A combination.. sign up to Bundlestars, IndieGala, Humble, Gamersgate, GreenManGaming and all the well known bundle and/or big discounts sites, and then watch your emails closely for news of offers and bundles.
Also go to Steam and go to 'Specials', then sort in order 'Cheapest / By Price' and buy a load of the games that are less than 1 dollar / pound.
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Seems like the most given advice is to keep track of bundles and trade the leftovers.
I'd like to go with steam specials too, but I always feel like the games will be cheaper during summer/winter sale and then I decide not to purchase it (unless it's a dirt-cheap special like -96% offcourse).
Is there any site that keeps track of all bundles together so I don't have to check each site individually?
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The Steam Group 'epicbundle' http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198049412986/groups/
is pretty good place for all deals.
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Also alerts you of free games and what not
for deals and sales
For when your browsing the steam website
Bundles are the quickest way,though sales can help also and you will need to use both
Also depends on if you just want 1000 games and do not care what you get to get there,if your going for quality over just grabbing anything that you can,then that might take awhile
Trading is another good option if you just want to add as many games as you can,trade the doubles you have for ones you do not have
Traders Guide Group can help with that and other groups though this is the one i use most
anyhow i hope this helps and gets you to 1000 quicker
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I've got enhanced steam already installed and already heard about isthereanydeal.com, but it's the first time I hear about epicbundle.com. Thank you.
I'm just looking to grab any games and don't really care about the quality to be honest. But I prefer a -97% expensive game over a -25% cheaper game if that makes sense.
Also seems like I mainly need to start trading once I acquired some doubles :p
Do you think it is advisable to purchase a certain bundle twice and then trade that bundle for games I'm missing?
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A good way is buying bundles and trade away the duplicate games you get for other bundle games.
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I've heard about it before. How does tremorgames actually work?
And is it really worth the time? If I need to play some kind of game for hours to acquire a couple of cards/games I'm afraid it wouldn't be really worth my time.
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Depends on your country, some games do require a bit of time, but you can just watch a movie in a different window while doing them.
There are also tasks ranging from good paying to low paying but it depends on where you live.
Just like there is no real getting rich quick scheme there is no getting a 1000 games quick thing either, i got more then 1000 games just by Tremor but it took a good year.
You either invest your own money and then are better off with bundles, but if you don't have alot or want to spend much on it then Tremor is good but then you have to invest time.
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I see, I've got a couple of little brothers who play online games from time to time. I guess I'll let them play for me, hehe.
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The online games are the worst things to use. THe best things to use are the downloading apps on your phone then instantly deleting once you've recieved your coins. You can earn loads of games using this method. :P
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If you have any drops from TF or CS:GO, or cards, or whatever, you can exchange them for tremor coins with the tremor bot. Then you can buy all the 99-200 coins games.
You can make 10-20 games for each TF key, or 1 game for 3+ cards. Some bundled games are very cheap in tremor games, with some creativity and trading, you can even make some profit.
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Anyway, good luck with that!
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You're bored of playing games, so you plan to buy mass amounts of a thing that bores you. Not to mention these cheap games that you'll fill your account out with are going to be really bad most of the time, so when you do go back to play them, you'll just get bored again. Buy good games, play good games. That's it.
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Collecting games =/= Playing games. And collecting is something which doesn't bore me, it's something fun.
I have no intention on playing the games so I don't really care if they are bad or not to be honest.
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That makes sense if you were collecting a physical thing which you could display, look at and enjoy in that way. Collecting mass amounts of digital anything is really pointless. It's like comparing someone who collects vinyl records to someone who 'collects' mp3's on iTunes. One of those is a legitimate collection and hobby, the other is just being a digital version of a hoarder.
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I can also display, look and enjoy a digital collection the same way as a a physical collection. Only difference is I can't physically touch it.
I agree it's pointless though, but that doesn't mean it can't be fun ;)
Edit: actually, the point is that it's something fun to do.
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I'm not sure what you mean by theft? I can easily pirate the games I'll be buying if I wanted to steal. I'm mostly looking to get the steam badge with 1000 games on it. If you have any idea on how I can steal and still get the badge I'd be curious to know how :p
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credit card theft n shit man. just steal untraceble money n spend it steam!
jokes aside first option is most viable course. Get all the bundles,you will have badge by the end of 2-3 month.
indiegala , bundlestars humblebundle dailyindiegame groupees are some of the best sites to collect. (just check site is not fake if you encounter new sites)
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Ah, I thought you meant something harmless like piracy or so. I'm afraid credit card theft isn't an option :p
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Stealing is bad, I will not give advice on how to do it. Also, piracy isn't cheap, a ship is expensive you know! And have you seen the prices on eyepatches these days? Not to mention bandana's, ragged shirts, wooden legs and hookhands if you want the real deal.
