I think you have to change the first part to
Edit 1:Why do you use real_sent_public
if you don't want the filter to be based on real CV? forgot to type the don't :(
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If have no idea about boolean priorities. With additional parentheses you are on the safe side.
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Adding work-in-progress GA to test suggestions from this thread: Cities XL Platinum
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oh i really came here to try and help. then:
i'll try to remember later ;) although, never used SGtools, i like logical conditions
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Great suggestion!
I think this should do:
((level==0)&&(num_won<=10)||((level<2)&&(num_won<=20&&real_sent_public>3&&real_sent_region_free>3))||((level>=2)&&(ratio_number_giveaways>=0.1&&real_sent_public>10&&real_sent_region_free>10)))&&pass_activated_rule&&last_multiple_win <= date_modify(date('now'), '-2 years')&&!VAC_economy_ban
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Hm, after having thought about it a bit, I would propose maybe losing the level==0 part... (and the level>=2 should be superfluous)... it feels kinda weird that I would no longer be allowed to enter just for making a forum or group GA.
The fixed values of 3 and 10 also feel "meh" in my mind, but I have no real better idea... maybe replace them with ratios (real_sent_public/real_sent_cv
and real_sent_region_free/real_sent_cv
)? That way you could say that at least 1/5/10% should be of the "good" kind?
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If I use anything related to Ratios or Real CV and don't include a dedicated part in the rule for Level 0 I won't be able to let any of them in, which is a key requirement. I want Level 0 users to enter my forum giveaways.
With that in mind, what alternative do you see?
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I just meant "don't restrict the num_won<=10 part ONLY to level 0"... right now a level 1 user with 5 wins but without 3 public CV can't get in. which feels mean considering that a a level 0 user with 5 wins does get in.
I would maybe even leave out levels totally... either you did not win much, or you won a bit and then i want some public and region free stuff, or you won a lot, then I want to see a nice ratio... or something... this is giving me a headache :P
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Well, a Level 0 user with 5 wins gets the benefit of the doubt from me, while a Level 1 user with only group giveaways does not. I think it's good practice to give to the larger community before joining groups, and it's what most users do on this site (intentionally or not).
The concept of "winning much" is relative to how many games one gave, and it breaks with Level 0 and Level 1 users for the reasons mentioned previously. I just don't see how I can create a rule that takes this into consideration without having dedicated parts specific to these levels, but I'm open to ideas :-)
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just fyi, there are groups exclusive to locked region members. They don't use the explicit lock feature which makes them appear as row GAs on the statistic, which then shows actual 100%-region-lock senders having falsely displayed 50%+ non-locked gifts.
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yes, many, especially in higher levels surprising, those also have huge public, unlocked GA wins but make only 100% locked and/or region-group GAs that have to be looked up to be identified as such.
But those still slip through these rules due to the problem mentioned above.
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It also works other way. I know at least one steam group that is restricted to Poles only, so they tend to put gibs as region-locked to Poland (to assure that nobody else joins), but those games are in fact not region-locked.
So yeah, ANY indicator based on region locks can be at best half-reliable, but very easily tricked.
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"I accept that multiple wins can be easy for newcomers to misunderstand (and therefore fall into) and difficult to fix later on. I would therefore prefer to ignore multiple wins if they happened a long time ago (e.g. more than 2 years). Anything newer I'm willing to check manually before asking for a new winner."
Thanks for understanding this :) I made the mistake myself in the beginning (out of courtesy I asked the GA-Creator if hes okay if I give the game to a friend but I did not read the SG-rules thoroughly enough at the time). Reading this just gave me that warm feeling of beeing welcome. Enough for you to get a spot on my whitelist ;)
Sadly I cant really help you with SGTools, but what you are trying to achieve seems like a very fair system.
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Users who can enter this GA include:
In addition, all users must have activated all games won, must not have multiple wins in the last 2 years, and must never have been trade banned by Steam.
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I just typed a coherent reply and it went away... I might have clicked Cancel instead of Submit >.< Anyway, it worked for me (I'm in the second group). The SGtools special rules look a bit strange but I guess it just takes some time to find out if I pass or not (beside just clicking the 'Check' button ;)
Thank you for the GA :)
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This is what I want to achieve:
Other considerations:
This is what I have so far:
Any suggestions for improvements? Please show me the path to a better filter!
Needless to say, if you don't have specific suggestions for the filter, feel free to comment on the rationale and considerations.
Thank you!
Edit: Work-in-progress GA to test suggestions from this thread: Cities XL Platinum
Edit #2: Additional GA with modified rules: The Silent Age (an explanation of the rules for this one is here)
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