Hello, well i bought a few days ago the new Ubisoft bundle for tier 2. But now I want to buy tier 3 for 15$. I heard that i can only pay the diference between my first payment and tier 3 to get it. But when i choose the amount it shows me that i need to apply more $ to get tier 3. I have a HB account and all.

9 years ago

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I've heard that they'd stop doing that. If you wanna go for Tier 3 now, you have to pay the whole $15 again. I might be wrong, so better wait for more confirmation about this.

9 years ago

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I think it was just for the Focus Home Interactive 2 Bundle

9 years ago

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I stand corrected and it seems OP has already found a solution to the problem. I'm just glad that they didn't make it on all future bundles :)

9 years ago

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I thought it was usually up to the publisher whether or not they want to do that, Humble doesn't make the decision

9 years ago

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It seems to me that I remember seeing something when I was buying the bundle that I better be sure because if I wanted to go to a higher tier I'd have to buy the whole bundle again.

9 years ago

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Are you trying to pay more through the home page or from your purchases page? If you find the bundle in your account purchases list, click on it and click on the "Like what we're doing? Click here to increase your order amount!" link you'll get an option to pay more and be able to get a higher tier by paying the difference.

As JustinSane059 mentioned, one of the recent bundles didn't allow paying more, but that was because the higher tier included two games with their own keys and then the previous tier's games as a single key and you would've already had individual keys from the lower tier (I don't know if that applies to the Ubisoft bundle or not as well).

9 years ago

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~~ MysteriousMrX
Thanks ! Yes this works so I'll don't need to buy the whole bundle again :) It's need to buy it from my purchases page not home page :)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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