I don't have any problem with you/the video, but you can't come and just spam so you get more views....
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I think they are referring to the forum rule: "If you would like to include some self-promotion in the chat or forum, please run it by a mod first." However, the rules also state not to call out, but to submit a support ticket.
To mods: I don't consider this calling out since I am answering his question. If it is, I'm sorry.
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The mods are usually pretty damn understanding about this shit, because they get about as irritated as us when people advertise themselves.
They seem like some damn normal people sometimes, despite their status.
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List of admin and mods. yyd is just a frequent forum user.
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Your spelling and grammar is atrocious, even if you're not a native English speaker it is quite bad.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that your spelling is the same quality as your video, so I'm not even going to approach that video even though it is a great game.
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Seriously, I have no idea what you're trying to convey. I'm a teenager for fuck's sake.
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This game is called Bit Trip Runner. I created a gameplay video of it, and will make a giveaway soon.
Link: (omitted).
If you like and subscribe soon, I will leave private giveaways here. I hope you enjoy! Bye!
Edit: People don't like my video, but if you want to watch it, comment here.
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Cuidado todos. Al parecer este bobolongo cree que todos deberían dominar su mamatallo idioma.
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Je suis désolé que je pense que les gens devraient utiliser la ponctuation décent quand la publicité de leur vidéo.
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He removed it, it was probably a piece of shit anyway.
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And you continuously posting how shit you think his video is due to his dire lack of proper (or even understandable) English has what reason, exactly? Did he do you wrong somehow?
Chill the fuck out, maybe it's even a hella good video in Hebrew. In any case, you continuously shitposting has no reason whatsoever.
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If you have to go on a forum and terribly write in English about how good your video is, it's probably not a good video at all.
This is all opinion. You can assume that he's the best Youtuber in the world but that won't change how I think.
Whatever you say will not change what I and many others think, or maybe it will. Who fucking knows.
I couldn't care less if you're in love with the guy.
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Thanks for putting words in my mouth to try and polarise this and turn our exchange into an argument you can "win". I never assumed anything, such as for example "..you can assume that he's the best Youtuber in the world". I was pointing out your shitty assumption (and thus baseless and uninformed opinion - not really an opinion, rather prejudice, since you haven't seen the video either) causing unnecessarily rude and obnoxious posts, as if you had a personal vendetta with OP.
"I couldn't care less if you're in love with the guy"? Really? What in fuck is up with this immature and thoughtless / pointless comment? Just how thick are you? Let me say this slow, one more time.
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O like so much this conversation :D
But anyway he needed to calm down as you said ;)
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My point was that I can have any opinion about anything I want, including this video, this person, and you, and no fancy quotes or formatting is going to change that.
You're defending this guy quite crazily. My point with the "I couldn't care less if you're in love with the guy" was because you said "Did he do you wrong somehow?" and "as if you had a personal vendetta with OP.".
We both have no point to be saying anything about the video or each other because we know nothing of eachother.
Go ahead and call me immature for having an opinion. You have an opinion too, and it's quite unfair because you do not know me.
My only opinion about you is that your post are well-thought out and informative, but highly bias.
I'm not attacking the OP personally, I'm attacking his methods of doing things. You obviously do not like me or my methods despite knowing nothing about me, and I find that very unfair.
So, basically, practice what you preach you opinionated intellectual.
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I'm defending him because I get annoyed at useless and thoughtless crap like your comments on threads like these - not so much defending him (again; I DO NOT KNOW HIM OR LIKE HIM, can you read it now?), as criticizing your ridiculous behaviour on the thread.
Anyway, saying "I couldn't care less if you're in love with the guy" to try and make me look like I'm defending him due to some personal loyalty to him (which I still don't have) that you then attack by acting like it's somehow a crush on him and ridiculing me is in its' very nature immature and puerile. No opinion needed from me there. And I'm calling that specific sentence and the attempted dig at me immature, not you. You're real good at misinterpreting people, also when doing so intentionally to try and best them in argument. "Comprehensive reading" must not be a strong skill of yours. Learn to read.
Perfect example of how you fill on your own illogical interpretations of what people say: "Did he do you wrong somehow" and "..as if you had a personal vendetta with OP" were, in order, a question which might have had a reasonable answer such as "yeah, he fucked me over before in <x> way, I hate him", and an observation of how nasty you were appearing to be to him, for no apparent reason. Neither of the two suggest in any way, shape, or form that I like the guy, or even know him - explicitly, or implicitly. They both had entirely to do with tentative observations on you, not any connection I might have had to OP. And I don't really see how you could think so from reading the two sentences.
