Joy to the World, Yogscast's bundle is come!
just eggsactly on the same boat, here. Kabounce and lotta bucks.
I dread to think how many notifications you get daily
first time thought about this was yesterday. they are such a treasure for all of us, Lilly, Ales etc etc... the're writing one of the best "Steam" Curation.
the SteamGifts Curation.
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I always think that the real treasure is you guys: you 're the ones keeping this forum up and running, and without you the threads will have less useful information. Take the Humble Bundle region locks for example: without the cooperation of various people around the world, we wouldn't be able to compile the list of restrictions.
Thank you everyone for all your combined work!
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Oh, I don't really have an estimate of the number of comments, it varies from thread to thread and from day to day. I read all direct comments and most of the indirect ones (with Humble Bundle threads that's a bit of a challenge, since there are a lot of indirect replies), and I try to constantly clear them by logging on SG every few hours.
I feel that I don't reply often enough, and I blame that on my shyness. But deep inside, I am grateful for each and every comment; the community helps a lot in keeping this forum active and providing extremely useful information for the threads. Last, but not least, I greatly enjoy reading other's thoughts about a specific bundle. So, thank YOU for sticking around and for your support!
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+1? No, I do not have a number for that. I can't do what you do everyday keeping up with all these bundles and update them with useful information. It really helps deciding on bundles easier for people with a budget like myself. If I could, take this comment as a mild touch of energy to drive you on further.
Sincere Regards and Best Wishes, Cruse~<3
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CardLife: Cardboard Survival is this: CardLife: Creative Survival.
No idea why they are using a different name.
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I think I'll skip for now. Let's see how this goes in a few days or when a leak comes out. But kudos for the novelty of the reveals.
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Really want CardLife but not for $35... and I wonder about the quality of the rest of the bundle.
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They're out of CardLife keys already. Now I just hope I don't regret not buying it.
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Yeah! Makes me angry on Humble Bundle. We should sue ;)
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Nothing that makes this an essential purchase yet. Will wait a few days before making a final decision. Cheers shakti for the thread as always.
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Yep. There was only 9300 keys and I would say that most of the early buyers probably got it for that game.
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Yeah, alas, it's always happened with Jingle Jam bundles. It's why I made sure I got it in the first ten minutes.
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I wish I thought of this when I created the poll. It would have made a great poll option!
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Maybe next year it will be a valid option to give out 35€ before christmas on stuff I don't necessarily need, but this year is surely not one. The cardboard game looks nice, I hope they will get through EA properly. (and they are out of keys lol)
Make The Greater Good giveaways people! :D
It will be just another reason for people still complain daily about the unlocks, despite they didn't want to buy it to begin with.
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I really wanted cardlife, but it is out of stock now. I'm not sure if I will buy the bundle now or not.
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I'll hate me for that but I need some keys for GAs anyway so...
I'm in
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I doubt they would do that because they'd already be sold out before being revealed. But I guess you never know! :D
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I saw Yogcast casting Jingle Jam and I was wondering when the bundle will launch. Thanks Shakti for the information. <3
Looks like key resellers got on it quick. Quite frankly I could not understand the decision to include a game that has limited keys in a bundle. I rather have lesser game with sufficient keys. Card Life is the main draw for me in this current reveal. I've seen Card Life's giveaways a few time when it launched. It looks interesting but when I check the reviews it was mixed and I did not enter. There are titles like Portal Knights, aka Minecraft graphics level games. It means looking into reviews and checking the game mechanics described.
At the moment certainly enough reasons for me to pick up the bundle, if Subnautica is in the bundle I will think long and hard on it. If it was about charity then I prefer to go straight to the charities instead. I was bummed when Subnautica was sold out on Humble Freedom Bundle Will looking out for games that has good replayability to make the decision.
Regards and Cheers, Cruse~
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Unfortunately, Card Life was sold out after a few minutes. A lot of people who wanted the game are wondering now if it's still worth buying the bundle, as long as it's incomplete.
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A few minutes? O_o I guess they've already scripted the paying process. The key reselling issue is getting bigger than I had thought I guess. Thinking about it I think they might have scripted the whole site. Given the recent thread on Exploit and the Free gifts always emptying out.
I guess its a 90% not buying for me now. I need to do more spending on other things only pull for bundles was the value in them and if there are several limited keys within the bundle, I can't find the reason to buy it.
Jingling Regards and Cheers, Cruse~ ^__^
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They dont update on when it turn to a new 24hrs on the bundle do they? I was checking earlier and no updates. Just me or the 2017 Jingle Jam Bundle just load a huge banner and nothing else? At this point Im just looking at the bundle as a sideshow to see what reveals it has, will not be getting the bundle. Thank you for your continuous effort dailly, Shakti. <3
Seasonal Greetings and Happy Holidays, Cruse~
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Can't afford it anyway, but I just got here and one item which is on my wishlist is already sold out? Heh.
