I have the Indie Royale Bundle myself, but just for your information:
"It appears this key (s52368c8c6b6e0) has been shared by multiple people (4). Please keep your Indie Royale key private. We will automatically unlock this key in 4 hours unless it continues to be accessed by multiple people."
Edit: To be constructive, I suggest not sharing the link but the key for desura. For example if the first few people click on the link and then realize they already have it the bundle is locked without anyone redeeming it.
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multiple people being (2) or more; it's a non-recent change to prevent piracy.
e: I think I may have gotten it judging by my Desura page, being the first to click the link :s but the bundle page is now locked, so the Akaneiro code is for whoever else redeems it. Thanks Gya!
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How does that even work?
You CAN claim the code once every 4 hours?
Shouldn't the first person at least be able to claim it?
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Yes, unless the first person leaves without redeeming it. By the way: CAB?
Edit: Oh wait, was it a typo? Did you mean "can"? ^^ If so: The key can only be used once, but you can access the site more than once. But if more than one IP accesses the site it will be blocked until four hours have passed without multiple IPs accessing it.
Edit 2: I want to correct myself. It will be blocked until X hours have passed without multiple IPs accessing it, with X being the number of different IPs that accessed the page. Currently it will be unlocked in 35 hours ...
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2 minutes after post, 9 people tried claiming that link.
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What I dislike with the bundle stuff is that, games that you purchased a few years ago on steam, and were included in a bundle cannot be given away anymore because no CV.
Don't get me wrong, I gift to make people happy, not to get CV. But as a poor person, it sucks balls that I don't get any CV for games that I was barely able to purchase for you guys.
inb4 getting called a greedy ass.
Also thanks for the give-aways, I am happy to see a lot of generous people here, like you.
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I feel like reducing CV to approximate the lowest available price from bundles or sales would be a better system, but harder to maintain.
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Nope, not really. Just cleaning out my spare key stores.
But most of it is IIRC bundle stuff so title is partially true, who cares tho.
Anyhow, just a wee heads-up for now since I'm still prepping the first batch. Yeah, expect a few batches, since my giveaway limit is way below the number of keys I have. I'll be updating the thread as I add new giveaways so check back once in a while for new goodies.
The giveaways will last 4 hours each, have no cv requirement, and each batch will generally start and end all at the same time. Keys will be sent out by mail, so make sure it's all up to date.
Since I'll be doing multiple batches I'd appreciate the feedback as soon as possible to free up slots for the next batch, thanks!
Pretty much everyone's welcome to join - I'm tired of checking profiles for regifts and cv abuse and so forth. The only exceptions are the few fellas in my blacklist, because I can :) Had the list for a while, been cleared with support, hopefully won't have to resort to re-rolls.
And as a starting gift, here's a spare IG Jubilee link (claimed!), for y'all ninjas out there.
Oh, and this random CoH2 Soviet Commander DLC thingy since I have no idea which one that was O.o
First batch up!
Damn that's a lot of typing! Congrats to all winners, hope y'all like your new games. Stay tuned for the next batch!
While we wait for my slots to come back, here's some random goodies for Rusty Hearts!
Redeem here. That's all now! Say which ones are taken if you try/take them.
And batch 2 is now ready for y'all!
Surprisingly there are 2 or 3 non-bundle games there!
Also a note about Dungeon Defenders, my key store lists it as DD Complete, so I'm assuming it has all DLCs, but can't be 100% sure as I'm not at all up to date with content for that game. So what you're getting is something that AT ONE POINT IN TIME was considered complete by Steam. There's no way to check a key really. I'd say feel free to enter for the DLCs, but not really sure what those are so be warned!
Galactic Arms Race -- went to MercuryHunter!
Thexder triggered a random giveaway spawn! Starts with a "B" and is now CLOSED!
A random key appears! (Dota 2 Taken!)
Batch 2 has ended, grats to ye all winners, and good luck next time to the rest! More batches will follow in the morn', we're not even finished with the letter "h"! To make your wait a little more pleasant I leave you with some goodie keys:
Desura keys (activate here):
Warframe goodies (redeem here):
And of course there's the suspense of who'll win Bioshock Infinite!
Morning's here folks! Next batch is up, starts in 1 hour (yeah, that's when Bioshock ends!).
This time we have:
and some special bonuses:
Y'all send your gz's and gg's and whatnot to SamuraiVader for getting Bioshock Infinite!
Tribes: Ascend random goodies! All taken!
Redeem here!
Blacklight: Retribution goodies! All taken!
Redeem here!
While we wait for batch 3 (or more like, for me to get round to putting those up!) here's a nice Origin key drop!
and two of my favourite tunes! Gotta love my massive bass speakers :D
Batch 4 incoming! Can you spot the joker? :D
Wild Space Rangers keys appear! Behold, 3 lucky people will get a copy of this shimmering gem that can no longer be bought from Steam!
Since you're doing well on taking them keys here's another one, Desura this time:
One more batch incoming, Set it up now for your viewing (and alarm-clock-planning) pleasure , starts early morning BST! Sadly I can't say this is the last and the greatest one, but it has some nice titles nonetheless :)
Also, something to keep y'all entertained:
All Desura naturally, so activate here. And a wee contest, simple really. First one to spot what's special about one of the above keys gets a copy of King Arthur's Gold for Desura and Steam (once it's released, and this is guaranteed!).
Tanaria got it, so contest's over ;p I said it was simple - a Fallout reference!
PS, y'all desura game owners should regularly check your collection page as Steam keys pop up there from time to time!
Those who've checked my Steam profile might know this already -- I'm a game mod for Dawn of Fantasy so I bought 4 keys for y'all here:
Yes, those are Steam keys :) Pop in and say hi once in a while, our mod team is the best evar! PS: Those keys also activate on Desura, and are used to activate the multiplayer component in the game itself!
Oh, and the joker was a lie ;p
Well the fun had to end, I got rid of more than 120 steam keys and a few dozen other keys. Was well fun!
Thanks to ye all who took part!
ok, one last surprise!
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