Green is the happiest color! ^^
You just need the right friends or need to be here at the right time :P
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well i think you can make a home made cable that will work and guitars are not that rare, i am sure there have been some private or group giveaways for it
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I've heard there's a mod for it that lets you use your sound card's line-in, but it's a finicky hack. That's what's stopped me from picking it up.
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Normal guitar cable with basic sound cards works without mods but problem is different through Line in, there is too big delay on normal cable or too poor quality, but it's still playable. Official cable have own driver that makes it work better :)
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Ah, hadn't considered delay and nice to know you don't need mods. Is there a delay setting like some of the rhythm games have for LCD delay?
I use a pre-amp for my mic and other devices to avoid the noise from my sound card. Should probably buy a proper USB audio interface one of these days.
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You might avoid delay by the cost of quality, then you can avoid quality loss by getting more delay and over and over again :D so usb interface can be really useful, not only for game :p I menage some time ago to achieve quite good quality/delay rate with my multieffect for guitar but I think the best way to use guitar for that game with no having real music studio equipment is to buy real tone cable :)
I would respond sooner but apparently steamgifts does not notify about responds :D
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Is the special cable something Rocksmith specific? If so, why would they even do a digital release?
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I've seen some Rocksmith giveaways... I seem to remember one was in the forum, and you had to show you owned the cable to join. One was a public giveaway, and of course the winner didn't even own a guitar. :( Hooray for blind greed/evil thanksbots/etc. :(
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It was given away, but just once in group GA:
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was given away 6 times so far ;) even one public GA ;)
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Games you have never seen being given away.
I've checked the archive before typing that out of curiosity, still doesn't change the fact that I haven't seen one yet :p 4 of them were made prior to me joining the site and the other 2 were in groups I'm not a part of.
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Convoy - I'm pretty sure I've seen public GA for it in recent High Level Week event, same with Lakeview Cabin Collection ;)
Vagante, Axiom Verge - were in group and private GAs, but nothing public.
Stasis, KeeperRL - had mainly group/private GAs, but public one as well.
Steam Squad was given away just once, but it was public.
StarCrawlers, Stonehearth, Lethis, Heart&Slash - indeed were never given away yet
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but I'm only 2 months old here... It wasn't bundled or had sale since then :(
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Well I do believe it's going to be in a future bundles. After all games love to repeat themselves and there are so many bundle sites nowadays.
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it's been given away many many times ;)
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I've never seen Age of Decadence, as Pete said, games without big sales are pretty uncommon for obvious reasons.
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Well I can't personally recommend it cause I've never played it but the whole idea behind it sounds amazing :D
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I'm a huge follower of that game and highly recommend it and it's sister game dead state if you're into games like Final Fantasy Tactics. I don't actually own Age of Decadence yet but it's on my radar, and I can't wait until I can gather the funds to get it! lol
EDIT: So while we're mentioning them, Dead State - I've sank about 60 hours into it currently
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For me it looks truly amazing and I do believe it's one of those gems that just got lost in all this early access crap. Actually I wonder if the developers are going to promote it in any way.
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I've seen a lots of them in the past, but not much lately.
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Think I've seen two in the time I have been here which isn't too long so far ;p
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it was in bundle so there were a lot of GAs for it back then ;) but as there was different policy about bundled games back themn (now you always get 15% value, back then without giving enough nonbundled GAs you'd get 0$ value) ppl stopped giving it away after that. Same goes for example for SuperMeatBoy.
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World in Conflict, the third Shadowrun game of the current TBcRPG series, Unreal Tournaments, Baldur's Gate I/II and Icewind Dale EE, the remastered Age of Empires 2/Mythology games, any Command & Conquer, Mystery P. I. series, Hidden Expedition series, Clockwork Man series, most Amanita Design games, the 2nd+ episodes of any episodic indie games except the Journey Down (Detail, AR-K come to my mind as games I own and never see the second episodes of).
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All of those are regularly given away except for the Mystery P.I. series. I guess you just keep missing them. P
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Perhaps you should try Delta's group? Private groups often have unusual giveaways.
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I checked because curiosity: the last time World in Conflict was given away was over a year ago. And 12 times in total in the history of the site. Shadowrun: Hong Kong never. UT2004: six times ever, last seen over a year ago. UT'99 9 times. Clockwork Man games, never, Hidden Expedition games, never. AR-K: great escape 9 times, Detail Episode 2, never.
