I know that in Warband, you're able to start your own faction and also do a few other things, but is it set in the same area geography and faction-wise?

I'm only wondering because I've got a 500-day save game on Mount&Blade, I'm looking for something new. Thanks!


Alright, problem: I'm playing on a laptop I've had for several months now, never had any problems with it. Here's the issue: everything is all squished. I've uploaded a screenshot here: http://tinypic.com/r/2lbf121/7

Resolution is set to fullscreen, 1366x768. Wat do?

12 years ago*

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Warband... Warband.....Warband. Nuff said.

It is pretty much the same as Mount & Blade. but with more features and better optimized.. more units.. new changes...bug fixes. I think the devs always made Warband to be the first game but wanted to release it fast so released the incomplete mount and blade 1 game.

12 years ago

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Alright sounds good! Gonna play it now then. Thanks guys!

12 years ago

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Warband is way better.

12 years ago

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i only bought warband because of all the hype and i didnt like it, but when everyone was telling me they said warband was much better so im sure its better than the original

12 years ago

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The only reason I can see for staying with the original is there are a lot of great mods for the first game. If you haven't tried Last Days of the Third Age, 1888, or the Star Wars mod, get those.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by NemoKhan.