If this was a masterful port, I may have bought it on day one just to support From Software, but that that would have been unlikely. Instead, I probably would have waited for the Steam Winter Sale (or later sale), just like I'll be doing now.
I agree with many of the comments that piracy is wrong no matter the game, I also completely agree with the author, that we shouldn't "punish" From Software for a straight up port - they attempted something they've never done before because PC gamers wanted it.
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I can't remember the last time I paid $40 for a PC game (actually, I can. It was the first WoW expansion, shortly before I quit) and Dark Souls certainly isn't going to be the game to break that streak. But I'm curious to check it out so unless early feedback from other buyers is absolutely brutal, I'll probably pick it up when it hits $5 or $10 on sale.
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I was really looking forward to it, even though I already own it on PS3...but it's such a lazy port that I'm going to skip it unless there's a really good sale or I manage to win it on SteamGifts. Love the game, but disappointed in the developers for doing such a poor job of porting the game to PC. I understand that they don't have much experience with PC development, but if they're charging $40 they need to be held to the same standard as any other game of similar price.
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I can find you alot of PC only game at that price where the gameplay is so bad that fps and gfx don't matter...
They ported this to please fans!!! they said from the start it would be a full port! 40$ is not that much tbh.. compared to alot of other games...
I guess its a matter of taste.
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Yeah, there are a lot of bad games out there for $40...I'm also not buying those. Just because they made a good console game does not mean they deserve a pass if they screw up porting it to PC.
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Well, it they said "we won't waste money on good port" they should expect "we won't waste money on release date and wait for sale".
Really, if in few hours after release there is resolution patch that really doesn't say much good about authors of said port...
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What if, WHAT IF... just for arguments sake the game is "Blocked in your region." by the lovely GFLW...
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You raise a very good question. Overall I think that if you're going to do something you ought to do it well. If people want the game on PC and you give it to them without fulfilling the reasons why they wanted it on PC you haven't really accomplished anything. Also, you're probably better off without the backlash from disappointing fans looking forward to an otherwise excellent game.
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FPS Limit is due to engine related limitations. Making the game go over 30FPS would literally make the game twice as fast, as everything was animated at low frame counts. Or something like that.
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Which tells us that they did a bad or at least weird job at using/creating the game's engine. Cause usually you have scripts and code and content being interconnected but not dependent on FPS. Usually you just render what you set up "in the background" during development.
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Well, blame consoles for engines like that. They're the one pushing games like these down.
If you want to look at the bright side, it's not like this game is a First-Person-Shooter that depends heavily on every single frame to be playable. The game is very lightweight compared to new releases so it won't have slowdowns and will probably work on bad computers as well.
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It's not just the engine. It's a bunch of factors combined that makes unlocked FPS rates twice as likely to make the game out of sync.
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Agreed. These bad ports are unacceptable. I like the company and I love the game on console, but that doesn't mean they get a free pass to release a bad PC version.
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Its only going to be on PC because of a petition.. they didnt want to port it for PC let alone optimice they said that long ago.. still people signed the petition and want the game!! you know why ?? because the game is pretty awesome!!!
FPS lock etc means nothing to me.. I want the game for the gameplay... as to Chumly.. there are plenty of PC devs that are lazy already but kids buy them and praise games just because they are shiny in the gfx--- I mean think about it for a secound.
Chances are that if alot of people buy Dark Souls we will have the next game on PC aswell and fully optimiced!!!
Gameplay >>>>> GFX once upon a time games was actually valued by their gameplay ^^
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I'll cut these guys some slack. I'm pretty certain the developers never even imagined on making a PC version when they were building up the game originally, as the petition pushed some enthusiastic employee at their company over the edge regarding costumer interaction. They previously said they wouldn't do it, but that little guy probably moved some sticks around so he could get the game rolling for the PC crowd as well, and that means quite a bit to me, as I'm not really planning to get a console anytime soon.
They have no experience making PC games but they do seem like they want to make this right, so I'll give them a chance. As far as we know, the resolution locks have been modded off already. FPS lock is going to be next (though this might screw up the game a bit) and the game is clear of slowdowns and other performance bullshit. GFWL is bad but it has definitely gotten better and it might just not fuck everything up this time around.
Hopefully if they acknowledge their developer mistakes (aka, not future proofing your work), the next Souls' game might just be the right thing we're looking for. That, or I'm just optimistically delusional. Don't really care. I'll get this game once I get the money, as it is clearly a version that seems to work like the console one.
