Yeah, so my dad has the bad habit of using caps lock instead of shift when he types. But even worse, he forgets to "un-caps" and he types a piece of text, then he notices that it's all in caps afterwards (he looks at his keyboard when he types, not at the screen.)
Needless to say, it really pisses him off.

Now, I'd want to help him, but I can't find what I want. I told him to use shift instead of caps lock, but he won't. :P

I thought of something, though. He'd need an addon (browser addon is alright) that would stop him from doing so. Something like an auto corrector that would convert a text in caps to normal text has he types, excluding capital letters (at the beginning of a text), or perhaps a beeper to let you know when you left caps lock toggled...
It's a long shot, but maybe some of you has seen something similar? I've tried searching for one, but no luck.

Thanks! :)

10 years ago*

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Rip out his caps lock key, that'll learn 'em!

10 years ago

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I also thought of that, but he still doesn't want. He wants to use the caps lock key, don't ask me why. :x

10 years ago

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Install more LEDs that glow when caps lock is on.
or you know.. just rip off the button and leave a note saying he ran away from home after feeling abused

10 years ago

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God, I can't remember the last time I intentionally used the caps lock. Christ, I use the tilde key more than the caps lock.

10 years ago

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It's not automatic, but it can be useful for your father: Case Changer

10 years ago

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Wow, that really IS nearly perfect. This is pretty much exactly what I was looking for, thank you very much!

10 years ago

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That really is quite good. Thank you for sharing that find, it's awesome. Whilst it isn't, as you say, automatic, it's pretty much exactly what he wants. He types and realises, after 5 minutes of furious finger bashing, when he looks at the screen and see ALL CAPS. Play sinister music
"Bloody great", he'll say in despair at facing another 5 minutes and possible blisters on his fingers, "now I have to do it all again". But wait!! He just selects the text he's just typed out, (CTRL+A or, at the top of the text, click there, then press and hold SHIFT and click at the bottom of the text), then he can choose Sentence case and all is well with the world and jbondguy can go to sleep that night, comfortably, knowing in his heart that his father won't sneak into his room at 03:16 and bludgeon him to near-death because he's taken his CAPS LOCK key off the keyboard.

10 years ago

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oh god. you made me /facepalm there x)

10 years ago

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I laughed out loud. :D

10 years ago

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In MS Word you can select the text and use Shift+F3 to caps/uncaps the text.

10 years ago

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Cannot think of anything other than chopping your fathers hands off. I presume that is out of the question cause he will need them yes?

10 years ago

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most useful tool of all time (to remove the single most useless key on every keyboard):


you can assign another function to the key (like normal shift) or just turn it off completely.

10 years ago

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I use this because I got annoyed at always looking up the codes needed to do the registry edit (because it literally just does a registry edit that I would do manually before). I replace Caps Lock with left Ctrl on my computers and whenever I reinstall the OS.

10 years ago

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"(to remove the single most useless key on every keyboard)"

I beg to differ, I have been known to use it every now and then, making it ONE of the most useless keys but not THE useless...but I don't think, in 16 years of using a PC, that I've ever used ALTGR. In fact, I don't even know what the GR stands for!! At least CAPS LOCK is explanatory, Capital Lock.

EDIT Ahh, Alt least now I know

10 years ago

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My English Keyboard doesn't even have Alt Gr (just two ALTs) [with the right one working different indeed than the left one]. German keyboards do have Alt GR and there it's used to make an @ via AltGr+Q or an € via AltGr+E very frequently. On an english keyboard you have to use AltGr+5 for the Euro symbol. And to make German Scharf-S and Umlaute on an Englisch keyboard with the international English keyboard layout (in Windows) you need to press AltGR and S/Q/Y/P to make ß/Ä/Ü/Ö.

So in general AltGR is used to make all the symbols you usually google for to copy and paste them as you do not know how to actually type them :D

Full collection:

The "cAPSLOCK key" however has no function at all as you never should write more than a single word capitalized (never a full sentence). So for every time you actually want to use the capslock key, you probably accidentally had it activated for 10.000 times before (rough estimation). That's not a very effective ratio :D

10 years ago

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Hmm, I just tried ALTGR+5 and nothing happened.....Maybe I'm destined never to use that key at all, then, I was looking forward to knowing how to use the Euro symbol, would save messing about when recommending bundles to friends.
Oh, I just tried, for shits and giggles, pressing ALTGR and every number, only ALTGR+4 worked, that gives you the Euro symbol €, the rest seem to do nothing

10 years ago

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What's wrong about using caps-lock instead of shift?! :( I mean...Besides all the things you mentioned, it's awesome, give it a try.

10 years ago

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You could learn your dad to keep an eye on the little Caps Lock indicator. Shouldn't be a problem, since you said your dad is looking at the keyboard when typing, anyway.
Light's on = CAPS, Light's off = no caps.

10 years ago

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Yeah, no. If he can't remember to "un-caps", I doubt he'll remember to look at the caps lock key.

10 years ago

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As others have said...

Alternatively, try this trick. You can set it up so that the computer will make a deeply unpleasant sound every time he uses the CAPS LOCK key instead of SHIFT, reminding him to turn the little sucker off again before he upsets the internet.

10 years ago

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Was gonna say this ha

10 years ago

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It appears that you can change caps lock to function as a shift key and that will be a global change (not just browser). Source (I only skimmed the article and can't vouch for it).

10 years ago

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use caps lock as hotkey for switching keyboard layouts, for example...
i am using capswitch

10 years ago

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Well, use caps-lock instead of shift. It just feels better for me :)

10 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by jbondguy007.