.. but 1.49€.


Just did see the add in the bottom of sgifts page for Trine at $1.24, then go on the website and expect for a silly 1:1 change as usual; but here it's even worst.

1.49€ equals to $2. Well it's not the first time a stupid ratio like that happens because it's pretty usual, but it becomes verry annoying, plus when you can't buy in dollars as it was before because it's forced to buy in € in most websites now.

Well maybe a pointless thread here but still, it's annoying.

12 years ago*

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AQ6DD-76J77-J2CZL , also more rip offs

12 years ago

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If you wanted to help him, you are doing it wrong. Also, where are you from RainBoom?

12 years ago

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if you mean the key, that was for anyone really, it was from the indie gala, and i saw no point in making a giveaway for it.

12 years ago

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I'm in there

12 years ago*

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What is this website rip offs ? Also, thanks for that key.. but I already owned the game. I took it as an example and because I maybe would have liked to buy it for a buddy since it's a game I find okay.

12 years ago

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the website compares prices for steam games, the link just shows the worst conversion rates for games on steam atm for Europe. theres like 4 games which are 50€ but only $20

12 years ago

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I thought everybody payed with $ on GMG. I do, and I'm European. Huh.

12 years ago

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I'm in France and I always pay in £ on GMG ...

12 years ago

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Weird ಠ_ಠ

12 years ago

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Same here in Switzerland.

12 years ago

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Same, from the North west and I confirm. Worst is, often prices are even less interesting than in €, which are themselves often less interesting than in $...

12 years ago

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Paying in $ - Poland.

12 years ago

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I'm paying in € from Hungary >:|

12 years ago

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I'm from Slovenia and I'm paying in $ :)

12 years ago

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€ Spain. But would love to pay in $.

12 years ago

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Trine was in IndieGala Magicka, you can get it around $0.5 on trade forums.

12 years ago

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not the problem

12 years ago

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Holy shit, they made you pay an additional 37 cents? Man, what assholes, that must've been so rough for you.

I'm sick of the EU anti-discount too, but come on.

12 years ago

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you're a german so you might not understand as german lifes are easiers than their neightboors.. also, yes it's 37 cents.. on a $/€ balance for a $1 game.. When it comes to more expensives games, it becomes $50 for americans and $80 for europeans.

12 years ago

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You forgot taxes for Americans.

And i don't think you know what life is like in Germany.

12 years ago

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Life in Germany is supposed to be like in heaven... That's what I hear from everyone from there at least...
Also, almost everyone in Germany is fa...coughgets too much money :P

12 years ago

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Yeah, right, it's like in heaven... a working heaven. Totally. But well, discussing 'bout national differences of lifestyle and circumstances is... stupid. I mean, I could start with Greek and money but that's just stupid and nothing else^^"

12 years ago

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No in the rest of countries people don't work. Well in my country i'm part of the 26% people actively searching job without finding. And better don't say anything about Greece, you will seem an ignorant (already) as you seem to don't know the alliances of your government with German and U.S. And U.K. Banks to ruin Greece and get billionaire profit from it. Go inform you before criticizing them.

12 years ago

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Why would life be so easy for germans? germans work their arses off to even keep a job, let alone a good wage. Germany is bloody expensive compared to their neighbours.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

12 years ago

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Food is cheap, or it was when I was there. Cheaper (proportionally to wage) than other countries and it's the only necessary to live.
Works here take 2 extra hours (average), half wage. VAT is 21 instead of 19...

12 years ago

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Meh. 1.20€ with discount code.

12 years ago

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I'm in the UK and we get the worst deal on games constantly, but complaining on a forum does nothing.

12 years ago

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It's a thread, a simple discussion. I don't need the will to change the world for talking with people. :>

12 years ago

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Lol, I am from the UK and we do not get a 1:1 ratio like every other European country.
I am yet to find a game where the currency conversion is wrong.

12 years ago

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Worst deal? Australia would like to talk to you :P

12 years ago

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Yeah PsyKo, i take that back. You guys get a raw deal :P

12 years ago

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I'm not from there, just know how they suffer.

12 years ago

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oh man, they do that all the time on Steam too. every time I link a sale with my UK or FR friends, they go "oh but it's [x] £/€ here" where [x] is the same amount in USD$ here.

but sometimes the GBP conversion gets better than us, say, if it's $19.99 here, it's £9.99 there, when the conversion rate from USD to GBP is around 0.67. save a few bucks! shame it happens so rarely.

12 years ago

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$ in Romania.

12 years ago

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dafuq? i have euros,ba esti nebun?

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by RainBoom.