I'd like to collect 1000 games just for the sake of owning 1000 games (doesn't matter which ones as long as they are on steam).
My question is simple, what is the cheapest way to acquire 1000 games?

Only took me 1 year! :p

How I did it:
Someone asked me how I did it, so here is some advice for those aspiring (cheapskate) game collectors.

The most given advice after asking my original question was to purchase bundles. This proved to be a very useful advice. However, I don't think anyone mentioned group buys of bundles. Find friends and buy in bulk (or steamgroups where they divide the cost (example: group buys)). This will reduce the cost. (to keep track of bundles:
Additionally, sign up to freebie sites. There are plenty of steamgroups who alert you when a game is given away for free. I personally found that the steamgroup 'freegamefindings' was the most reliable.

Start with a goal. I first set out with a goal that I would purchase each game for 0.03$. After a while you'll notice you'll have bought all the games that are available for 0.03$, then you set your goal higher, 0.04$. And so on.

There are also sites (and forums) available where you can swap the games you've bought double for other games you don't own. I started out doing this, but found it wasn't time-efficient enough. (for sites: check comments down below, or these forums can be given as an example).

If you want to take a good start you should check out where you can get around 100 games for about 5$ :-)

Ps Celebratory giveaway:

9 years ago*

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The answers OP is looking for are contained in his own post :-)

Especially if you are going for 1K Steam games.

Purchase bundles (Humble, Groupees, Indiegala, Bundlestars, LazyGuysBundle, DailyIndieGame, GreenManGaming)

Buy games and games collections when there are sales on Steam, GMG, etc and do check if one place is cheaper than another,...

Don't be shy to use a voucher or a coupon on those sites.

Some bundles will overlap/have games you already own and those double/spare games can be traded here on SG and you can put up your SG trade link on your Steam profile. My personal games count countains atleast 250 traded games on Steam and SG to date.

Some games are given away free on sites like Indiegala so watch out for them.

Whilst trading beware of people that have on their Steam proflie red text with things like: trade ban, VAC ban, Game ban as this is an indication of a person with " cheating mentality ". When trading look also at the SG trade rep besides the name of your trader when doing trades.

Use common sense.

And have fun collecting and you'll reach your 1K :-)

9 years ago*

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That's exactly what I'm aiming for, having fun whilst collecting. Thanks for the advice!

9 years ago

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You could win 1000 games here, also. That's technically free, if you're patient.

9 years ago

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  1. Learn to hack
  2. Hack Gaben servers
  3. ???
  4. Profit !
9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Bundles, seriously.
I've bought a ton of bundles just because they have 1 game that I like and want to play, I have 500 games now because of that haha
Also, free games! There are a lot of pages that notify you when a page is giving away free steam games or free games in any other DRM, some of which are:

9 years ago

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you can scam 1000 people.


ok. :(

9 years ago

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Bundlesss, freebies, reddit gamedeals!!!

9 years ago

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Just buy bundles and you get there in no time. (Personal experience because I also wanted a 1000+ games)

9 years ago

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7 years ago

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gratz! =)

7 years ago

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Thanks man :)

7 years ago

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So, how did you do it?

7 years ago

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I was just about to ask this question.

7 years ago

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Made an update, feel free to ask any questions you have :)

7 years ago

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Do you feel happy?
What is your new goal? How about to learn a new foreign language? ;3

7 years ago

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Glad I finally achieved it indeed! Maybe 2000 games as a new goal? :p

7 years ago

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Oh nevermind, congrats.

7 years ago

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Thanks! Took me a year :p

7 years ago

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Bundles, sales, freebies, trade, don't fret it you'll make 1K easy without even thinking about it. Considering you're only just starting out consider checking out Steam ground where you'll be able to get 100 games for $5. DailyIndieGame isn't quite as cheap but is more accessible.

7 years ago

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Just updated the thread because I reached my goal! Thanks for the advice though :-)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Only 2 entries so far :)

7 years ago

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Congrats on your milestone.

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Thanks, moving onto 2k now! Will try to do it in half a year now.

7 years ago

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Congratulations, so the collecting has started... I'm curious where your price point will end at 2K. xD

View attached image.
7 years ago

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