
I'm the Editor-in-chief at Solidus Gaming and we are currently looking for writers, as we are a bit short-staffed at the moment.

I have already been through all the regular video game journalism channels looking for new applicants, but it seems pretty dried up at the moment.

Long story short, I was wondering if any of you knew any places to look that I may have missed. :D

Also, if you want to try out, you can apply here. :)

Just a few site stats:

Alexa Rank: Approx. 400,000

Unique Visitors: 9,000 so far in August

1 decade ago*

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Well in my opinion you should be looking for real gamers that want to write. After all we are not looking for an artis but for someone that can give a good and honest opinion about something.

1 decade ago

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Yet another non-paying game review site looking for writers... Do your writers even get review copies of games?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I find it hard to believe that the gaming writers market is "dried up" to be honest. Every 17 year old with a computer wants to be a game reviewer at one point.

1 decade ago

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I would have though the same. I was just as surprised as you. :D

Then again, there is still some level of writing skill required :)

1 decade ago

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Could it be that it's because you can't actually offer anything for your writers at the moment? I know that there are a couple sites that seek "volunteer" writers, but said writers actually do get at least some free review copies of games and press passes to get into things like E3. That'd be pretty sweet.

If I'm not getting that or even just $10 per article... I might as well write for my own site.

1 decade ago

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The issue is most 17 year olds can't write decent reviews - much less write at all - and a majority are just garbage.

Your best bet is to think outside the box a bit when it comes to spotting talent. Check out game forums and websites where users can post their own reviews, a la Gamespot. Make threads in many forums. Get the word out. Turn the "Apply" button into a temporary news post on the front page which states you're looking for people. The way the site has it set up makes it look like any site that has an Apply button. Since you're desperately looking for people, you really should make it an announcement of sorts. Most importantly, never reach out to anyone unless they express interest. Let them come to you.

You can also organize a writing "contest" where people submit work for consideration to see if they're any good. In the end, make sure you request a resume and writing sample before you take anyone. Even if it's unpaid, you still want to make sure you're dealing with reliable professionals who can create quality work.

You're never going to get anyone unless you pay your writers or give them review copies. Expecting them to pay out of pocket is most likely not going to happen.

In case you're wondering, I reviewed games for about a year. I also teach writing.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by LoudHawk.