Command & Conquer somewhat frequently, but it's mainly the expansion for RA3, for some reason. Baldur's Gate and Age of games… yeah, decent.
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It shows private and region-locked giveaways too. If I would have counted public or low-levels ones, you could quarter the numbers I've given. (It's almost frightening how few public giveaways are made that are not some random 3-4 USD tier 1 bundle games…) Then something else is stopping it from showing up… strange.
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Is it possible that you're not seeing some of these is because they are being given away in private giveaways? Shadowrun Hong Kong, for example, has been given away multiple times.
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Wow, that TWO non-wishlist/region/invite-only giveaways. And one of them was level 5. :o
This is why I tend to stay away from the archive page. ^^' The actual giveaways available to the general public seem to be in single digit percentages.
By the way, I searched for shadowrun+hong which returns nothing. Same was with world+conflict, it was 0 hits, but world+in+conflict was all right. The search algorithm is a bit strange, as if it was custom-written.
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Here are a few games I never seem to see.
Pandora: First Contact
Reverse Side
Defiance Season Pass
Commander Keen Complete Pack
Virtua Fighter 2
Death Rally Classic
Terminal Velocity
I Gladiator
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide
War Thunder
The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited
Heroes Rise: The Prodigy
Tales of Maj'Eyal - Ashes of Urh'Rok
Finn & Jake's Epic Quest
Enforcer: Police Crime Action
Tin Star
Fishing Planet
Nobunaga's Ambition: Sphere of Influence
Marvin's Mittens
Streets of Fury EX
Medieval Total War Gold Edition
Shogun Total War Gold Edition
Into the Stars
Assassin's Creed Syndicate
Graviteam Tactics: Operation Star
Sorcerer King
Act of War: High Treason
Act of War: Direct Action
Quake 4
Anna's Quest
Conflicks: Revolutionary Space Battles
Overlord: Fellowshi of Evil
Call to Arms
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I think that this thread is mostly about games which never were given away and not so much about what people want, though. ^^
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The total wars are understandable as the bundles containing them tend to include tier keys and not individual game keys. In the recent Total War Bundle from Humble for example Medieval Collection and Empire Collection shared a key. As Empire costs notably more people used that for the giveaways. Same for the Tier 1 key, it included the Shogun collection but people were using Medieval 2 collection instead
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Both Shogun TW and Medieval TW are rare, but for different reasons. Shogun TW is rare because it's old. Medieval TW is rare because Medieval 2 TW basically replaced it. As you pointed out, the recent bundle included both games, but each was lumped into a single key with several others. It is likely that only TW fanboi's or collectors even care about either game, anymore, and that is the reason they are never given away.
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I made a giveaway of Defiance, too, but no season pass. (That was before there was a season pass, I think.)
I never manage to catch the Quake 4 giveaways. P
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I haven't seen a shrek giveaway
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Shrek 2 is actually a pretty decent game, I'd enter a giveaway for it.
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True i barely bother with groups because some require to also gift back (AAA) games which i can't afford right now (maybe later), and the few ones i am a part of. i barely read group annoucements and discussions. Whitelist is much easier. :)
Always open to suggestions. :p
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I was about to say Team Fortress 2 to be funny (I know... not even funny), but even that's been given away.
Monstrum has only been given away 5 times, but none of them I've seen for myself. Currently #1 on my wishlist.
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Revolution Under siege (I would personally never make a public GA for this one, due to what kind of game it is)
Vietnam '65
Massive Assault
Telepath Tactics
Avernum 2
The Viceroy
Alea Jacta Est
Commander : The Great War
The Age of Decadence
Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon
Order of Battle : Pacific
Pike and Shot: Campaigns
Distant Worlds: Universe
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Doing a quick search, these are just a few of the giveaways that have either never been given away, or only had a single giveaway for them;
Adventures of Pip,
Curses N Chaos,
Red Goddess: Inner World,
Mystik Belle,
Cavern Kings,
Finding Teddy 2,
Space Grunts,
Super Cane Magic ZERO,
Traps n Gemstones(Though, the one giveaway for this game was for 5-copies),
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Heh, Yea, I've always had a thing for the more obscure games :P. Always seem to have a little extra charm to 'em
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I think I have never seen GA for Kholat and Creativerse.
How about you? :)
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