huh? "reason that many of those 16K users don't come back." if it difficult for them to visit this site sometimes for 5 minutes i don't think this is because of low winning rate... its unfair? its luck and almighty random! this words can't be combined with unfair!
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They've actually done giveaways like this before with mod approval. (Giveaways for people with 0 wins and 1000 entries or something.) It's probably unnecessary to create a separate giveaway type due to the low volume of these types of giveaways.
Also- "Less bad filter"? Wat.
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So if it's such a hassle to do it through the mods, where's the massive amount of private forum giveaways that do the same thing?
"Post if you want X game, your win count is 0, and your entry count is Y- and I'll send you a link."
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It's not really luck. It's more about who you know and how much you contribute. Most people with multiple wins, won most of the giveaways from private or invite only group giveaways, which usually end in less than 50 entries. It's basically, the more you contribute, the more you get noticed, the more chance of you to get invited into such groups or invited to the private giveaways.
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No, that doesn't make a lot of sense. What you suggest equalizes all the gifts across the board so Alexandria Nile DLC = Valve Complete pack. It also equalizes giveaway entrants, public win with 3000 entrants = private win with 5 entrants. This will basically mean "oh so you participate in a gifting group with 50 members and as such win regularly? Well then FUCK YOU, you aren't getting my giveaways". This is dumb and hateful towards small communities.
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Why do so many people complain that they aren't lucky enough to win a game for free by just clicking a button. Why can't you just be happy that you even have the opportunity to win anything at all and if you want more chances to win just contribute something.
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17,438 Comments - Last post 59 minutes ago by Agaster
Good afternoon!
I've noticed that you can greatly limit who can enter your giveaways, be it just a group, just very specific friends, and you can filter them even more with the option for "contributor only"
I may be an asshole suggesting that, but why not an option for just allowing those with less gifts earned than you?
I know the thing here is just based on luck, but IMHO is a bit "unfair" that someone has luck enough to get 1 gift at every 50 entries, and others stay with 0 recieved for months. It can get very frustrating over time and is the reason that many of those 16K users dont come back.
This won't be bad IMHO, I mean, things are already being so filtered ("contributor only" excludes the vast majority of the 16K users here), so why not allow a "less bad" kind of filter?
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