I haven't stated any opinion on anything, anywhere so far, by the way. Not on you, either. Although after this second dumbass post, let me say my opinion of you is pretty low at the moment. It's like you don't know how to read or think, only how to jump to assumptions, fill shit in for others, put words in their mouth, and change the entire context of what people say to suit your own uninformed "opinions" and the resultant arguments you try to "win" by doing so.
Sure, you can have opinions on anything you like. Opinions are by their very nature subjective. But I prefer, as do most people with even the slightest shred of intelligence, to base their opinions on facts and reason / logic, not prejudiced and misplaced anger that was caused by one behaviour off someone you didn't like - him using the forums to promote himself. Especially when talking about an opinion on someone's entire character, as well as something entirely unrelated to the original behaviour you took offence to - the quality of their videos. Or do you also say shit like "oh that movie is shit" or "that book was too long" when you've not even seen the movie, or read the book, too?
You don't need to be an intellectual to get these concepts. Just anything above "dumbass".. Dumbass.
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You're excellent at missing my point, as well.
Prejudice is assumptions, assumptions is opinions. Prejudice is opinions.
By defending him you show me that you prefer him over me, thus my point.
And with your fancy bolded words "facts and reason / logic", I formed my opinion on the base that the guy can't even properly punctuate a sentence, which is logical.
Also, that's your opinion. "I haven't stated any opinion on anything" is in fact, a lie.
Look! Opinions! "shitposting" "your shitty assumption" "such negative comments" "immature and thoughtless / pointless comment" "bullshit 'opinions'" "Moron." "useless and thoughtless crap like your comments" "ridiculous behaviour" "immature and puerile" "You're real good at misinterpreting people" "'Comprehensive reading' must not be a strong skill of yours" "Perfect example" "illogical interpretations" "reasonable answer" "for no apparent reason." "tentative observations" "second dumbass post," "It's like you don't know how to read or think, only how to jump to assumptions, fill shit in for others, put words in their mouth, and change the entire context of what people say to suit your own uninformed "opinions" and the resultant arguments you try to "win" by doing so." "not prejudiced and misplaced anger that was caused by one behaviour off someone you didn't like" "say shit like" "Just anything above 'dumbass'.. Dumbass."
Wow, for someone who hasn't stated "any opinion on anything, anywhere so far", that's a fuckton of opinion.
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"By defending him you show me that you prefer him over me, thus my point."
"not so much defending him (again; I DO NOT KNOW HIM OR LIKE HIM, can you read it now?), as criticizing your ridiculous behaviour on the thread."
Choosing to defend A CONCEPT (the concept of "don't run your idiot mouth about and criticise things you know nothing of"), like I was, does not automatically have to mean I am saying anything about whoever I do or don't like. If in defending that concept, I criticise people attacking a random stranger's position ('cus that's what any "defense" of OP was, not defending HIM but his position in all this - someone who's videos are being criticised by morons who haven't even seen them, as has been clear to anyone with half a brain since my first post) because that's the whole point I am making (again - "don't judge things you haven't seen or know anything of" - GET IT NOW?), it might seem like I am defending OP to someone who isn't that smart amd / or doesn't understand what I say. I even keep saying I DO NOT KNOW OP, AT ALL. Did someone rub poop in your eyes or something? Can't you read? Jeez.
"I formed my opinion on the base that the guy can't even properly punctuate a sentence, which is logical." < So, it's logical to not see a video, then say it's shit? So, to you, it would also be logical to look at a book's cover, and say "meh this book is shit"? They really should dissect your brain after you're dead, see how it works. Fascinating.
See what I was hinting at by the way with the choice of a book as an example? "Don't judge a book.." etc? Ever hear of that saying?
I could pick and piece apart the rest of your post, disassemble it and poke holes in it all over, like I have consistently been doing so far, but meh, you're tiring.
Here's my opinion: you're still dumb, and annoying. And here's some facts (not opinions) which you have amply proven: you have very flawed analytical and comprehensive skills, and jump the gun and pass judgement on things so easily it hurts an intelligent observer's mind. You might be well served to google the definition of the following words / terms: "context", "nuance", "subject", "informed opinion", "wild guess", "stab in the dark". Some of them seem to be things you have no clue about, some are things you do that you really shouldn't.
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Am in a very analytical mood, not about to let this fish off the hook (people do that too often - it's how slow people stay slow, as they keep getting away with truly moronic crapsies), enjoying the semantic piecing apart of his posts..
Am not annoyed or angry, or exhausted really, at all, thanks for the extra smile with the tune though :)
You seen all of the shows' episodes? Here check this out: dis and dis. The two convey quite well how I feel about my conversational partner in the thread.