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Logic gets in the way of an entitled gamer screaming "bad port!!!" over and over, though.
Game looks (and plays) fine with the resolution lock though, believe me.
And let's be even more honest here. People kept whining about wanting a port, From responds and says it's going to be a straight up 1:1 port of the console version and nothing glamorous, and then people whined about THAT. Fuck every entitled PC gamer. Or really just every entitled gamer in general.
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Why is it entitled to expect the bare minimum of features you would find on any other PC game? I have played a non indie/casual game at 1024x720 since the 90s.
I'm REALLY tired of the defenders throwing around entitled because we want a game on our platform that actually reasonably well suited for our platform. While I realize that some people could definitely express their disappointment and displeasure in a more productive way than flaming and ranting, it's not entitled to expect these things. It's the minimum a game should have if a publisher hopes to sell it to the PC.
Entitled would be expecting it for free.
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FROM was pretty clear on what kind of product they're putting out. Hell, it works. And you know what? It works BETTER than the console versions. Running through the most troublesome areas for slowdown and you get zero of that on the PC (Blighttown not chugging is a fucking victory in and of itself). Take that with the DLC, a $40 dollar price point for the Action RPG of 2011 is a good deal to me at least.
w/r/t the 1024x720 internal framebuffer, it comes back to what I said previously: It is LITERALLY a 1:1 console port. And really, it looks fine.
The entitled card is still very applicable, because people (myself included) kept writing to Santa saying we want this fucking pony. And we finally got the pony! Except it's not the EXACT pony we wanted, it's a black pony. We didn't want the black pony. Despite it still being a pony and a very adequate pony at that, but still FUCK Santa for not giving us the EXACT pony we wanted. This is a poor analogy but whatever I'm rolling with it.
And sure, I may give you that entitled would be expecting it for free, and I'm sure there are people who feel that they have been victimized enough to pirate it like an ass. But really, a Japanese developer with next to no PC experience porting a game they said they wouldn't port, and it works beautifully. It's mother fucking Dark Souls on my pc.
I'm happy with that pony.
And hey someone already posted a dll to try and adjust the resolution so hooray PC people.
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It's not black pony. It's more like one-eyed pony (not going to say three-legged pony, since apparently it runs fine). Some people won't care, others will see something is wrong with it. And remember, we have to pay for that pony, it's not free.
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Honestly if it wasn't for the fact that I already worked so hard on my PS3 copy and got a Plat trophy I would of just bought this one. Not to mention 15 dollars of DLC vs 40 Dollars for a game I already have is also a deciding factor.
That said, what concerns me the most about it being a port has nothing to do with gameplay or graphics... its how well they let you customize your PC controls. I use arrowkeys, extra mouse buttons, and other random keys. If I couldn't rework those properly I'd have to edit a .ini file like I did for Dead Rising 2, which gave me some very odd results, and more then likely I'd end up just using my PS3 controller to emulate an Xbox controller.
The game itself is amazing, its hard as fuck and you will die. YOU WILL DIE A-LOT. If you like difficult games, this is probably for you.
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It'd be nice to have a demo of it just to see how it is. I'll probably pirate it just to try it out for a bit. I have no intention of keeping it though. I'm a lefty and so I bind my keys a bit odd, using numpad 8 5 4 6 to move, numpad 0 to jump, and base all keys around the numpad. I couldn't rebind my keys in Dead Rising OTR(for example) and it kind of sucked, I hope Dark Souls lets me. I also hope it utilizes the hardware that I payed premium for. If it's halfway decent I'll just wait for a sale, or modders to fix the problems the devs didn't.
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'Bad port' these days means identical to the console version. I can surely enjoy it on a PC if it's enjoyable on a console. Get a gamepad and play it like the developers originally intended instead of whining about them not adapting their game to the alien keyboard/mouse controls or making the PC version graphically superior. I don't understand PC-gamers these days.
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Most of the complaints are about technical issues rather than controller support. Arguably games like this play much better with a gamepad anyway.
Personally I can't play any game capped at a low FPS, low FOV and/or uses GFWL. Ontop of that in rather shoddy graphics for a game that's priced at a full release AAA. Some of the interface graphics haven't been scaled up from 780p for example. It's not so much about the graphics having to look better on PC rather that it's a hell-of-a-lot-more noticeable on PC monitors than it is on TV screens that have terrible resolutions/sitting much further away.
