Well, its the right message, but the messenger ist just so wrong..
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Marketing based on people's fears of big corporations collecting data. While I can understand people being concerned, Microsoft themselves were caught complying with the NSA to help them collect targeted data
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Yep. They say the Xbox One isn't, but even that was seriously designed around that idea of always on spying / voice / video / behavioral detection / eye movement / face reconization / data collecting, etc, before gaming was even thought about for that stupid console.
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And unlike Microsoft, Google actually publishes the number of requests they received and how many they did comply to.
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I'm well aware, that's why I'm saying their bs product range is just a weak attempt to draw attention away from themselves and throw it upon others which happen to be less guilty but still did a bit of wrong (Gmail monitored email content to display targeted ads, etc).
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The fact that somebody, somewhere might be giving Microsoft money for a fucking "Scroogled" hat give me shivers.
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I don't blame them for wanting to make money while also twisting salt in the wound, but I wouldn't personally use my own brand name as the seller... especially being it makes you look like a childish hypocrite. This will never catch on and I will be surprised if they sell a considerate amount of shirts with the hideous phrase "scroogle." It is hardly clever and I am willing to bet an old man thought he was being clever.
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I think Microsoft is jello because they've got competition in the monopoly market.
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To OP - care to provide any links to Microsoft mining your data to the extent Google did or any proof of MS having anywhere near web monopoly Google does? No? Though so. Maybe read what Google is up to (using your own photos and comments to power ads targeted at people you know in one colossal privacy breach) before doing inane comparisons? :|
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All I will say, the very fact you need to opt out using hidden option before Google stops using you as salesman (and with their bot crawling network, they can find literally EVERYTHING you did or commented anywhere) is chilling, but I guess society these days is so easily manipulated and outraged they will even bash perfectly true t-shirts instead of rising Big Brother...
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By 2014: it's gonna get worst, much worst thanks to the American Government...
The law is already in place by secret, scoping not just the things on the internet but almost everything:
Everything you do is monitored.
Yes, I'm also well aware they will probably scan this for terrorism/activism... they will however not find me rather someone else and a hidden giveaway.
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Oh, while you're at it, care to tell me why Skype uses the full range of high ports and will keep scanning for ports it's not using already while the service itself works on only one? No? Then tell me again, why did we have to remove spyware out of win XP in the first place to make it usable? You know, Google, unlike m$, isn't forcing you into using it, and never attempted to by pressing its product into the market via back door exclusive contracts like m$ did in the 80s and 90s.
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of course chrome is in a way designed to let ads go through and have no way to not load them even if you're blocking them and gather some data to use for advertisements, but for god's sake, even it's better than Internet Explorer.
anyway, isn't this slander from Microsoft? wouldn't you be able to sue for using logos/trademarks without written consent from Google?
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You know the other reason chrome was created in the first place was due to IE8 - Porn Mode (protected privacy) blocking google from seeing it's visitors activity. They only used that details to improve search results and they where anonymously given. However still, chrome itself is actually can be classed as spyware... much like anything else these days.
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Ugh. I actually hate Bing and like Google. You know what; I don't even give a shit if Google is spying on me or not. I use chrome and their search and also much more of their products. I use Bing rewards but I actaully use a bot; so I won't have to go throught the miserery of searching with Bing. Microsoft is really talking this way to far.
Edit: What kinda name is Scroogled? And you'll look like a fucking retard wearing a shirt, hoodie, or cap with scroogled on it.
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Actually, neither Scroogle nor Google did exist before Bing, Although, back then it was called "MSN Search" but it was just as inneffective as it is today.
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I didn't know it was possible but some how Microsoft have made me hate them even more.
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I don't think so, They are using a trademarked logo on their merchandise (Google Chrome logo),I think Google has good terms to sue to have them removed or get shared profit off of all sold merchandise which would be funny, Google getting paid for anti-google items xD so basically anyone that would buy them (Google haters) would actually be giving some money to google.
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Dear Pot,
I have some concerns regarding your hue.
A. Kettle
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I saw this yesterday and I didn't realise that Microsoft and Google hated each other XD
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"Trust in Google is as misplaced as it would be in Microsoft, a little more in my opinion."
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Seriously Microsoft? Scroogled?
Scroogled BS
The Microsoft Store’s new “Scroogled” section includes eight products of anti-google, they so mad with google even their staff members are forbidden but stil get fired for google searching... rather than using 'bing' if you even know what that is.
Oh so Google is spying on us all but your not with your spybox, etc? Google is a digital monopoly huh, but your not? Or just throwing out a scapegoat which is a threat to your profits?
There's no giveaway here - sorry, I was just venting... now go away.
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