
I'm fairly new to steamgifts (have only made 8 giveaways), and I'd like to understand the math behind levels, not that it'd influence me as I can only giveaway games I do have an extra of.

  1. You giveaway games, you get CV added to your account which makes your level rise. Ok.
  2. This CV is calculated according to the value of these games. Ok.
  3. This real value is calculated according whether they were bundled once: for ever or for a period following it?
  4. It is also calculated depending on whether this is a public or...what, private, "whitelisted", grouped giveway?
  5. How does a full-value game, let's say a discounted or not GTAV you give away, translated into level?
  6. Your level experience is then added depending on the number of users?

I'd like to understand how it works before investing in steamgift as my main giveaway/trade platform for keys/gifts.

9 years ago*

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You giveaway games, you get CV added to your account which makes your level rise. Ok.

To be clear - values are based on the US store prices in particular.

This real value is calculated according whether they were bundled once: for ever or for a period following it?

After a game lands on a bundle list, any GAs for it after that date are counted as bundled. Giveaways made before still count as unbundled.

It is also calculated depending on whether this is a public or...what, private, "whitelisted", grouped giveway?


Your level experience is then added depending on the number of users?

You need 5 entries to get CV from a giveaway. Anything above that makes no difference.

9 years ago*

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Thanks. But how is real CV actually translated into levelling? At level 3 how is a 50$ real CV translated into level experience?

9 years ago

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Thanks. Hasn't it changed or evolved since then?

9 years ago

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Still the same.

9 years ago

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ok thanks

9 years ago

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Just a reminder: You only need 5 entries for private or goups only giveaways.

9 years ago

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Yes, but probability of a public giveaway with <5 entries is incredibly low. :P I only saw something like that once.

9 years ago

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It can be common if it's a region-locked giveaway with high level restriction. :3.

9 years ago

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I don't really get the point of private or groups giveaways. But what is whitelist?

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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After a game lands on a bundle list, any GAs for it after that date are counted as bundled. Giveaways made before still count as unbundled.

I've made a few giveaways before a game get bundled, and after being bundled the system decreases the value and and puts it in the bundle list's giveaways anyway.

If a game is put into a bundle list, all the GA will be counted as Bundled GA.

At least that's for me.

9 years ago*

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You mean, you lost some level ratio although you made a GA for a game before it was bundled?

9 years ago

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Yup, a few times.

9 years ago

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This real value is calculated according whether they were bundled once: for ever or for a period following it?

Forever. If a game is considered bundled the CV is 15% of the value of the game from the date it became bundled.

It is also calculated depending on whether this is a public or...what, private, "whitelisted", grouped giveway?

Not a factor. The only thing that will also effect it is if less than 5 people enter, you get 0.

Your level experience is then added depending on the number of users?

No idea what you are asking. The CV level increases as you give away games. Each level is harder to reach than the previous one.

9 years ago

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Thanks. I was noticing from other topics I found that the number of users was accounted in the general real CV value corresponding to levels. I was wondering if the number of users modulates the way CV is translated into Levels, which would make sense from an incentive point of view.

9 years ago

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If you give away the same game too many times it starts to decrease in value. Up to 5 times you get normal CV or 15% if bundled. After you give the same game 5 times, each additional GA for that same game decreases by 10%.

9 years ago

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Yes, I read the FAQ. But I wonder why this topic would mention the number of users: www.steamgifts.com/discussion/XaCbA/list-of-all-cv-levels-and-their-corresponding-real-cv

9 years ago

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That is, at the time of the posting, the number of users who were at that level.

