Which one would best describe your place of origin?
Finally got 15, now if only I could make 11 pop into my head like that.
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I see no question :(
I do see the message under the image, which has lead me to search every style of music I can think of with any band that has anything associated to the two figures.
I'm going to blame it on me being old and American.
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One good rip of the steamroller and bump for solved.
Please my age invented that! I just haven't thought of it for 30 years haha
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I thought of the whole puzzle and poll while I was trying to get to sleep last night -- needless to say I didn't get much sleep :|
My favourites are ones like 10 - so simple and elegant :D If I had to use a '+' it was under duress (Too much thinking about my last puzzle)
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This is a try hitting the submit button a lot of times using firefox (I know that it creates double posts with Chrome and that is why I said it :P In Firefox that doesn't happen, dunno why O.o)
Well I have to explain this xDDD
A red bar appeared on the top of the screen (I have to scroll up to see it) with the message
Error. You already posted this comment recently. To prevent double posts, it's been blocked.
I reloaded the page, and a box alert appeared telling me that it would resend my last query, and I accepted.
And that is how I get a double post 5 minutes later :/
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At first when I saw the puzzle I was like "wtf is that"
Then I noticed the theme and it got much easier ^^
Still stuck on 11 & 13 though (had a good idea for 11 but not the right one)
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i put central Europe in but deleted it because i couldn't think of country that solely identifies as central Europe and it might've made people confused over which they should pick
i literally typed it in and thought about it and then deleted it dammmn
If you're from Central Europe you can +1 this comment :D
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+1 :D Central Europe has some known and developed countries, look: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Europe
I'm from Czech Republic btw, but I picked Western Europe ;)
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BTW are you going to post some more hints ? :D Stuck on 3, 7, 11, 13, 15 and 16 xD I'm bad at this :D
EDIT: Yay, 16 solved, 5 more to go :D
EDIT: 3 and 16 down, Tortilla, Cowboy and Romulus + Remus still remaining :D
EDIT: YES! I'm on a roll now :D Only the wolf brothers remain :D
EDIT: YAAY! :D Solved :D Pretty fun puzzle, thanks :)
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Number 5 took me way more than it should have... missing 7, 11, 13 and 15
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Bump for needing 3, 7, 13, 15. Fun puzzle so far. Now I want to do one too with other genres. ;-)
EDIT got 3, duh
EDIT got 7, duh
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got the good ol 13 and 15 left
EDIT down to just 13
EDIT solved
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Number 6 must be a style I've never heard of before... but you'd think there'd be related memes of it, and I haven't seen any of those, either... hrm.
Derp. It was easier than that. I was expecting some sort of trick. :P Number 7, on the other hand...
Edit: Just the damn burrito left. Curse you, tasty burrito of mystery!!
Edit: I have bested the burrito! GET IN MAH BELLY!
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It's on Music Genres! Hopefully this one will be more straightforward then my previous attempt (and hopefully my GF won't win my GA again)
Here it is:
I added a poll because seems like a good opportunity to do so - I'm from Western Australia :D
I added another answer for 13 that might help - It's not what I'd call it but people are different I suppose
Suggestions for people that might be having issues:
1) Reverse image search - that's how I verify the images are alright (should help with 13 but of course Google can be different for everyone!)
2) Find a music genre list website - maybe http://www.musicgenreslist.com/ (It should help you with that pesky 15)
3) Come back later! Who knows when I'll crack and add more hints! (It'll be before the 9th because that's when the GAs end)
Cracked and added a hint for Q13, thanks m139 for the idea! :D
Also added an annoyingly easy hint for Q15, and another hint for Q11
NO EXCUSES! (except maybe difficulty with understanding English - that's probably a legit excuse :D)
THIS ENDS IN 3 HOURS! GOGOGOGOGO :D (I won't be at the computer for the last 2 hours of the GA so unfortunately I won't be able to help people at the last minute. Hopefully you'll be get there in the end!
sorry for not closing this sooner lol - original answers:
1) rock and roll
2) disco
3) hip hop
4) metal
5) hardcore
6) trap
7) rap
8) trance
9) pop
10) house
11) boy band
12) blues
13) country and western
14) electro
15) latin
16) world
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