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I plan on idling the cards to upgrade my steam level further with it. But that's a very good advice though.
Could I trade games here for keys/gems? Would that be cheaper then buying a bundle?
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you can trade the games here for keys/gems
buying bundles would be cheaper, and don't forget you can trade the extra keys from the bundles you bought for other games
you can also find cheap games from previous bundles in tremorgames.com, they have games for 99 coins (which you can get from trading in 2-3 trading cards )
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I plan on leveling my steam level further up with the cards I'll get from the games. But I imagine plenty of people here are willing to sell games for keys/gems too. Now my big question is: is this cheaper then an actual bundle? Or is buying the bundle itself cheaper?
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I know I used to sell a lot of surplus bundle games for trading cards, etc and plenty of other people were doing the same thing. But strangely not many people are selling stuff for less than they bought it. So generally it is cheaper to buy bundles than trade for them. Just trade if you only need one or a few games from a bundle to save buying the whole thing.
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I'm not even lucky enough to win one, let alone 1000 :p
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good way to trade games is this site: barter.vg ( seems to be a part of steamgifts)
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I see, that's the first time I've heard about that site. I'll look into that. Thank you.
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Hunt for deals,which allow to get the key for free or maybe download the game and keep it for free xP
Buy cheap bundles instantly,and think of buying next tiers because if you don't do that tier 2 and maybe 3 will cost you more xd
Collect all the cards and try to exchange them for games or die trying xD
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One thing I don't think anyone else has mentioned yet. It might seem quite obvious but it will help.
Keep an eye out for mass free game giveaways. Indiegala seems to do multiple a week. You often get loads of other websites doing them as well. It will save you a tonne of money.
You can usually find these by browsing the forum. Or theres a little group called free game finders that keeps me updated.
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You pretty have it much down. http://isthereanydeal.com/#/ is a great resource to check lowest historical price across multiple retailers as well as tracks where the game has been bundled, and how long ago it has been since then. Your best bet would be to buy a few copies of a bundle (one for yourself) and then trade away the spare for the others. Try to go for bundles that contain a large amount of new to bundles games (the site that I mentioned before will help you with that) since those will be high in demand for trading.
Welcome to the world of collecting :D.
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So technically it's cheaper to buy a bundle twice and trade the keys for other keys of games you don't own, I see. That's useful to know, thanks!
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When you are first starting your collection, yes. As your collection begins to grow, it will become harder and harder to find traders who have something that you don't already own. Since you are just starting out though, I do not believe this will be an issue for you until you long pass the 1k mark.
I should point out that you should first start trading with peeps with large amount of rep (~+100) since most will require you to go first as a means of protecting themselves and they are unlikely to scam you. Rep is a precious commodity that few seasoned traders would be willing to throw away for cheap bundle games.
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask :D. I was in your spot not too long ago so I know how this all feels XD.
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Cjcomplex nailed it pretty good. Just one personal clarification from me: +rep on SG is a more valuable commodity than +rep on a Steam profile as I just visited the Indiegala Steam group and I've seen that people are actively posting on the Indiegala wall things like " + rep for +rep " and I've seen also postings like " 50 gems for a +rep " and a Russian posting " for a donation " he would " +rep any of 10 different kinds of +rep " like fe +rep good trader or +rep Awesome trader etc.... So these morons are clearly posting +rep on each others Steam profile just to boost their Steam profile " as shiny as can be"; but it's fools gold...
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I should have added this caveat but Lost is correct. +rep on profile is a bit meaningless since it is easy to abuse.
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Cjcomplex nailed it pretty good. Just one personal clarification from me: +rep on SG is a more valuable commodity than +rep on a Steam profile as I just visited the Indiegala Steam group and I've seen that people are actively posting on the Indiegala wall things like " + rep for +rep " and I've seen also postings like " 50 gems for a +rep " and a Russian posting " for a donation " he would " +rep any of 10 different kinds of +rep " like fe +rep good trader or +rep Awesome trader etc.... So these morons are clearly posting +rep on each others Steam profile just to boost their Steam profile " as shiny as can be"; but it's fools gold...
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could help
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That would have been really useful a couple of days ago when I bought that 4-pack of detour which I've got 3 copies now off, haha. Thanks alot!
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I have 100+ bundle games I'm looking to get rid of in exchange for ones I don't have.
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Haha, I appreciate the offer, but I'm just starting to collect so I don't have anything to trade with yet :p
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Don't forget you are on a giveaway site. Buy any cheap game make a giveaway for it and get your lvl one now! Then make sure you hop on trains you find in the forums. I think I've won 6 games this week. I'm starting to feel like a leecher so I'm going to have to do some giveaways soon to keep my radio good.