Heck, while I'm at it, check out dis also.. SO FUNNY xD
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Absolutely. 100%. Come on, of course.
While I get that comic, and your point, I'm not forcing myself into doing something I'm not enjoying. I enjoy semantics. Again, am sitting here typing, smoking a doob atm, totally fine, not perturbed or feeling an urge for anything other than taking input, then dissecting the semantics of it.
Now did you already know those sketches? Do you know the other "how to annoy people" ones? The one with the parents?
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The point I'm trying to make is that you're judging me, instantly, without any thought to it whatsoever, because of my opinion. Which is exactly what you're accusing me of doing.
If you defend someone, you have to have some reason to prefer them. Hint, I never said LIKE them, I said prefer. The reason for this is that you think you dislike me, which you don't, you just "judged me by my cover".
Also, you walked straight into my troll. You were messing up the entire time, and whenever I point it out, you don't acknowledge it, at all.
Also, I couldn't give a shit how much you insult my intelligence! I'm 13 years old, for fuck's sake, and I'm not liable to be as smart as a person who sits on their computer typing up rants about how you shouldn't judge people while judging the person himself.
So, in finality, no one wins. You're being a judgemental intellectual, and you really should stop before it hurts you more than it already has.
Note- nothing you ever say can hurt me. It's like an 8 year old calling me a "faggot" or whatever the popular insult is nowadays.
Good argument. I believe we have lost.
Well fought.
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Cheap cop-out. If you're too inexperienced in semantic thought processes and critical thinking, don't jump in the ring and keep fuelling me with more to piece apart and de-construct to show your lack of argumentative ability or smarts.
And puh-lease don't go for the old "ha hAHHhhhh, I trolled you, sir! Yes! THAT's why I only APPEARED to look stupid, all along! It was all a trap!" bullshit defense, after your posts have been torn to shreds. I see way too many kids nowadays doing it when people call them out on their youthful idiocy, and it only makes you look approximately, say, 10 times as dumb? You're admitting defeat in a "fight" you started, then pretending it was your intention all along to waste both our times. Hahahahahahahaha..
No one lost, no one won. It's you who started turning it into a situation of "win or lose" when you first started unfairly judging OP's videos, opening you up to criticism from a public forum, then putting words in my mouth and trying to twist my words against me. You were acting like an obnoxious douche, got served, case closed.
Have a nice day.
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You do realize that you still skipped over every single time I said something that you did wrong, right?
It's kinda hilarious, actually. Your ego is so huge that you think that there's nothing wrong with you and you're completely nonbias and unopinionated.
Also, I'm probably one of the smartest kids I know. Sad.
And obnoxious? No. I was posting my opinion, something that people do on the internet, believe it or not.
Let's make up a scenario. There's a video. We know nothing about it.
People start to dislike it. Post hateful comments.
The person who posts it takes it down, and starts to say "hey wow you guys are terrible for disliking my video".
People say, "we don't care, it's terrible".
People jump on the bandwagon, based on the reaction of the poster and the other commenters.
It's the internet, Ansatsunin. I've seen things worse than me at these things, and I just said its name.
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Enough bullshit now, just a few quick copypastes to prove point I've already made.
"Your ego is so huge that you think that there's nothing wrong with you and you're completely nonbias and unopinionated" Never said I saw myself as UNBIASED or NON-OPINIONATED. Never said I wanted to be so, or was trying to be so. In fact, been preaching all this time about forming opinions ON FACTS AND ACTUAL DATA. Thanks for trying, yet again, to put words in my mouth.
As for the rest of your post - so far, all I've seen on the thread is people who were mad he was promoting his video. Not people who had watched it, and had criticised its' quality. 'Certainly not before your "He removed it, it was probably a piece of shit anyway." post that started all this.
So, tough luck trying to use that as an excuse for an "informed" opinion, then expressing it. Sorry.
Time for Counter-Strike and hash. Enough internet shenanigans. You really (and not even saying this facetiously or nastily) need to put more thought into what you post, and how you try to argue.
Really done now, lates.
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Oh yes, I am done as well.
But still, a quote, from your reply no less- "I haven't stated any opinion on anything, anywhere so far, by the way. Not on you, either."
I sense a liar, or at least someone who is oblivious.
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"..so far".
Look at when I said that.
You're welcome.
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But he's got clothes on. I was naked at the time.
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This asshole is funny. We need more clowns like him.
Here, enjoy a cookie. Now roll.
Good boy!!
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Accidentally clicked submit. Finished my comment now, though.
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I am quite calm despite the situation. I couldn't care less how other people think of me, and Ansatsunin is being quite unfair in saying "both you and I have no place commenting on its' probable quality." while he knows nothing of my "probable quality" as a person.
