 9 Schmoan / Gus (Finished)

Day 10 Ottah / Gus (Finished)

Day 11 RGVS / Gus (Finished)

Day 12 Shurraxxo / Gus (Finished)

Day 13 Yugimax / Gus (Finished)

Day 14 DinoRoar / Gus (Finished)

Day 15 Ellendyl / Gus (Finished)

Day 16 McZero / Gus (Finished)

Day 17 GeekDoesStuff / Gus (Finished)

Day 18 canis39 / Gus (Finished)

Day 19 sobbiebox / Gus (Finished)

Day 20 ShroudOfLethe / Gus (Finished)

Day 21 quijote3000 / Gus (Finished)

Day 22 Sakakino / Gus (Finished)

Day 23 NymCast / Gus (Finished)

Day 24 rockpin / Gus (Finished)

Day 25 Wagakki / Gus (Finished)

Day 26 imminiman / Gus (Finished)

Day 27 ConanOLion / Gus

Day 28 eldonar / gus

March 28
Level +4 (2 of today's giveaways are for level +3, so more people can)
Contributor: eldonar

We've reached the 28th, and I have to say we're doing so with one of the trains I like most about the event. It's a 10-game, high-quality experience with many positive reviews.
Today, I'm joined by eldonar, the person responsible for such a generous donation. We've designed a two-step access plan. You won't have to rack your brains.
To access today's train, you'll simply need to find Gusbot and his twin brother, eldonarbot, who are at a small festival with 98 other bots. If you find both, each of them will take you to a surprise location.

Find the Bots

I just want to thank Eldonar, not only for his collaboration, but because it's been so much fun preparing things with him. Thank you.



For the people who asked for the solution for the 26th, I'm adding it here. I also want to congratulate the 100 people who will be happier now that the day is over.

Ok, so let's break it down. (day 26 puzzle solution):

If you are a doctor and you are also black, when walking down the street whistling and searching a song to yourself, will there be No Jigidi?
imminiman by newest YouBOTe!

The first part includes italicized sections, which are, in order:

  1. doctor
  2. black
  3. street
  4. searching a song
  5. No Jigidi

What you were asked to do accordingly, is to find a song, by using Google for example.
The other sections were the terms you were supposed to use when searching.

Searching for any of these would work in helping you find the song:

  • doctor black street No Jigidi
  • doctor black street
  • black street No Jigidi
  • No Jigidi song black

and so on...

Once you've found out the song in question, which was "Blackstreet ft. Dr. Dre, Queen Pen - No Diggity", you needed to use the next line of the puzzle:

imminiman by newest YouBOTe!

Which asks you to to go to the YouTUBe link of that song, sort the YouTube comments by newest first, then look up for a recent comment made by imminiman. That comment would then include an 8 character code - "2rtcxnka" which you then needed to use in a Jigidi link.

If you reached this point, you've pretty much solved the puzzle. Now all that was left is to complete the Jigidi puzzle, go to its completion message - a link to an sgtools-powered giveaway, pass its checks, and you're inside the train. Here's a link to the actual train.

Inside the train, when you reach the 8th cart, there are two links, one that goes straight into Gus's part of the train: "GusNext >>>", and one, a little more hidden: "||" that (once you remove the "NOBOTS" parts from that link,) first takes you to the two most valuable carts from imminiman.

3 weeks ago*

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1 week ago

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bump! nice event

1 week ago

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Bump =)

1 week ago

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bumpety bump

1 week ago

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Bumpity bump

1 week ago

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1 week ago

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bump for 20!

1 week ago

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Be happy for Day 21!!!

1 week ago

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This comment was deleted 1 week ago.

1 week ago*

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Yes, it has happened twice, but it was solved without problems. I check all the keys, but in those two countries it sometimes fails. It is a bit annoying, but if it happens you can only delete the draw, there is no other way.

1 week ago

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It's really hard to figure out which keys/games will activate in russia and which won't. There are tons of different combinations - some games are available in the store and their keys don't activate, some keys aren't available in the store, but their keys do activate, some keys aren't available and don't activate, and some games are normal. It's a pain in the butt with no easy answer, and even the same game can have keys that behave differently. I tried searching for that info on steamdb, but I really couldn't find a definitive signal which is which

And the stores that sell the keys might not have the regionlock information either - a while back I gave a friend money to buy a humble bundle for me, since it's not available to purchase in russia anymore, and even though it didn't say anything about regionlocks on the page, 6 of the games activated fine and 1 (deliver us mars) didn't.

1 week ago*

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Bump for Day 21! Thank you quijote3000, Gus and Gusbot! :)

1 week ago

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Stuttery site bump! (Day 21)

1 week ago

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21 bumps~

1 week ago

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Gusbot is definitely cheating, but I've still beaten him :D

1 week ago

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Bump! Been so long since I've played blackjack I forgot how to count Aces!

1 week ago

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Day 21 boop

prbly the most frustrating anti bot measure today... since RNG can really screw you over... get 3-4 wins and bot has 0... then they pull 21s out of thin air 5+ rounds in a row...

took me likely over 100 rounds(who knows how many actual).... over 50 minutes... to get that winning round >>

obviously I don't have a stand power for poker >>

1 week ago

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Did it really cost you that much?...oops, blackjack is unpredictable, but I didn't think it would cost that much.

1 week ago

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on average probably not.

downside of RNG... there will always be 2 ends of the spectrum with most falling into the average(likely 2-3 total rounds)
I was just on the extreme end of the unlucky this time.

have been on the opposite side before in games.

1 week ago

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I'm a big blackjack hater, but I managed to beat the bot on the second try 😋
Thanks to quijote3000 for his contribution to the event 💗

1 week ago

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1 week ago*

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hey ignition! I've been trying to crack this. any clue?

1 week ago

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Not the obvious solution that i thought it was going to be

1 week ago

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This one I've decided to skip🤔
Probably a regional issue

1 week ago

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Damn, I was lucky then.
I was winning 3 vs 0 then the Bot started winning one round after the other.
I thought "are you kidding me?" as if it was cheating or programmed to make the match exciting.
I eventually won 5v4.
Seeing the 2 comments above me, today must have been my lucky day.
Which is kind of sad 🤪

1 week ago

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Bump :D

1 week ago

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1 week ago

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thanks quijote3000 and Gus for the giveaways!

1 week ago

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it seems gusbot is no adversary for me lol

View attached image.
1 week ago

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I'll have to put Gusbot in god mode in the next minigame, :D

1 week ago

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day 21 megabump!

View attached image.
1 week ago

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Bump - thanks Quijote3000 and Gus!

Damn blackjack dealer was cheating me 😆also what do you mean I can't split my pair of 6's!

1 week ago

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Thanks quijote3000 and gus09!

1 week ago

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