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I'm waiting for my first giveaway to win before I start making myself one so I can see how it works if that makes any sense :p
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I tried entering so many giveaways at lvl 0 and won nothing and got frustrated. I then realized that any giveaway you do no matter if it's a game you bought for 1 cent or 20 dollars will give you lvl 1. The best place to enter giveaways are the ones here on the forums because they give you a lot better chances to win than the public giveaways. However a lot of the giveaways on forum require at least lvl 1. Additionally to block leechers I.E. people who come here simply to get games with no intent of giving back, a lot of people set giveaways to lvl 1. Therefore it would be in your best intrest to go on steam and get something like this game which is 14 cents and purchase it as a gift. Then after that create a 1 hour giveaway here on SG and that will get you lvl 1 in about an hour along with better odds of winning and having more giveaways that you can enter.
edit sent you an invite on steam i'm ROTN.Meliodas
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I had this concept with me for a while on how to make some money from gaming community (and use part of that for buying bundles while at it). It's more of a business venture, actually.
Anyway, since we know for a fact that women can't play videogames very well compared to men, I was thinking of starting up an agency where you could hire young, shirtless men to help you overcome difficult sections in games. Let's say you got stuck on that butterfly boss in Dark Souls and can't beat it no matter what you do. This is the part where you call my number, I redirect you to one of our available men (or myself), we arrange a meetup and he comes to your place to play the game with no shirt on and help you beat that boss.
I still have few things in that plan I need to iron out, but that's pretty much the main premise.
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Are you hiring? I'm in decent shape and I'm decent at Dark Souls.
Please respond.
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You get an average of 4 games or so per humble bundle if you don't BTA.
So really if you buy 25 humble bundles, you will have 100 games for 25$.
So if you spend about 250$ on bundled games alone, that should put you around 1k games.
Although it may take some times since you have to wait a week for each bundle. Can also buy from other bundles like indiegala, but they also cost more.
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Yeah, I'm in no hurry at all so I don't mind waiting a couple of weeks and after the given advice from everyone here it seems my best option is to focus on bundles indeed :p
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I guess I'm not really the right person to ask for that kind of stuff since I'm not much of a hoarder. I actually avoid claiming key drops when they are for games I don't know/am unlikely to play. :P
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Bundles are definitely the cheapest, but it takes a long time. I would also set up a trading profile on something like barter.vg and keep it populated with any spare keys you get from bundle repeats, etc. That way you can fill in gaps by trading extra keys, reducing your costs.
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^Exactly. Money isn't really the issue. I'd just like for it to be cost-efficient.
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Hey, I just saw this thread and looking at your profile atm you have 132 games and 154 level, what was your level 2 weeks ago when you posted this thread?
Did you get like 100+ levels just in a week? :D Was that from buying those 132 games and idling cards and then buying rest of the cards, or did you just buy all the cards from market and didn't buy games?
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I had level 154 and 67 games 2 weeks ago.
I already had the steam level and I haven't bothered to idle the cards as I only craft badges during steam sales for it to be more cost-efficient (you get a card instead of a useless coupon).
Also, 132 games wouldn't get you anywhere near 100 steam levels. You need 1360 badges to go from lvl 0 to lvl 150. 132 games, assuming each game would drop 3 cards that would only be +-400 cards. Assuming each game would costs 5 cards to craft (most games cost more cards though) you'd only get 80 badges.
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I'd like to collect 1000 games just for the sake of owning 1000 games (doesn't matter which ones as long as they are on steam).
My question is simple, what is the cheapest way to acquire 1000 games?
Only took me 1 year! :p
How I did it:
Someone asked me how I did it, so here is some advice for those aspiring (cheapskate) game collectors.
The most given advice after asking my original question was to purchase bundles. This proved to be a very useful advice. However, I don't think anyone mentioned group buys of bundles. Find friends and buy in bulk (or steamgroups where they divide the cost (example: group buys)). This will reduce the cost. (to keep track of bundles: isthereanydeal.com).
Additionally, sign up to freebie sites. There are plenty of steamgroups who alert you when a game is given away for free. I personally found that the steamgroup 'freegamefindings' was the most reliable.
Start with a goal. I first set out with a goal that I would purchase each game for 0.03$. After a while you'll notice you'll have bought all the games that are available for 0.03$, then you set your goal higher, 0.04$. And so on.
There are also sites (and forums) available where you can swap the games you've bought double for other games you don't own. I started out doing this, but found it wasn't time-efficient enough. (for sites: check comments down below, barter.vg or these forums can be given as an example).
If you want to take a good start you should check out steamgrounds.com where you can get around 100 games for about 5$ :-)
Ps Celebratory giveaway: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/PlVed/flesh-eaters
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