9 years ago

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@3 Once a bundled game forever a bundled game - otherwise people would just wait set amount of time for it to get unbubdled to get full Value.
@4 All GAs give the same Value. Only difference is that Private/Group/Whitelist GAs need at least 5 entries to give Value at all, otherwise they will give 0 Value. 5+ Entries Private/Group/Whitelist GA will give you the same Value or 1+ Entries Public GA of the same game. The restriction is here to fight exploitation for Value farming.
@5 See above. You get the same value (experience) no matter number of users joined (if you meet 5 entries criteria)

9 years ago

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Oh, and treating SG as investment platform is really a bad idea ;) You will need shitload of time either contributing or attending community to solve puzzles, get into private GAs, get whitelisted over your forum posts/topics for it to pay off. If you're looking for easy investment you'd be better buying these games yourself ;) If you want to give away games - it's good platform for you. If you're looking for trading games - it's good platform for you. If you think that you will give away X$ valued games and in return will win X*n$ Value games you will be dissapointed.

Don't look at my profile, it's really not representive for most of the community ;p

9 years ago

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I think that giving away extra keys rather than trading them, with a chance of winning other giveaways in return is good investment. Not at the beginning obviously, the reason I say "investment" is because I don't expect to win anything with a 1/5000 chance, so obviously you ahve to make lots of giveaway before having one chance to win anything.

"attending community to solve puzzles, get into private GAs, get whitelisted over your forum posts/topics for it to pay off"

This is part I'd like to understand.

9 years ago*

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before you get to public GAs that has significantly better chance to win you'd have to invest a lot of money, aka get level 5/6/7, as these are levels not so easilly reachable with just chjeap bundles. Instead you may get better chances sooner, but with investing your time - there are lots of puzzles, trains, private GAs etc on forums (for puzzles and hidden GAs I suggest ypu reading this guide: http://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/TLR8m/ - shameless promotion :D:) - these are GAs that you will be able to access very soon with low level yet much better chances, but tyhese require time investment. Also if you're positevely active in forums and in community life a lot of people will invite you to their whitelists giving you also better chances regardless of your level ;)

But loike I said - you either invest a lot of money or a lot of time - otherwise you will wait really long before your "investment" pays off, so that's why you shouldn't treat it as such ;) What you said about giving away extra keys without much hopes is a good attitude, if you wait for getting at least even - it's a bad attitude and don't hope for it ;)

Anyway, good luck :>

9 years ago

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Thanks, nice guide! Still don't really get what trains are, and how to find these private GAs, but I will get into that encryption thing.

9 years ago

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trains = set of private Gas one directing to another. Person links GA1 in forums and in GA1 you have link to GA2 in GA2 to GA3 and so on :>

Private GAs are either posted directly in forum topic (private GAs are not visible in main page, you need to have link to enter them - thus why ppl post the in forums/puzzles so only forum goers / puzzle solvers can access them) or behind a puzzle - and for puzzles you have a guide to start :>

9 years ago

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Oh i did not realise that was your topic. That helped me a lot i want to thank you for doing such an awesome guide. I don't know why i haven't thanked you maybe the times i opened the topic i was into puzzles a bit :p

9 years ago

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you're welcome ;3

9 years ago

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Seems like everything is answered, so I thought I 'd drop by with some links you may not have seen. While you're at it, Please read the FAQ and guidelines. Another nifty tool is the search bar right under the new discussion button that allows you to search for questions already asked such as this one. If you want to have some fun comment formatting is here. Here are some good threads as well.

9 years ago

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Thanks, I already read and guidelines. I'm now trying to understand the point of private or group giveaway, maybe if there are some Steam group to post GA and I participate to.

9 years ago

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How do I check if a game was already bundled?

9 years ago

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keep in mind that this list is not managed live - only 1 person does bundling job, so 1week lags are very often and for exploitation promos even months long lags happen. Generally check in this link first. Then if game is on some bundle site but not in the list be wary it will certaily end up there. And if there's extremelly good promo, like 95%+ in keystore or 80-85% steam store (it depends, cause it may mean cheaper region lie russia gets 95%+ slae because of it) the game may end up being bundled.

9 years ago*

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Thank you very much!

9 years ago

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