That said the controls could have easily been adapted to the PC as well. A lot of it just screams of laziness. getting working pc controls honestly wouldn't have extracted much time or money out of development. Some studios even choose to third party their PC ports to companies skilled in it. A good example would be Mass Effect 1.
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It's not really laziness of their part. It's you realizing how the game actually is (except for the GFWL part, but it's not like PSN and LIVE work any differently). The game was built around 30FPS, the game was built with those graphics (and from what I've heard from retail PC players, they look more than just acceptable specially because this game is much more in terms of art and environment than just pretty high-res textures and expensive shader effects). The PC controls are there and they are fully editable. This is not a First Person Shooter, having large amounts of FPS and FOV are not major factors you need to have for an enjoyable experience.
You're not getting anything less than the Console players are getting. The game is not priced as a AAA (those are roughly $20 more, but I can't really say because I don't live in Australia) and comes with exclusive content. I think you're relying too much on what you hear than from what you actually see.
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If it wasnt on GFWL it would be instabuy, but after my horid experience with that stupid DRM (after 3 hour of trying to install that stupid DRM they told me that it isnt supported in my region so i had to pirate game i still have on my shelf :/ (Bulletstorm)) i will rather wait what will hatch from this thing.
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I totally understand - and mostly agree with both sides here. I signed for that petition as well, not because I wanted a (better) PC version, I just think everyone should have a chance to experience this masterpiece. I am going to buy this port to support From Software and play with my "PC master race" friends but at the same time I'm disappointed not being able to enjoy DkS at 2560 x 1440 and 60 frames per second. I'm not too excited about GFWL either but I still don't believe this will be a "rotten cake".
What do you guys think about the possibilities of modding? I would love to see some community created content but tbh I'm afraid mods will ruin the pvp at some point.
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As far as we can tell the game is just out and its .dlls have already been successfully changed (for the resolution issues). I think the modding community will become active in a very abstract sense of the word but so will the hacking crew in multiplayer.
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This ones probably gonna get played on my 720p screen because of the lock.
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Thats the one thing that bothered me, its a wonder why they could not just do it though if it was modded that fast...O_o.
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Mkay..playing now..It's not much of a looker. A very evident blur due to the upscaling of the games internal res of 1024x720 to my res of 1920x1080. Feels as good as you'd expect capped at 30 fps, playing with a i5 3570k @ 4.4ghz, and a GTX 670 FTW stock. Will see if my game dips below 30. Only vid options are resolution, AA, and Motion Blur. Playing with a ps3 controller.
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Tried, it really doesn't help...We're stuck with what we got it seems. Until the modders come around..hopefully.
edit: It seems there's a resolution fix, will try that now. Found here Thank you modders!
double edit: WOW that fix made a world of difference.....the game still lacks any trace of AF, but the resolution fix makes it tolerable to look at. Now just have to wait for the framerate fix! And to think this modder did this in 23 minutes....Namco really should've outsourced to someone more knowledgeable about PCs devs
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I use MSI Afterburner and in the options you can set what information you want to show when you toggle the OSD, like so. Also you should check the second sshot I posted in my post above you, this is after I applied the resolution fix a modder made to make the internal resolution to 1080p like my native res.
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I heard somewhere that someone 'fixed'/modded the resolution limiter to go above 1024x720 in ~24min. Not 100% sure, but was just reading some comments and someone mentioned it.
Would love to try it out but GFW:L is a real bitch...and have to agree with some of the people on the 'Buying a lazy port tells the developer/publisher that doing so is acceptable.' I mean even the devs said that it was gonna be a bad port. :\
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after looking at some screens..woah,charging money for that comes close to a crime.
no port at all if you are too lazy/telented to make it properly.
PC as a gaming platform has soooo much potential,it's a shame that at least 50% of all the new games are shady multiplatform/ports
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I think Dark Souls is the second best console game in current generation (best one being its older brother Demon's Souls naturally) and I've enjoyed it more than 200 hours on ps3. While I do agree that PC port should've seen more effort I still believe "bad" port is better than no port at all. 40 $ for 200 hours of enjoyment is pretty good value imo (0.2 $ per hour).
Dark Souls unlocks on Steam in 4 hours so what is your take on this? Will you support the devs and buy the port, wait for potential fixes before deciding or skip the game completely?
thread inspired by this article: clicky
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