Kabounce is awesome, I bought that on Steam recently during their free weekend, had a blast playing it in co-op (local splitscreen vs bots) with my 6-year-old (then still 5 ;P). Easy to pickup, maybe hard to master but mastering not required for great fun, at least for us :)
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do you think it's humbles fault? do you think they go to the developers and are like "we would love your game in the jingle jam bundle, but we only want 9300 copies, if we get more the bundle will sell too well and we will make too much money for charity"
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Fun fact: the CardLife: Cardboard Survival available copies counter was "bugged" the entire time so, while it was available, it showed 9300 copies instead of the real value. It only showed the real amount for a limited time upon the page refresh and then went back up to 9300. Just for fun I was able to replicate the behavior on several devices and browsers so you might call this a "deceptive practice" or a "mistake", your choice. I wasn't interested in the game but many were and some might have bought the bundle thinking there were enough keys (9300), while in reality there weren't and I don't consider such "mistakes" that help sell a bundle a nice practice.
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I noticed this too :) I would give them the benefit of the doubt though and say it was a glitch.
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A glitch that padded the numbers in their favor. I expect the corner case when there were just a few hundred keys available in reality while people saw 9300 and by the time they completed the payment there were none available anymore. I'm curious if there are SG members that experienced that.
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I imagine Humble will have more than a few complaints about it, but they're probably used to that by now :D
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"in their favour"? What does that mean? No one profits from it, there isn't even an option to give Humble a tip... You think the Yogscast bribed the HB programmers to artificially increase the final donation sum or what? That makes no sense xD
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"in their favor" means helping selling the bundle. They had their targets to reach and this was a nice incentive to help achieve that. I'm just stating the facts, nothing more. Also, the end doesn't justify the means.
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Did you buy the bundle while the game appeared to be available and after payment the game was sold out?
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Yes, when I bought the bundle it said there was around 9300 left and when I got my keys and saw that it wasn't there I went back to the page and it was all gone. I might have ended up buying it anyway, but I would have thought about it, the only reason I got it at that time was to get a key for CardLife: Cardboard Survival before they ran out.
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Sorry to hear you were among those affected by the corner case I mentioned above, but thanks for confirming my hypothesis.
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It seems like they added a few more key, so that the first 35 000 first customers to buy the bundle got key.
Luckily for me it seems I'm one of those, because a key for CardLife just magically appeared in my account today:)
Pretty happy they decided on that, now I just hope that all the people who bought thinking they were getting a key and didn't will be able to get one also...
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I think that number should be enough to cover the corner case effects, which is a good thing, since it wasn't the buyers' fault the counter was "bugged". Enjoy your game!
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For me the counter apparently was working while CardLife was still available. I basically watched the copies tick down and bought when it became dangerously low. Didn't want to miss out on it, though of course they restocked a bunch of copies anyway.
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I think everyone can agree there was a lack of QA in their code release. The good thing is they redeemed themselves by covering the people affected by the corner case when they restocked.
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🎁❤🎄 Humble Yogscast Jingle Jam 2018 🎄❤🎁
$35 for 70+ items (Steam games + DLCs + others)
1 December - 31 December 2018
View this bundle on: ITAD - - Lestrades
Useful links:
Short announcement video
Yogscast' live Twitch stream
VODs on Yogs Live
Yogscast Jingle Jam 2018 - System Requirements
An explanation from the devs of CardLife: Creative Survival about delivering so few keys (He said it's on purpose because the game is new and they didn't want to ruin their sales) - thanks to Ivein for the info.
⚠️ Region lock ⚠️
Guild Wars 2: Heroic Edition is only available in the following regions:
Note: You cannot apply a Heroic Edition Key to accounts that already have a registered copy of Guild Wars 2.
Pay $5 or more to unlock:
Pay $35 (about €30.81) or more to get to get these games... and more added EVERY DAY through December 25th!
Sold out now: CardLife: Creative Survival (9300 initially, then 25.000 more keys added) and GUILTY GEAR Xrd -SIGN- (75000 initially)
CardLife: Creative Survival67% of 345 reviews3.00 CV0$19.99GUILTY GEAR Xrd -SIGN-92% of 1708 reviews❤1$29.99A list of DRM-Free & Audio items can be found here (I won't add them here because I'm already at the max char limit for this post).
Guns of Icarus Alliance Collector's Edition is delivered as separate keys for the base game + 2 DLCs
☠ - Free game, 0 CV.
⚙️ - Steam is learning about this game
Retail (so far):
CV (so far):
Pizza Titan Ultra Soundtrack Edition needs to be added to the list of possible items of which you can create a giveaway.
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