With that price increases latest year it doesn't surprise me, prices used to be half of the current, or less, or maximum 2/3 of the current BTA. Also bundles quality went down generally, so Price increase + less quality or repeat games = less copies sold, also buying for $1 the first week doesn't give you the bonuses anymore, since long time now. But still general quality of HB bundles is a way better than other bundles.
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i really liked the second week bonuses back than. :/
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The bundle was great, I think. But indeed the regular high-fixed-price tier boosts the average, and it's quite sure that decreases the overall buys.
Ivyiss, could you check the income from those bundles too? As these bundles are supposed to be for charity (too), it's worth checking, how much money they generated. It's possible that fewer bundles were sold, but overall people paid more for them collectively.
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Yeah I checked those figures and HIB12 made more than some of the other HIBs, so I guess for the company (and the charities/devs that get some money from it) it was good. I'm just saying this bundle in particular took a turn for the worse by charging more and have a lot of repeat games. They may have been able to get more customers and possibly make more money if the games were better or they charged less though.
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As I said below, the only repeat games in true bundles were The Bridge and Monaco. Race the Sun and Hammerwatch were in Daily "Bundles," but I don't think those should be included because they were technically just 90% off sales. Similarly, Prison Architect was in the Humble Weekly Introversion, but it was for $20, which is more than it costs on sale in the Steam store.
At any rate, previous Humble Bundles have had plenty of repeats as well. Humble Bundle V had, I believe, the highest number of sales, and it had the same number of repeats as this bundle.
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This is the exact reason I didn't get this bundle. A lot of the games I already had from other bundles and even though I wanted Papers, Please I wasn't gonna beat the inflated average just to get 3 new games and then a bunch of others I already got from other bundles. I guess if you really wanted Prison Architect it was a good deal though.
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I'm not sure what you mean here. Only the games added to BTA purchases were bundle repeats, as they have almost always been. Prison Architect was also, technically, a repeat, but I doubt many people paid $15 for it.
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What bundles were Hammerwatch, Gunpoint and Gone Home in?
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Fair enough, but I still can't find which bundle Gone Home was in. I see that Gunpoint was in that $25 disabled bundle thing but it doesn't look like Gone Home was in anything else.
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I paid $1 for hammerwatch, its the most worthy to me.
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I really liked this bundle, prison architect looked great, and im not disappointed with the alpha. gunpoint I had never heard of but ended up really enjoying, papers please is good, gone home seems decent, and monaco looks good, the bridge is also a nice puzzle game but already had it
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I'm not sure why you're looking at number of purchases instead of revenue.
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I guess what I'm looking at is what wiLLie22 said. Humble Bundle seemed to be giving less and charging more in this one. It's not so much about how much they made but how many people were willing to buy. I'm just wondering if this is gonna be the norm for HIBs going forward.
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Don't forget that in the past, up until HiB 4 or 5 I believe, you could purchase Steam keys for 1 cent. I'm sure that increased sales numbers by quite a bit.
Once again, I don't think that sales numbers really tell the whole story. It's actually in the best interest of Humble to charge more for less sales. The reason? There is a flat charge from transaction fees that eat up a lot of the smaller purchases. So in the past, when you could buy Steam keys for 1 cent, Humble was actually losing like 50 cents on each purchase.
I'm not actually sure that it's actually less people buying as well. There's a possibility that a chunk of the missing sales is from traders who used to hoard copies to profit on in the future but don't do it anymore due to most of the better games being in the BTA tiers.
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Personally I'm buying a lot more Bundlestars/Groupees bundles than Humble Bundles. It used to be the opposite. I don't care about the money they make, I already give money to charity without expecting anything (like games) in return. Humble Bundle is a business, I only care about the quality of the product and it leaves something to be desired
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Haha same. I usually just buy the $1 or cherry pick games via trades/tremor, but this bundle I went for the full $10 tier. Seemed like one of the better bundles in recent memory.
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I got screwed over with the last bundle I bought and ended up not getting half the games I purchased. Still, some of the money goes to charity so I can't really be mad.
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If you didn't own any of the games, it was a top-notch bundle. Unfortunately, I did, so I just couldn't get myself to pay $10, when PA was the one I wanted the most.
I think a lot of people scoffed at the really high BTA, even though it was a good value.
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Yeah I owned only Monaco out of the entire set and 6 of the games were on my wishlist (2 of them on the top 10), so was a sure deal for me. But I agree the BTA was very high (I wasn't sure about PA, I ended up adding 3$ and getting it just because of the high average)
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I'm sure that was a big part of the reason the BTA stayed so high. The difference between BTA and $10 was so small that I think most people just paid an extra $2 and got PA also. Odds are, this was exactly the reason that Humble started the Average so high: careful market manipulation, and it worked. But, as far as I'm concerned, everybody wins.
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My opinion exactly and it didn't help that some of the games wound up on the summer sale for a cheaper price (Luftarausers for example), thinking on it the summer sale might have wound up interfering with that.
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I didn't buy it because it only had one interesting game I didn't already have. Probably other people in the same situation as well.
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Strange, i think this bundle was really good considering some of the last bundles XD. I mean Gunpoint, Papers Please and Luftrausers are really good. That said i did buy the 1$ bundle because i was short on money this month XD. And i did find it strange that this bundle suddenly started from BTA 7$ when usually at the start it's a lot lower, but still wasn't that bad of a bundle. I've seen a lot worse Humble Indie Bundles.
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I think the issue is the rather high average (no doubt due to prison architect) putting some people off for the few games they wanted on it. And spares aren't even good trade fodder due to everyone and their mother having them for trade.
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The market is becoming saturated. A lot of people interested in these things already have games from elsewhere.
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I thought it was one of the best bundles I've seen. Bought the top tier because I wanted to support it even though I already had most of the games.
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As seen here, HIB12 has sold less than any other HIB from 3-11. With less than 2 hours until it's over, HIB12 would need at least 26000 more buys to have sold more than HIB6. Considering that the Indie bundles are supposed to be Humble Bundle's go to, do you think this HIB was just an anomaly, or has Humble Bundle's average price inflation and lack of games that haven't already been in other bundles is going to hurt sales for future HIBs?
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