So basically, I don't give a shit and he's being biased.
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"You haven't seen the video, just as I haven't. So, both you and I have no place commenting on its' probable quality."
ITS' - meaning, THE VIDEO's quality, dumbass.
Neither of us can comment on THE VIDEO's quality, as we've both not seen it. WOW.
Do you even know how language works?
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I wasn't talking about the video. Calm your shit.
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That doesn't even make sense in the given context.
YOU said:
"Ansatsunin is being quite unfair in saying "both you and I have no place commenting on its' probable quality." while he knows nothing of my "probable quality" as a person.
Indeed, you weren't referencing the video. You were referencing a part of my sentence, implying my use of the words "probable quality" had something to do with my opinion on you as a person - as evidenced by your bit; "while he knows nothing of my 'probable quality' as a person." If that's not what you meant, then I have no clue what that sentence was even talking about and have no clue what it means - just like I have no clue what the comment that this comment is a reply to meant!
So - anyway - I replied, telling you that the "probable quality" bit in my sentence was referencing the video, NOT YOU.
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Yeah, I wasn't saying you were talking about me.
I was saying that you really don't know me at all, and you can't "jump to assumptions" about my character just because of my opinions.
Geez, stop being so judgemental.
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So just what in the hell does
"Ansatsunin is being quite unfair in saying "both you and I have no place commenting on its' probable quality." while he knows nothing of my "probable quality" as a person."
mean? You weren't implying I was talking about you? What the hell does the "while he knows nothing of my 'probable quality' as a person" part have to do with anything then? It apparently meant you were saying that I really don't know you at all, and I can't "jump to assumptions" about your character just because of your opinions (MEANING YOU WERE AND STILL ARE SAYING I WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU - HOW ELSE COULD I "JUMP TO ASUSMPTIONS" ABOUT YOU). As you just said, right above here. Directly quoting you here.
What the hell, then, does that have to do with "Ansatsunin is being quite unfair in saying "both you and I have no place commenting on its' probable quality"? How does me saying "don't judge a video you haven't seen" have anything to do, at all, - in any way, shape of form - with me supposedly jumping to assumptions (your words) about your character? How is saying that unfair?
Admit it, you didn't understand I was talking about the video when I said "both you and I have no place commenting on its' probable quality". You somehow interpreted it to mean something about you, or as an attack on your character, thinking "its'" meant YOU or some crazy shit. That's why you said it's "unfair" of me to say that "both you and I have no place commenting on its' probable quality".
Your stupidity hurts to read.
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What I said had nothing to do with the video. That's what I meant.
And my point was, and always will be, you are judging me pretty damn hard right now, not like I care tbh
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Aaaand, again, sense - you make none.
Concepts and metaphors? Big words, still don't make any sense.
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"What I said had nothing to do with the video. That's what I meant."
Really? I didn't explain it?
I was comparing the two things.
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Still not making sense. It's more me that should be going "Bahahahahahaha" as you seem unable to type full sentences and clearly express your intended meaning. I'm not, though, just still asking..
Now, WHAT TWO THINGS were you comparing? You mean to say "Ansatsunin is being HYPOCRITICAL by saying "both you and I have no place commenting on its' probable quality", YET STILL JUDGING ME while he knows nothing of my "probable quality as a person"? I added in / changed some words (the uppercase ones). WITHOUT THOSE WORDS, YOUR SENTENCE WAS MALFORMED AND BROKEN, AND DIDN'T MEAN WHAT YOU INTENDED, numbnuts..
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Also, at the time you had posted that, I had presented an INFORMED opinion - as in, you had proven to suck at analysis, comprehension, interpretation, and expression, and I formed a concurrent opinion based in what I'd SEEN.
Unlike not watching something, then going "UH HURR DURR IT PROLLY SUXXCKXS".
So, you're not even right in saying I was being a hypocrite. And my opinion of you still hasn't changed.
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Yes, I'm quite sure you "don't give a shit". That's why you're bashing on the kid. Right? Also, he's being bias? What about you? You haven't seen the video and you say it sucks anyways. Is that not being bias? Maybe you're just an asshole. Maybe both?
Just curious, I don't even know why you post here. Does anyone here even like you?
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Can you believe this ass-clown? He doesn't know "how2english" himself it seems.
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123 Comments - Last post 55 minutes ago by Daniellejake
This game called Bit Trip Runner.
I created a vid in this game,giveaway soon:
Edit:People dont like it,if you wanna watch comment here but...
Like and suv for giveaways soon privte here,
I hope you liked!
Bye !
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